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A Non Combat Feature Pack


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Hey All and A-net Just wanted to get your thoughts i love PoF and all the living world content. but as of now I feel the game is very Combat Rich witch is a good thing. but what would you all think about fishing maybe some more content other than more mobs or bosses but some fun games, mini battles, or something that gives us a reason to go back to some of the core maps. like the races in PoF great idea love them

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fishing, with randome rare fishing spots that move all over so it keeps things interesting, maybe add some adventures to core maps, mini pet battles, maybe archer mini game, we already have First person view. if you all any ideas be great to hear and share see what we all want to see in game other than more new things to fight,


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Combat tonic overhaul.

The fact they have a 15 minute cooldown despite bright toggleable is horrendous.


Secondly, mount manegery; Aurene showed us it can be fun to play with your mount.


Underwater mount. I'm thinking of a shark. Movement ability would be to dash through current (you normally can't swim through)


Backpack dye overhaul. The fact that some wings like the vine tapped destroyer wings have a fixed style just corrupts any fashion wars.


Slightly combat related, but an underwater combat overhaul.



Two things I'm severely against because i believe it's a lot of resources for nothing:

Player housing and fishing

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ya those sound awesome man if fishing is done right and reward is good then yes and player housing can be hard and no fun but we to already have the home instence just add the decoration system from guild halls and Boom done and maybe you could interact with mounts in your home. could be fun and I do agree under water needs a overhaul for sure may be a sweet in game card game and collecting and battling game. I mean we got a casino in PoF maybe add some more around the world.

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I'd love if they added loads of non combat activities, especially to the racial cities. A charr in the Black citadel mentions an underground death race track thing. I'd love to be able to play a variety of pub games in each city, and outdoors activities, like fishing, would be awesome. if I was really pushing it, I'd love to have things like running businesses too (e.g. Weapons smuggling, or cooking like in that sous chef mastery(although maybe a little more developed).)

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Above all is obviously the build saver.


For in world PvE stuff I would like a book shelf in the Dead End Bar where all our collected books can go, maybe some voice acting - someone could read us fire side stories based on the lore we've accumulated.


I would love a fun way to use your charm, ferocity or dignity. Perhaps some more human artistocracy intrigue with Kasmeer or detective work with Marjory (these characters were at their best in these situations, Marjory especially needs to get back to work and less of the rubbish she's been up to recently).


Oh and I want a written apology for the butchering of Lazarus, I want it written in Charr blood.



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I home in a living world up date a a feature pack we see some of this it's so hard to feel conected to a world. When all you do is go here kill this or x am out of that and the sell loot and do it all over again. Don't get me wrong fighting can be fun and have its place and the devs have done a great job listening and growing the game alot of hard work has gone into this game.


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> @Coulter.2315 said:

> Above all is obviously the build saver.


> For in world PvE stuff I would like a book shelf in the Dead End Bar where all our collected books can go, maybe some voice acting - someone could read us fire side stories based on the lore we've accumulated.


We have bookshelves in the guild hall. if anyone is going to all the trouble of doing that... hey... hit us up. I'd love a functional "lore library" and know exactly where I'd put it.


The guild hall needs more useful/interesting stuff in it. Most of the stuff that gets constantly sent to the home instance needs a guild hall version. Just have the home and hall versions share a cooldown/use status.


For example, lets say you have a leather node. You get the leather node in your home instance and one to donate as a decoration to the guild. You can't donate it if the guild already owns one. If you hit either, both are used. If I enter the hall and I don't have a leather node in my home, then it will always appear empty. In this manner people in guilds, who like hanging out in the guild hall we spend so much time creatively decorating don't have to zone to a completely cut-and-paste home instance every day.


Extend this system to literally everything added to the home instance that's not cat collections or story characters (e.g. no guild hall mox, carys, tegwyn, etc.)


Also, while we're at it, how about some of MOX's excellent music as a guild soundtrack upgrade eh? just have it cost X map currency or whatever.


We put a lot of effort in to making our guild hall a convenient hub for everything but crafting, and there's tons of space. Be cool to spruce it up with all those unique nodes as well for those that own them.


