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Engineer - Turret Buff?


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Hello, I would like to take a minute to write down a suggestion that could make some interesting builds...


Turrets have been on the back burner for quite some time, like they are very weak, especially in PvP and WvW. The toolbelt abilities aren't terrible, but that's the only reason you would put a turret in an utility slot (though, Thumper turret can be really nice in some cases). Turrets should get either a buff or a rework I think, to make them more useful. Most of the damage dealing turrets don't scale to your power or precision. They have their own damage and it's rather extremely low, so it's practically ineffective in PvP (Rifle Turret has a use, but only for the "Surprise Shot" ability.). I think turrets should at least scale to your power and/or precision (they already scale with condition damage and healing power). I also think we should be able to activate the "overcharge" ability for each turret manually and then the next ability after that you can destroy it. I'm going to go through each turret and say what should be changed (if needed):


* Healing Turret - One of the best healing abilities the Engineer has, so I don't think there really should be a change to it.

* Rifle Turret - This is one of the damage turrets that I was talking about that should scale to your power and/or precision. It doesn't need a damage buff or anything, it just needs the ability to scale to the player's power and/or precision level. This ability has a very nice tool belt skill that can be used to do constant damage to an enemy, I use it a lot and it can help a lot in PvP if paired with Photon Wall's "Particle Accelerator" and the "Static Discharge" trait in the Tools specialization.

* Rocket Turret - The slow rate of fire and the inability to critical strike makes this ability really weak and easily destroyed. I think this turret has good damage for a companion, but should be able to scale to your precision level and maybe buff the rate of fire 1 or 1.5 seconds.

* Flame Turret - Has okay condition damage and does scale to your condition damage level and has good utility with the smoke combo field which can make it so you can stealth your allies with a leap finisher or blast finisher. It also gives a fire combo field for a tool belt skill for more damage. Maybe a very small buff to the damage, but overall, I think it's a fine turret.

* Net Turret - A pretty useless turret that immobilizes and a stun, but fires every 10 seconds, which makes for a good window to destroy it. The tool belt skill is just a immobilized that can more than likely be easily blocked or evaded. If there was a possible buff that wouldn't make this turret overpowered (constantly casting immobilize on a target and just stun locking someone) I personally don't know how I would buff it, maybe reduce the rate of fire by 1 second (so 10 seconds to 9 seconds) or something like that. You could make the rate of fire faster, but have the immobilize duration be very short. Otherwise, not sure how to buff this one.

* Thumper Turret - This turret isn't a bad turret. It can do a nice knockdown so you can do some decent damage and/or cleave to enemies. The cripple is nice, but not that useful because everyone can pretty much just cleanse it and destroy the turret (Goes the same for the Net Turret). The tool belt ability is a nice stun break that gives stability for 1 second (helps so you don't get stun lock and possibly get out of the fray. This turret is also a good source for condition cleanse (or boons if you have the "Purity of Purpose" trait in the Alchemy specialization) with the "Anticorrosion Plating" and "Experimental Turrets" traits in the Inventions specialization. I don't think there's really a need to buff this turret.


There's also a way you guys can buff the "Experimental Turrets" trait in the Inventions specialization. Instead of a 10 second interval, maybe buff it by 1 or 3 second less so it gives a boon ever 7 to 9 seconds. Just an idea, though depending on the turret you can gain a boon for around 12 seconds, which can easily get stripped off if fighting a class that can do so (Necromancer for example).


I think these could be suitable buffs for the turrets, but of course this is my opinion and I'm sure there are people that disagree with me, but right now, turrets are really weak and have no use in almost all game modes (maybe except open world PvE). I know Rifle Turret has a place in PvE, but it's inferior to other abilities. These are my thoughts on how I would buff Turrets.


Thanks for reading!!



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imho they ruined turrets when they made the "overcharge" only activate once in order to move the turret detonate skills from the toolbelt

to replace the overcharge skills as a 2nd click on the turret skills.

it was a lazy fix if you ask me, turrets should be something that you set up in position before a fight, like fortifications.

currently though if you do that the overcharge is wasted and you're left with several weak turrets that have borderline no value.


your buffs would be a big step in the right direction!

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> @"Liewec.2896" said:

> imho they ruined turrets when they made the "overcharge" only activate once in order to move the turret detonate skills from the toolbelt

> to replace the overcharge skills as a 2nd click on the turret skills.

> it was a lazy fix if you ask me, turrets should be something that you set up in position before a fight, like fortifications.

> currently though if you do that the overcharge is wasted and you're left with several weak turrets that have borderline no value.


> your buffs would be a big step in the right direction!


