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So what on earth happened to them in this expansion? Where did they all go to? We went to the mists to speak to the Six, and the only one left was Kormir, who told us that the Gods had departed. But where on earth did they go to? They were already in the mists, already not on Tyria anymore. So why couldn't they stay in the mists? I either missed some connection here or this is a big plot hole for me, but what was stopping them from staying in the mists and just not dealing with Balthazarr directly? And can they not come back now, or are they gone forever?

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[Crystal Oasis lore scavenger hunt tells us](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Garden_of_the_Gods).


> After long hours of prayer, the goddess of truth herself has at last revealed the answers I sought. Praise Kormir! In her name, I will share the reasons behind our gods' withdrawal from this world. And make no mistake: the gods have withdrawn. Prayers go unanswered, Ascension fails. But do not despair, or ages: our gods still love us, and it is that love that drove them to leave. When the gods first brought humanity to this world, they were planting a garden; we were the seeds, with Tyria the fertile soil in which we would thrive. Like all gardens, it would experience and demonstrate life, death, challenge, order, growth, and beauty as it matured from carefully arranged rows of potential into dynamic, evolving reality. But there was a blight below the soil the gardeners could not prepare for; a predatory threat that would consume both the garden and the nutrients that sustained it: the Elder Dragons. When the dragons rose, the gods realized a terrible truth: any effort to save the garden would instead destroy it... or them. If humanity was to endure under their guidance, it could not be here. **Reluctantly, the gods withdrew. They had to find new soil to tend,** that their faithful might someday see the full, resplendent bloom of this most glorious garden. Praise Kormir!


They went to another world, one without Elder Dragons, to do to that world what they had begun in Tyria (before the Exodus). The wording here kind of implies they intend to transfer humanity to this new world once it is ready.

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I hadn't completed that collection yet, but yuck. That sounds like a copout to just not deal with the Six any longer to me honestly :/ which is sad because I feel like there could be some really awesome story arcs involving them and their help, but now they are just gone forever.

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People keep calling it a copout, but the gods were never all that involved with any plot of the campaign. It had always been their avatars at most, or the aftermath of the gods' actions from before they left during the Exodus.


Not only that, but this isn't even new. The Six Gods had left after Nightfall. This has been a core part of GW2 lore. The only difference now is that we know why they're silent and why they're "not in the Mists". All they've done is explain to us in the game the question of "why did the gods go silent?"

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They weren't that involved yet, but they could have become involved now. Someone said in a different thread, we could have had a war between gods in the mists (or at least between the Six and some other group that is as powerful as they are). Plus, before PoF, there was a way for the Gods to come back, as they hadn't left "for good" yet according to ingame lore. Now they can't come back, ever.

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