Also, how about crafting? I'm convinced the only reason Anet doesn't offed crafting tables in the guild hall is so they can sell those dumb passes for "VIP TOWN" areas.


Anet, you'll still sell those. Just make me pay out the nose for the crafting tables and don't locate them conveniently next to each other. Heck, you can even gate them back in the "Further exploration" areas of the map.

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If I had to name 10 features I would have to put into a Feature Pack that should be focused on non combat related mechanics, then it would be these things:


* Player Housing = Using the Guild Hall Mechanics, Assets ect. for that including a new and completely reworked Home Map Instance, where the player can completely influence, on how this Home Map will look like, where you basically build and design EVERYTHING by yourself similar like in Dark Chronicles, where you build your own towns, you get the Ressources to make everythign and design your own personal home zone, with your own House being part of it.


* Fishing & Digging as new Gathering Jobs and Adventures/Minigames


* Implementation of a Magic the Gathering/Triple Triad/Gwint similar Ingame Collection Card Game that you can play either against NPCs, or against other Players with its very own Card Tournaments, Rewards, Collections, Achievements, Titles, and all


* Implementation finally of Polymock, Bar Brawls and a huge load of many other Town Activities/Events, so that every Main Town in the Game finally becomes a place full of life, in which things happen also on a daily routine, which give players a reason to go visit the various towns also out of different reasons, be it Minigames, be it Events and so on. Events must not happen only outside of towns, Amnoon is the best example for this now. The same treatment should receive all other Core game Ctowns as well with the introduction of Town Meta Achievements.


* Implementation of finally Jeweler and Chef 500, Jeweler 500 being used for the implementation of Ascended Upgrades as a preparation for an official implemented Build Template System, Chef 500 uses Materials from Fishing for new Seafood related Buff Food with significantly longer durations and new effects


* Implementation of an official Build Template System, which allows players to save up to 3 (more unlockable through Gemstore) Build Slots , where players can change outside of combat between their saved builds, where when you use the key that is assigned to those Build Slots, lets you switch all of your Skills, Traits/E-Specs, Gear/Upgrades, and Weapons out, that were linked to the Build you want to change to, with the ability to add to your saved Builds also Names, so that you will know per the look on your Build Name directly, for what the Build is for. Then you could have there for exampel a "Farm" Build, a "Raid" Build and a "Survival" Build for example and many more, if you want so by unlocking more Slots via Gemstore to be able to save more Individual Builds for your Character. So in fact, it woudl be like Bag Slots a Character Individual System with that ANet can earn also some money


* Rework of the Music Instruments, Implementation of a Music Sheet System that allows players to create they replayable "Songs" which they can sell then to other players, who can then "Autoplay" these Songs with their Instruments, so that also people which don't play also in real life music instruments can have fun with these items, without sounding totally horrible to all others nearby, that they ears start bleeding xD. Music Instruments should also sound like that ,the Bass Guitar doesn't sound like a Guitar more like a broken car motor, also more Instruments need to be added - like Violins, Cylophones, Triangles, E-Guitars, Rattles, Tambourines, Ocarinas/Panflutes, Saxophones, Clarinets, Cellos, Pianos.. so much great instruments with that Anet could do much, so that people could make their very own ingame orchestra, that would be owesome. But first need to become Music Instruments with a Autoplay Function/Song Sheets more accessible to everyone, so that also non musicians can use them in a way, that it sounds good


* Implementation of alot of new Emotes, Dances and Social Functions to improve the Chat System, Commander System and general social elements of the Game, like adding "Circles" that are like private Chat Groups for various different topics which you can eithe join to discuss things there, or which can be used to organize things ingame, or where you can get help from Mentors and so on...


* Implementation of a Recoloring System for Weapons, so that all Weapons receive 1-4 Color Slots just like Gear/Removal of unneccessary Color Clone Reskins from certain Ascended Weapons, instead craftign these Weapons becomes a Stat of Choie Mechanig with a generic skin that you can color then as you like.