Thanks man, I think you're right too. The turrets would be good for bunkering, and would make the "Experimental Turrets" trait be useful. Again, thanks for reading :)

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Turrets are what made me literally want to play this game in the first place. The idea of bunkering down a position and creatively placing turrets before an engagement was such a fun idea.


Really would love for them to be buffed, sadly the pvp community would complain because anything AI controlled isnt fair. Yet we have a class that has invulnerabilities, a phase where they cant be crit and can push out 20k+ in less then 2 seconds.

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> It takes 3 to eventually take down an Engy & you want a buff? ..... seriously? Don't you have anoth sustain & dps & CC's to make you Meta atm? If anything you need is a bit of shaving all across the board.


I'm wondering if you meant to post that in another topic.

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> @"MrForz.1953" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > It takes 3 to eventually take down an Engy & you want a buff? ..... seriously? Don't you have anoth sustain & dps & CC's to make you Meta atm? If anything you need is a bit of shaving all across the board.


> I'm wondering if you meant to post that in another topic.


OP's asking for engy buff... how am i wrong topic?

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So people have been requesting turret scaling since launch. I've talked to a fair amount of devs in person at gw2 events and casual chats online, Turrets are in a shared category with things like arrow carts, gadgets, I believe that category is called. Gadgets can't scale as they're independent creations. :joy:


My suggestion to turrets is to bring the focus more to their Toolbelt abilities, and make the turrets themselves possess better traits, and more usefulovercharges.


Turrets should absolutely never be designed to do sustained damage, then you get the cancerous phantasm Chrono/petting zoo gameplay, where you're constantly being smacked my 6 enemies, unable to meaningfully dodge or react to it.

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> So people have been requesting turret scaling since launch. I've talked to a fair amount of devs in person at gw2 events and casual chats online, Turrets are in a shared category with things like arrow carts, gadgets, I believe that category is called. Gadgets can't scale as they're independent creations. :joy:


> My suggestion to turrets is to bring the focus more to their Toolbelt abilities, and make the turrets themselves possess better traits, and more usefulovercharges.


> Turrets should absolutely never be designed to do sustained damage, then you get the cancerous phantasm Chrono/petting zoo gameplay, where you're constantly being smacked my 6 enemies, unable to meaningfully dodge or react to it.


I'm talking about the turrets should scale to power and precision level, not gadgets. Isn't it weird that Flame Turret scales with Condition Damage and the other damage turrets don't scale with anything?

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I think they need to buff experimental turrets so that they put out boons quicker and more often. Right now, you set up a turret, the bubble comes down, and it gets cleaved before any come out. Maybe half the boon duration but also half the delay, and they start pumping out boons 1 second after the reflective bubble comes down.


I also don't think it's fair to give turrets the same treatment that all other minions and pets have because turrets are immobile, and can't be moved out of harms way like everything else.


I think also we need to see more traits which synergize with turrets directly. Replace/merge some of the less used traits in the inventions line and put in more turret focused ones, like bringing back the trait where turrets take reduced damage, only this time add reduce condition duration and damage as well. They should bring the ammunition system to turrets, where they overcharge a certain number of times, and then self destruct.

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> It takes 3 to eventually take down an Engy & you want a buff? ..... seriously? Don't you have anoth sustain & dps & CC's to make you Meta atm? If anything you need is a bit of shaving all across the board.


If you're complaining about scrapper... this thread is not about scrapper. It's about core engi. Turrets aren't self buffs in the same way that gyros are self buffs -- even with experimental turrets.

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this might sound weird but maybe they should buff tool kit to have more interactions with turrets. like have hitting them with crowbar overcharge them or and have the shield put a forcefield around nearby turrets. just a thought.


also maybe change the pick up mechanic a bit to make re positioning a bit easier

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Turrets were designed to control and defend an area. There was nothing wrong with that they did aside from their passive gameplay, as far as their design goes. If they can't provide a prolonged threat, then there is no point to them - and indeed, right now they're incapable of abiding by their own design.

They should make them more resilient and give them a charge system for their skills - and at 0 charges, you get the usual turret self-destruct skill.

A turret that has been destroyed or self-destructed would start with 0 or 1 charges, as a penalty. A turret that has been picked up could already have some more charges stored up. Making them work like this would force an active gameplay, at least.

Having them depend on the engineer's stats would be better, but if it can't technically work, there isn't much to do about it.

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> @"TheWeirdoNik.6247" said:

> > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > So people have been requesting turret scaling since launch. I've talked to a fair amount of devs in person at gw2 events and casual chats online, Turrets are in a shared category with things like arrow carts, gadgets, I believe that category is called. Gadgets can't scale as they're independent creations. :joy:

> >

> > My suggestion to turrets is to bring the focus more to their Toolbelt abilities, and make the turrets themselves possess better traits, and more usefulovercharges.

