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[Suggestion] New "Core Profession" Elite Specs

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Core builds are outdated, because Elite Specs are much more powerful. People keep lamenting this, and for good reason.


How about adding an elite spec trait line to the core professions that will be unique to them? Yes, then no more "core" professions as such would exist, but wouldn't that be a better solution than what is currently done with all the rebalancing/"trait-offs" etc?

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This doesn't really "fix" anything. The issue with Elite Specs is they come with more abilities/mechanics in addition to having access to core abilities/mechanics. Even if Elite Specs didn't offer a higher boost in damage, they would still be seen as an upgrade in some form. Take Druid for example, no matter what, it's going to be the superior support over core ranger, or how Berserker would always be the superior Condi Warrior. To me, this isn't an issue, but people always have to complain about something though.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> So you'd be locking the core profession into a trait line and only 2 other options available?


What is thte point of leaving it as it is, when no one is happy with it? Yes, that would be my suggestion: basically no more core professions with three minor trait lines but with two minor and one elite, like the others. They would keep their core names, but function similarly.

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> @"Yamazuki.6073" said:

> This doesn't really "fix" anything. The issue with Elite Specs is they come with more abilities/mechanics in addition to having access to core abilities/mechanics.


Exactly. So adding one more to each profession would be the easiest way to fix this, IMO.


> Even if Elite Specs didn't offer a higher boost in damage, **they would still be seen as an upgrade in some form**.


_That's_ the whole point.

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What about core build which use 3 core lines now? I mean I have toons that do this. I don't want to be locked to a single new exclusive core line when I'm quite happy with how it is. My Guardian for example uses 3 core lines which compliment each to my specific playstyle which the elite specs don't give me. Whether it is meta or unbalanced is irrelevant to me. If the elites don't work for me on a toon then why would a new core exclusive elite when the existing core options already do the job?


I get elites can be considered superior to cores, but I also disagree there is a problem. The suggested change would destroy builds that currently utilise and enjoy using the 3 flexible choices on offer.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> What about core build which use 3 core lines now? I mean I have toons that do this. I don't want to be locked to a single new exclusive core line when I'm quite happy with how it is. My Guardian for example uses 3 core lines which compliment each to my specific playstyle which the elite specs don't give me. Whether it is meta or unbalanced is irrelevant to me. If the elites don't work for me on a toon then why would a new core exclusive elite when the existing core options already do the job?


> I get elites can be considered superior to cores, but I also disagree there is a problem. The suggested change would destroy builds that currently utilise and enjoy using the 3 flexible choices on offer.


I agree! Diversity, options and customizability are everything! :+1:

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> Maybe, every core spec is very bland and boring greatly lacking mechanics and depth compared to elites. You'd need to add sooo much to them to change this.


No, you would just need to add a core profession elite trait line. Which can be done with the next season, expansion or whenever.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > So you'd be locking the core profession into a trait line and only 2 other options available?


> What is thte point of leaving it as it is, when no one is happy with it? Yes, that would be my suggestion: basically no more core professions with three minor trait lines but with two minor and one elite, like the others. They would keep their core names, but function similarly.


If I were making a suggestion, I'd advocate for an Elite Spec "trait slot". Make it the 3rd one. Using the 3rd slot for a traitline would function like the current Elite specs with several differences:


1. This could have the option of having an Elite Spec trait line as a non-elite spec option.

2. Every trait line becomes an elite spec if put in the 3rd trait line which grants it special mechanics.

3. Would require, basically 2 versions of each line. That might sound daunting but you can easily cut down the work by only altering the passive traits and grandmasters.


Basically, the 2nd version of an elite spec line would look similar but with its unique mechanic stripped off and the 2nd version of a core line would be an upgraded version of the original with a mechanic that modifies the profession.


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