* Implementation of Epic Weapons and Gear with unique Skins that only these items have, which are same as powerful like Ascended Weapons, but have the Ability of Stat Swap, like Legendaries, but have no Auras and no Foot steps and now Skill Animation Changes like Legendary Weapons, that are very rare unique Rewards from Bounties in PoF, while introducing also Bounties as a Feature in HoT Maps and Core Tyria Maps to revive the older maps also this way with some new easy implementable content/rewards. These unique Weapons, Items and Amor Set parts you can get from Bounties then would be kind of the introduction of GW1 similar Green Unique Items to GW2, Epic Weapons would get then also the item Color of Dark Green exactly like in GW1, the Masterwork Greenthat we have now would be made slightly brighter then.


* Lastly as number 10, I would add to the game a complete rework of the underwater system with new added Underwater Masteries to Core Tyria, Rebalance of all Underwater Skills, Redesign of all Skilsl to become useable underwater as well, Skilsl which can#t work under water, gettign removed from the game and repalced with new designed skills, which CAN work everywhere, introduction of completely own Underwater Traits for all Classes/E-Specs.

Rifle and Harpoon Gun gettign merged, Staff and Trident getting merged, Spear getting redesigned to polearm Weapon and beign useable on land as like underwater. All 1H Weapons being introduced with new underwater skills for all classes, so Daggers, Swords, Axes and Maces becoming useable udnerwater, so that Underwater Combat receives more Build Diversity. The only point, which i couldn't avoid takign into the Feature pack, that would be "combat related", but man, this point is so overdue ...

If Anet doesn't do something soon finally with the underwater content of this game, (liek with Expansion 3), then I don't know ... but as it looks we just follow for now first Kralkatorrik into LS4 and further

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When I first read the title of this thread, my response was "Huh?" But, after reading some of the ideas, it seems like a good idea.


I think this is what they tried to do with adventures in HoT, but they made them too arcade-like for some folks. I like the idea of fishing (or hunting, and several others above). But, would we have to have "moots" at which we can regale others with our fish-tales? :)

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Yes lots of fishing tailes, Hell fishing could have its own mastery system because Why the hell not. Another thing I would love to see is if we had a open world lose the load screens and the blue portal every time I walk up to the next map. Could have the next map load in backround like other open world mmos. But that's wishfull thinking. Sounds hard from a programers side with all the dinamic events from each map being loaded in. It's hard to feel like a part of this world when you notice every map is inclosed in by mountains and load screens. Maybe I am being to pickie but that's my thought


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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

> If I had to name 10 features I would have to put into a Feature Pack that should be focused on non combat related mechanics, then it would be these things:


> * Player Housing = Using the Guild Hall Mechanics, Assets ect. for that including a new and completely reworked Home Map Instance, where the player can completely influence, on how this Home Map will look like, where you basically build and design EVERYTHING by yourself similar like in Dark Chronicles, where you build your own towns, you get the Ressources to make everythign and design your own personal home zone, with your own House being part of it.


> * Fishing & Digging as new Gathering Jobs and Adventures/Minigames


> * Implementation of a Magic the Gathering/Triple Triad/Gwint similar Ingame Collection Card Game that you can play either against NPCs, or against other Players with its very own Card Tournaments, Rewards, Collections, Achievements, Titles, and all


> * Implementation finally of Polymock, Bar Brawls and a huge load of many other Town Activities/Events, so that every Main Town in the Game finally becomes a place full of life, in which things happen also on a daily routine, which give players a reason to go visit the various towns also out of different reasons, be it Minigames, be it Events and so on. Events must not happen only outside of towns, Amnoon is the best example for this now. The same treatment should receive all other Core game Ctowns as well with the introduction of Town Meta Achievements.


