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Remove Character Swap In Ranked


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yeah... i raised the same topic just 2 months ago



My view in the fairness and randomness of ranked, you shouldn't be able to swap class for ranked; you can change your build to compensate your team or provide some degree of counter to another class on the opposite team.


With the variety of different builds a single class can be readjusted to, I don't see the need to class swap to be a valid reason


There will be always those who are against it for reason such as 'the matchup algorithm suck ass, therefore I'm entitled to swap' to 'I like for open world farm with another toon while queuing up'

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> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> We've all done it, for example - queuing as a Druid to force a high possibility to have a Druid on the enemy team, then swapping character at the last second to either counter that class or the team composition.


> The other thing I've seen, is "top players" duo queuing as double Necromancer to force either one or two on the enemy team then swapping to double Revenant to counter and steamroll the game.

> In a way this is kind of match manipulation as you're abusing how the matching making works.


> Simple resolution, the class you queue as, is the class you play and are not allowed to swap once in the game.


> Also double stacking classes should not be allowed to queue, unless ArenaNet fixes their algorithm.


Feels bad man when you use druid as an example ........i am druid main. I am sure you would like to fight vs stronlo / headcrowned when they are playing druid.

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> @"Xcution.4768" said:

> > @"Chilli.2976" said:

> > We've all done it, for example - queuing as a Druid to force a high possibility to have a Druid on the enemy team, then swapping character at the last second to either counter that class or the team composition.

> >

> > The other thing I've seen, is "top players" duo queuing as double Necromancer to force either one or two on the enemy team then swapping to double Revenant to counter and steamroll the game.

> > In a way this is kind of match manipulation as you're abusing how the matching making works.

> >

> > Simple resolution, the class you queue as, is the class you play and are not allowed to swap once in the game.

> >

> > Also double stacking classes should not be allowed to queue, unless ArenaNet fixes their algorithm.


> Feels bad man when you use druid as an example ........i am druid main. I am sure you would like to fight vs stronlo / headcrowned when they are playing druid.


No offence intended, was just using Druid as an example as its the least played class in ranked at the moment, and usually the people that play it are not very good..

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> I never understood why character swapping is ok, but changing the build is not. One of the reasons I found pvp obnoxious compared to wvw.


Character swapping is ok because anet caters to PvE-ers. These players are probably farming on classes they enjoy in PvE while they switch to they preferred PvP class when the queue pops. It's what I do anyway. . . Why waste time standing around in the sPVP lobby?

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> @"Ovark.2514" said:

> > @"steki.1478" said:

> > I never understood why character swapping is ok, but changing the build is not. One of the reasons I found pvp obnoxious compared to wvw.


> Character swapping is ok because anet caters to PvE-ers. These players are probably farming on classes they enjoy in PvE while they switch to they preferred PvP class when the queue pops. It's what I do anyway. . . Why waste time standing around in the sPVP lobby?


Idk, some people don't see any value in farming pve lol

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> @"Ovark.2514" said:

> > @"steki.1478" said:

> > I never understood why character swapping is ok, but changing the build is not. One of the reasons I found pvp obnoxious compared to wvw.


> Character swapping is ok because anet caters to PvE-ers. These players are probably farming on classes they enjoy in PvE while they switch to they preferred PvP class when the queue pops. It's what I do anyway. . . Why waste time standing around in the sPVP lobby?


It doesn't have to be this way. MOBAs have a solution to this and they don't even have PvE. When a match is starting you can select the character that you want to play as and you can see what each member of your team selects in real time. Just make it so you have to select your character in a sPvP character select menu like MOBAs do, and that problem is gone.

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> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> We've all done it, for example - queuing as a Druid to force a high possibility to have a Druid on the enemy team, then swapping character at the last second to either counter that class or the team composition.


> The other thing I've seen, is "top players" duo queuing as double Necromancer to force either one or two on the enemy team then swapping to double Revenant to counter and steamroll the game.

> In a way this is kind of match manipulation as you're abusing how the matching making works.


> Simple resolution, the class you queue as, is the class you play and are not allowed to swap once in the game.


> Also double stacking classes should not be allowed to queue, unless ArenaNet fixes their algorithm.

I'm pretty sure that the algorythm takes professions into account but not elite specs. That means you can queue as a druid but there is an equal chance of having a core ranger or soulbeast on the enemy team. Which are basically entirely different specializations and you have no control over it. Add this to all other points listed in this topic, and you realize character swapping has a very slight effect on the actual team composition and outcome of the game.

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Issue I have with Class Swapping :


1: Class Stacking of the Same spec can be a BIG issue Because If players Don't Want a Necro on the team they'll Que as One and then swap off For something Like Rev or Holo.(this is big because the current power creep in the game makes it fairly easy to farm necro players if they aren't experience enough to defend themselves)


2: Team Comp Could get A lot worse depending on what the player is planning to swap l(If we have a Spell Breaker or Scrapper already and they swap to another Spell Breaker that swap is already hurting the team due to the lack of dps role being filled)


those are the 2 biggest issues i have with class swapping during a game....

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> @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> > @"Ovark.2514" said:

> > > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > I never understood why character swapping is ok, but changing the build is not. One of the reasons I found pvp obnoxious compared to wvw.

> >

> > Character swapping is ok because anet caters to PvE-ers. These players are probably farming on classes they enjoy in PvE while they switch to they preferred PvP class when the queue pops. It's what I do anyway. . . Why waste time standing around in the sPVP lobby?


> It doesn't have to be this way. MOBAs have a solution to this and they don't even have PvE. When a match is starting you can select the character that you want to play as and you can see what each member of your team selects in real time. Just make it so you have to select your character in a sPvP character select menu like MOBAs do, and that problem is gone.


This is the logical solution. Anet doesn't care about sPVP so we don't get a logical solution. . . or any for that matter.

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