> >

> > Turrets should absolutely never be designed to do sustained damage, then you get the cancerous phantasm Chrono/petting zoo gameplay, where you're constantly being smacked my 6 enemies, unable to meaningfully dodge or react to it.


> I'm talking about the turrets should scale to power and precision level, not gadgets. Isn't it weird that Flame Turret scales with Condition Damage and the other damage turrets don't scale with anything?


No the concept is not to be confused with the utility type gadgets. Gadgets are what the developers classify arrow carts, trebuchets, and engineer spawned turrets as

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > @"TheWeirdoNik.6247" said:

> > > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > So people have been requesting turret scaling since launch. I've talked to a fair amount of devs in person at gw2 events and casual chats online, Turrets are in a shared category with things like arrow carts, gadgets, I believe that category is called. Gadgets can't scale as they're independent creations. :joy:

> > >

> > > My suggestion to turrets is to bring the focus more to their Toolbelt abilities, and make the turrets themselves possess better traits, and more usefulovercharges.

> > >

> > > Turrets should absolutely never be designed to do sustained damage, then you get the cancerous phantasm Chrono/petting zoo gameplay, where you're constantly being smacked my 6 enemies, unable to meaningfully dodge or react to it.

> >

> > I'm talking about the turrets should scale to power and precision level, not gadgets. Isn't it weird that Flame Turret scales with Condition Damage and the other damage turrets don't scale with anything?


> No the concept is not to be confused with the utility type gadgets. Gadgets are what the developers classify arrow carts, trebuchets, and engineer spawned turrets as


I was actually saying the utility turrets that the Engineer class has. And mainly for PvP, since they are kinda useless in PvP. I've never really seen them in any other game mode.

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> @"Liewec.2896" said:

> imho they ruined turrets when they made the "overcharge" only activate once in order to move the turret detonate skills from the toolbelt

> to replace the overcharge skills as a 2nd click on the turret skills.

> it was a lazy fix if you ask me, turrets should be something that you set up in position before a fight, like fortifications.

> currently though if you do that the overcharge is wasted and you're left with several weak turrets that have borderline no value.


> your buffs would be a big step in the right direction!


My suggestion then and still now, was to keep the overcharge skill in tge utility slot on deployment only when a turret is overcharging, replace the turret skill with detonate turret.


They could still be quickly destroyed with a double tap, toolbelt is always available and allows for active play.


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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > @"MrForz.1953" said:

> > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > It takes 3 to eventually take down an Engy & you want a buff? ..... seriously? Don't you have anoth sustain & dps & CC's to make you Meta atm? If anything you need is a bit of shaving all across the board.

> >

> > I'm wondering if you meant to post that in another topic.


> OP's asking for engy buff... how am i wrong topic?


Because it's a turret based buff, not whatever Scrapper or Holosmith deliver by themselves. The amount of damage or utility a turret delivers, even buffed, is unlikely to be worth replacing an elixir gun, a bulwark gyro, an elixir S or a hardlight arena when using these specs. The monthly state of turrets is being discussed here and I'm seeing complaints about Holosmith and Scrappers. Unless you have a very hard time with Core somehow.

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> It takes 3 to eventually take down an Engy & you want a buff? ..... seriously? Don't you have anoth sustain & dps & CC's to make you Meta atm? If anything you need is a bit of shaving all across the board.


You know that you are talking about players who are playing with tank build and gear right?

And if you put a guardian, warrior, revenant everyone with survival / tank build how many players would you need to take them down aswell? Maybe 4 to 5 ?


If someone player with a tank build no wonder you need help to take it dow. Everyone would need m8 :)

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> @"TheWeirdoNik.6247" said:

( .... )



Hello :) ! Check this out what you think?


Is an old suggestion




How do you overcharge your turrets?? Sadly, you cant anymore, but i have a suggestion to this, and probably making this viable again!


each turret have it's effect, and also have their own Tool-belt , why not making this Tool-belt skills the overcharge?


When you place Riffle Turret every time it HITS the target, it gets an overcharged point, let us say at max of 5 stacks.

This stacks would be marked above your Tool-Belt skill, every successful shoot on your target you get a +1 , 2 hit +2 etc etc. if you have +5 mark, and your turret is currently up, you would use the Tool-Belt skill, alloying the riffle / you ( as currently is ) to shoot 5 consecutive shoots at your selected target giving more DMG than the regular shoot.


Rocket Turret would have the similar effect, but instead of shooting at your single target the Overcharged Stack number would appoint to the number of missiles that it would Bombard the selected area.

Like this , +2 overcharged stacks = 2 bombard missiles ( example ) +5 = 5 bombard missiles that would fall on the selected area and give AoE DMG .