> * Implementation of finally Jeweler and Chef 500, Jeweler 500 being used for the implementation of Ascended Upgrades as a preparation for an official implemented Build Template System, Chef 500 uses Materials from Fishing for new Seafood related Buff Food with significantly longer durations and new effects


> * Implementation of an official Build Template System, which allows players to save up to 3 (more unlockable through Gemstore) Build Slots , where players can change outside of combat between their saved builds, where when you use the key that is assigned to those Build Slots, lets you switch all of your Skills, Traits/E-Specs, Gear/Upgrades, and Weapons out, that were linked to the Build you want to change to, with the ability to add to your saved Builds also Names, so that you will know per the look on your Build Name directly, for what the Build is for. Then you could have there for exampel a "Farm" Build, a "Raid" Build and a "Survival" Build for example and many more, if you want so by unlocking more Slots via Gemstore to be able to save more Individual Builds for your Character. So in fact, it woudl be like Bag Slots a Character Individual System with that ANet can earn also some money


> * Rework of the Music Instruments, Implementation of a Music Sheet System that allows players to create they replayable "Songs" which they can sell then to other players, who can then "Autoplay" these Songs with their Instruments, so that also people which don't play also in real life music instruments can have fun with these items, without sounding totally horrible to all others nearby, that they ears start bleeding xD. Music Instruments should also sound like that ,the Bass Guitar doesn't sound like a Guitar more like a broken car motor, also more Instruments need to be added - like Violins, Cylophones, Triangles, E-Guitars, Rattles, Tambourines, Ocarinas/Panflutes, Saxophones, Clarinets, Cellos, Pianos.. so much great instruments with that Anet could do much, so that people could make their very own ingame orchestra, that would be owesome. But first need to become Music Instruments with a Autoplay Function/Song Sheets more accessible to everyone, so that also non musicians can use them in a way, that it sounds good


> * Implementation of alot of new Emotes, Dances and Social Functions to improve the Chat System, Commander System and general social elements of the Game, like adding "Circles" that are like private Chat Groups for various different topics which you can eithe join to discuss things there, or which can be used to organize things ingame, or where you can get help from Mentors and so on...


> * Implementation of a Recoloring System for Weapons, so that all Weapons receive 1-4 Color Slots just like Gear/Removal of unneccessary Color Clone Reskins from certain Ascended Weapons, instead craftign these Weapons becomes a Stat of Choie Mechanig with a generic skin that you can color then as you like.


> * Implementation of Epic Weapons and Gear with unique Skins that only these items have, which are same as powerful like Ascended Weapons, but have the Ability of Stat Swap, like Legendaries, but have no Auras and no Foot steps and now Skill Animation Changes like Legendary Weapons, that are very rare unique Rewards from Bounties in PoF, while introducing also Bounties as a Feature in HoT Maps and Core Tyria Maps to revive the older maps also this way with some new easy implementable content/rewards. These unique Weapons, Items and Amor Set parts you can get from Bounties then would be kind of the introduction of GW1 similar Green Unique Items to GW2, Epic Weapons would get then also the item Color of Dark Green exactly like in GW1, the Masterwork Greenthat we have now would be made slightly brighter then.


> * Lastly as number 10, I would add to the game a complete rework of the underwater system with new added Underwater Masteries to Core Tyria, Rebalance of all Underwater Skills, Redesign of all Skilsl to become useable underwater as well, Skilsl which can#t work under water, gettign removed from the game and repalced with new designed skills, which CAN work everywhere, introduction of completely own Underwater Traits for all Classes/E-Specs.

> Rifle and Harpoon Gun gettign merged, Staff and Trident getting merged, Spear getting redesigned to polearm Weapon and beign useable on land as like underwater. All 1H Weapons being introduced with new underwater skills for all classes, so Daggers, Swords, Axes and Maces becoming useable udnerwater, so that Underwater Combat receives more Build Diversity. The only point, which i couldn't avoid takign into the Feature pack, that would be "combat related", but man, this point is so overdue ...

> If Anet doesn't do something soon finally with the underwater content of this game, (liek with Expansion 3), then I don't know ... but as it looks we just follow for now first Kralkatorrik into LS4 and further


All of this reminded me why Ultima Online was such a fantastic game, especially for its time. Get these onions outta here...

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A lot of these ideas are fairly niche. How many players really want fishing in GW2 as opposed to players who want GW2 to be more familiar to other MMOs that happen to have fishing? Genericizing GW2 isn't always a good thing


If we get a feature pack, I'd really like to see if focus on a few features but really nail them. Stuff like:


* Key ring

* Lorebook system

* Home Library (could be tied into the lorebook system quite easily in the home instance

* Rebalance the AP we get from achievements to accurately reflect the effort to get that achievement

* Add in all of the missing elite/healing skills for each class

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> A lot of these ideas are fairly niche. How many players really want fishing in GW2 as opposed to players who want GW2 to be more familiar to other MMOs that happen to have fishing? Genericizing GW2 isn't always a good thing


> If we get a feature pack, I'd really like to see if focus on a few features but really nail them. Stuff like:


> * Key ring

> * Lorebook system

> * Home Library (could be tied into the lorebook system quite easily in the home instance

> * Rebalance the AP we get from achievements to accurately reflect the effort to get that achievement

> * Add in all of the missing elite/healing skills for each class


What has please "rebalancing AP" to do with Features? Thats somethign Anet could potentialyl do anytime. No Feature Pack needed for this..


I can absolutely understand Key Ring, Lorebook/Library Menu Point and Implementation of missing utility/Healing/Elite skilsl for all classes, so that al classes also have for each of their Skill types fitting Skilsl in all three categories, cause this has been a clear game design oversight from release day on, that never has been fixed yet sadly.


That are features you name there that I honestly would put all onto my list as well, but then again - I also have my own priorities ;)


If I had to reduce my list now onto 5 things, Anet should put focus on, to nail these Features, like you describe it, then I'd take from my list


* Player Housing

* Build Template System/ Jeweler & Chef 500 for Ascended Upgrades that would be needed for a working Build Template System

* Underwater System Redesign

* Fishing & Digging as new Gathering Jobs/Minigames (maybe in regard of Fishing als with own Masteries, would fit to it very well)

* Implementation of Polymock, Bar Brawls and all the missing Stuff, that should be in GW2 from Day 1, making all Towns equal of quality with Amnoon now (could include eventually also as merged point my want for a Card Collection Minigame, Amnoon would fit so perfectly as place for the Card Tournaments)


The other points aren#t nearly as important imo and can wait for beign made somewhen later with an other Feature Pack , but those 5 points I put focus on here, are the thigns, which would positively influence GW2 the most in my honest opinion and make the game greater


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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

>and Implementation of missing utility/Healing/Elite skilsl for all classes, so that al classes also have for each of their Skill types fitting Skilsl in all three categories, cause this has been a clear game design oversight from release day on, that never has been fixed yet sadly.


Just to clarify, at launch none/most of the healing skills or elites had "types" at all. And thus didn't benefit from traits etc that enhanced such skills. This was added later to the game, when they also tried to shoe-horn the existing skills into the "type" system.


This was the same time they removed the Guardians 2 Elite's tomes, and made the new isgnet and shout ones, both because the tomes was largely considered pretty meeh, but also to have something to peg to any kind of type of skills at all. Though it would have been hilarious to have Tome of Wrath marked as a Shout, and Tome of Courage as a signet just to smack them into types :)


So it wasn't an oversight, the game launched with each class having 3 heal skills and 3 elites, which in most cases didn't have any types at all. "Enduring Renewal" for Guardian for ex, was not a Meditation.

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> @joneirikb.7506 said:

> > @Orpheal.8263 said:

> >and Implementation of missing utility/Healing/Elite skilsl for all classes, so that al classes also have for each of their Skill types fitting Skilsl in all three categories, cause this has been a clear game design oversight from release day on, that never has been fixed yet sadly.


> Just to clarify, at launch none/most of the healing skills or elites had "types" at all. And thus didn't benefit from traits etc that enhanced such skills. This was added later to the game, when they also tried to shoe-horn the existing skills into the "type" system.