The healing Turret could increase the stack number of Regeneration effect, or even, giving a healing burst, considering the number of successful healing pools that it had actually been given to any player. ( numbers of players inside the turret range do not stack, but only the healing pool numbers that were successful, which means that you need at least 1 friendly target to be hit by the healing pool to have a +1 stack )

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> @"migcun.5240" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > It takes 3 to eventually take down an Engy & you want a buff? ..... seriously? Don't you have anoth sustain & dps & CC's to make you Meta atm? If anything you need is a bit of shaving all across the board.


> You know that you are talking about players who are playing with tank build and gear right?

> And if you put a guardian, warrior, revenant everyone with survival / tank build how many players would you need to take them down aswell? Maybe 4 to 5 ?


> If someone player with a tank build no wonder you need help to take it dow. Everyone would need m8 :)


Yes but tank builds that holds off a 3v1 indefinitely is broken. Mind that Turret engy is not the only one that can tank indefinitely. Point is, don't ask for a buff. Especially a damage buff. dha!

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > @"migcun.5240" said:

> > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > It takes 3 to eventually take down an Engy & you want a buff? ..... seriously? Don't you have anoth sustain & dps & CC's to make you Meta atm? If anything you need is a bit of shaving all across the board.

> >

> > You know that you are talking about players who are playing with tank build and gear right?

> > And if you put a guardian, warrior, revenant everyone with survival / tank build how many players would you need to take them down aswell? Maybe 4 to 5 ?

> >

> > If someone player with a tank build no wonder you need help to take it dow. Everyone would need m8 :)


> Yes but tank builds that holds off a 3v1 indefinitely is broken. Mind that Turret engy is not the only one that can tank indefinitely. Point is, don't ask for a buff. Especially a damage buff. dha!


Then all the tank builds need a buff and not engineer itself. When I don't know how to defeat a certain class I search on Google , ask on guild and ask for some 1v1 so I can learn to exploit it's weaknesses . Try it out :)

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > @"migcun.5240" said:

> > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > It takes 3 to eventually take down an Engy & you want a buff? ..... seriously? Don't you have anoth sustain & dps & CC's to make you Meta atm? If anything you need is a bit of shaving all across the board.

> >

> > You know that you are talking about players who are playing with tank build and gear right?

> > And if you put a guardian, warrior, revenant everyone with survival / tank build how many players would you need to take them down aswell? Maybe 4 to 5 ?

> >

> > If someone player with a tank build no wonder you need help to take it dow. Everyone would need m8 :)


> Yes but tank builds that holds off a 3v1 indefinitely is broken. Mind that Turret engy is not the only one that can tank indefinitely. Point is, don't ask for a buff. Especially a damage buff. dha!


Turret Engi doesn't really exist, that's Gyro Engi. No one ever uses Turrets because they are mediocre compared to other abilities, I'm just giving ideas on how to buff them because its sad that all the abilities on classes are not viable at all to use.

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > @"migcun.5240" said:

> > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > It takes 3 to eventually take down an Engy & you want a buff? ..... seriously? Don't you have anoth sustain & dps & CC's to make you Meta atm? If anything you need is a bit of shaving all across the board.

> >

> > You know that you are talking about players who are playing with tank build and gear right?

> > And if you put a guardian, warrior, revenant everyone with survival / tank build how many players would you need to take them down aswell? Maybe 4 to 5 ?

> >

> > If someone player with a tank build no wonder you need help to take it dow. Everyone would need m8 :)


> Yes but tank builds that holds off a 3v1 indefinitely is broken. Mind that Turret engy is not the only one that can tank indefinitely. Point is, don't ask for a buff. Especially a damage buff. dha!


Turrets =/= Gyros


They behave **very** differently.

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Going Back to the subject, OP pointed how useless is the current Net Turret, and the lack of ideas to buff this turret.


IMO the abilities this turret can offer are forgettable, and imo i would propose to rework this one from ground zero and have a new one take his place.


What i have in mind is that we could get a new turret with the purpose of boosting Engineer's support in Raids/Fractals, a support turret that grants boon and/or modifiers, maybe a turret that grants concentration or aegis to allies, with an overload effect of granting immunity in a short period to allies around the radius (to make it balanced, only your allies, you don't count), with a hefty cooldown for destroying the turret of course.


That's what i would like to see if Turret buffs or reworks were in the table, maybe not the best idea, but it would be a start.

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Some Turrets really need a buff. The damage should generally scale with player stats, because dps builds would benefit with strong passive DPS from Turrets, and sustain builds coudnt abuse their damage. In addition to that they should be able to hit critically (also with the players stats). This could give DPS turrets (rocket, rifle, flame) a solid place in a damage build.

The HP need to be increased, they get destroyed like paper in the rain...

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