> This was the same time they removed the Guardians 2 Elite's tomes, and made the new isgnet and shout ones, both because the tomes was largely considered pretty meeh, but also to have something to peg to any kind of type of skills at all. Though it would have been hilarious to have Tome of Wrath marked as a Shout, and Tome of Courage as a signet just to smack them into types :)


> So it wasn't an oversight, the game launched with each class having 3 heal skills and 3 elites, which in most cases didn't have any types at all. "Enduring Renewal" for Guardian for ex, was not a Meditation.


Oh yes, it was an oversight the moment they decided to give skilsl "types", it was an oversight from the first moment from then on to make not sure, that all skilsl have for each of the implemented skill types also a fittign skill. Don't twist my words, only because you see the mentioning of "oversight" from a different angle of view.

Viewn just from the moment of the change, it was just an oversight of quality to make not sure, that the new system isn't incomple (but ANet likes to leave things incomplete ...don#t know, thats kind of their design style I guess ... just to make things that are incomplete somewhen maybe eventually if enough people complain about these thigns finally complete and right, I'm not complainign without reason for 5 years now, that anet designs their game like a switzer cheese full of holes!)


We all know, that makign thigns from begin on right would have meant naturally more workload and effort for ANet, worload and effort I guess for which they had back then no ressources, time or manpower for to assign the needed people to this task to make sure, that by makign this change to the skill system, all skills also receive properly skills for easch skill type, what would have meant adding new skills for all classes, rebalancing work of these new skills ect., animation works and so on and so forth.

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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

> > @joneirikb.7506 said:

> > > @Orpheal.8263 said:

> > >and Implementation of missing utility/Healing/Elite skilsl for all classes, so that al classes also have for each of their Skill types fitting Skilsl in all three categories, cause this has been a clear game design oversight from release day on, that never has been fixed yet sadly.

> >

> > Just to clarify, at launch none/most of the healing skills or elites had "types" at all. And thus didn't benefit from traits etc that enhanced such skills. This was added later to the game, when they also tried to shoe-horn the existing skills into the "type" system.

> >

> > This was the same time they removed the Guardians 2 Elite's tomes, and made the new isgnet and shout ones, both because the tomes was largely considered pretty meeh, but also to have something to peg to any kind of type of skills at all. Though it would have been hilarious to have Tome of Wrath marked as a Shout, and Tome of Courage as a signet just to smack them into types :)

> >

> > So it wasn't an oversight, the game launched with each class having 3 heal skills and 3 elites, which in most cases didn't have any types at all. "Enduring Renewal" for Guardian for ex, was not a Meditation.


> Oh yes, it was an oversight the moment they decided to give skilsl "types", it was an oversight from the first moment from then on to make not sure, that all skilsl have for each of the implemented skill types also a fittign skill. Don't twist my words, only because you see the mentioning of "oversight" from a different angle of view.

> Viewn just from the moment of the change, it was just an oversight of quality to make not sure, that the new system isn't incomple (but ANet likes to leave things incomplete ...don#t know, thats kind of their design style I guess ... just to make things that are incomplete somewhen maybe eventually if enough people complain about these thigns finally complete and right, I'm not complainign without reason for 5 years now, that anet designs their game like a switzer cheese full of holes!)


> We all know, that makign thigns from begin on right would have meant naturally more workload and effort for ANet, worload and effort I guess for which they had back then no ressources, time or manpower for to assign the needed people to this task to make sure, that by makign this change to the skill system, all skills also receive properly skills for easch skill type, what would have meant adding new skills for all classes, rebalancing work of these new skills ect., animation works and so on and so forth.


Well, no. At launch the healing skills and elites was made in 3 for each class, and wasn't meant to be tied to types. Not an oversight. They where designed to stand separate from the "types". Seriously Guardian got 2 Tomes and Renewed Justice, neither had any connection with any other skill types guardian had available. And the only heal skill that had a similarity was the Signet one.


I do agree that it would be nice to get more healing/elite's to fit each of the types. Just saying that this wasn't intended from the start. (Or at the very least I haven't seen a single thing that point to that yet).

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1. Build / wardrobe templates

2. Maybe a new election

3. All the mini games (like polymock) that were originally intended to be in the game.

4. I would generally prefer that all gear drops throughout the game be converted to unidentified if possible (save exotics.)

5. More dye channels on mounts.

6. Would love a return of some of the emotes we had back in GW1

7. Some form of library for all of those books we get.

8. More hairstyles / faces for the other races. (Not just human and norn.)

9. "Commander's backpack" - can't remember who mentioned this before or their exact thoughts on it. But I'd personally like to see an extra bag *slot* & backpack that can only be bought with wvw currency, and will only hold wvw items. (Siege, traps, ect.)

If even half of these were implemented in some way I'd be pretty happy.


I'm not particularly for / against player housing, but for anet's sake I imagine they'd be able to milk a lot of money out of special housing decorations via gem store. As for dye channels for weapons, I find it *highly* unlikely. Remember there are skins in the game that are the exact same save the colors cough ascended weapons cough. I'd imagine it'd also be faaaaaarrrrr too much work for how many weapons are currently in the game.

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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

> > @OriOri.8724 said:

> > A lot of these ideas are fairly niche. How many players really want fishing in GW2 as opposed to players who want GW2 to be more familiar to other MMOs that happen to have fishing? Genericizing GW2 isn't always a good thing

> >

> > If we get a feature pack, I'd really like to see if focus on a few features but really nail them. Stuff like:

> >

> > * Key ring

> > * Lorebook system

> > * Home Library (could be tied into the lorebook system quite easily in the home instance

> > * Rebalance the AP we get from achievements to accurately reflect the effort to get that achievement

> > * Add in all of the missing elite/healing skills for each class


> What has please "rebalancing AP" to do with Features? Thats somethign Anet could potentialyl do anytime. No Feature Pack needed for this..


> I can absolutely understand Key Ring, Lorebook/Library Menu Point and Implementation of missing utility/Healing/Elite skilsl for all classes, so that al classes also have for each of their Skill types fitting Skilsl in all three categories, cause this has been a clear game design oversight from release day on, that never has been fixed yet sadly.


> That are features you name there that I honestly would put all onto my list as well, but then again - I also have my own priorities ;)


> If I had to reduce my list now onto 5 things, Anet should put focus on, to nail these Features, like you describe it, then I'd take from my list


> * Player Housing

> * Build Template System/ Jeweler & Chef 500 for Ascended Upgrades that would be needed for a working Build Template System

> * Underwater System Redesign

> * Fishing & Digging as new Gathering Jobs/Minigames (maybe in regard of Fishing als with own Masteries, would fit to it very well)

> * Implementation of Polymock, Bar Brawls and all the missing Stuff, that should be in GW2 from Day 1, making all Towns equal of quality with Amnoon now (could include eventually also as merged point my want for a Card Collection Minigame, Amnoon would fit so perfectly as place for the Card Tournaments)


> The other points aren#t nearly as important imo and can wait for beign made somewhen later with an other Feature Pack , but those 5 points I put focus on here, are the thigns, which would positively influence GW2 the most in my honest opinion and make the game greater



Its not a feature in and of itself, but its something that should come in a feature pack or expansion.

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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

> * Rework of the Music Instruments, Implementation of a Music Sheet System that allows players to create they replayable "Songs" which they can sell then to other players, who can then "Autoplay" these Songs with their Instruments, so that also people which don't play also in real life music instruments can have fun with these items, without sounding totally horrible to all others nearby, that they ears start bleeding xD. Music Instruments should also sound like that ,the Bass Guitar doesn't sound like a Guitar more like a broken car motor, also more Instruments need to be added - like Violins, Cylophones, Triangles, E-Guitars, Rattles, Tambourines, Ocarinas/Panflutes, Saxophones, Clarinets, Cellos, Pianos.. so much great instruments with that Anet could do much, so that people could make their very own ingame orchestra, that would be owesome. But first need to become Music Instruments with a Autoplay Function/Song Sheets more accessible to everyone, so that also non musicians can use them in a way, that it sounds good


The ONLY thing I would add to that is for the instruments to have half steps, for those of us who create tabs and play them manually.

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