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The Skyscale Saddle

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > I dont understand how anyone doesn't already have almost 1k of each of these saved up


> I explained earlier how: first you spend them on everything there is to acquire on the map (armor sets, weapons skins, recipes, minis, tonics), then you go, "Finally! I am done here for good," and start consuming the currency from thereon. See? Easily _not_ saved up. ;)





I started consuming all mine a few months ago because the things I didn't have required magic, NOT currency, and since the Istan nerf there are only a few LWS4 maps I actually still visit.


This is just stupid at this point, this isn't a Legendary.

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People asked for longer content, complained about empty ls4 maps, once anet gives you reason to come to these maps you all start to complain that is too hard and not worth it.... SO DONT DO IT.

I am not doing myself, not because its time or farm gated, but because I dont like that mount, griffon is superior to skyscale anyday and anytime.

If you so badly want that mount, so just shut your mouth and take it slowly, meet people, talk to people while farming.

Ive done aurora and it was fun to come to old ls maps and meet people, talk to them.

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> @"Aerlen.5326" said:

> I started consuming all mine a few months ago because the things I didn't have required magic, NOT currency, and since the Istan nerf there are only a few LWS4 maps I actually still visit.


One can buy materials needed for crafting (or selling) there for magic, so it's a logical choice since you don't need that many LWS4 trinkets due to their available stats combos.

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> > > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > > Remember that you can do reward tracks in WvW and PvP to get the currency. Each completed reward track of the specific map will give you the choice to pick 50 of the currency. If you have 500 Potions of WvW Rewards in your bank, that's 300 currency of your choice. Or you simply do the reward track, which in case of Blood Rubies for Aurora was my choice ^^

> > >

> > > Also, I rather do map completion with all characters than doing events. I think each completion gives 25. Plus, a chance to get a BLC key.

> >

> > That's an interesting thought, I have 21 characters, I only need to do map completion on 10 each at that rate

> >


> I found out that some maps only give 5 currency as completion reward, don't know exactly which ones though. And one map requires you to do a dwarven dungeon puzzle or buy the plate for 3 gold, or do both meta events, to get the annoying POI, that's Thunderkitten Peaks. Having done it with another character doesn't help.


or do the story step for that poi

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Here are some heart tips I found for Domain of Kourna that helped me farm those faster for Inscribed Shards.



Also note for the heart at Allied Encampment, Help distribute incoming supplies to the allied encampment, you can do it super fast if you have the Prototype Position Rewinder. Get the supply backpack by the heart, pop your rewinder, fly, raptor or what ever you feel is the fastest to the drop point, and then use the rewinder to get back to the supply instantly. It takes about 3 minutes to do the whole heart. I have 9 level 80's so that was 45 Inscribed Shards in less than half an hour for me.


The heart south west of there is quick too, grab all the bottles by the beach, drop them off by the heart, and then it takes I think 3 supply drops to the cannon. About 5 minutes or less. There were also 2 Kournan Supply Caches near there so that was an extra 2 per alt.



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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"FONGORE.7410" said:

> > I'm just done & over trying to get this mount. Not going to grind out 250 of each of those map currency. Especially since Anet once said & advertised its not ok to make players grind. Just gonna go spend my time elsewhere.

> >

> >


> Just find someone who has all the S4 home nodes when they do their dailies, 3 times as fast as buying from the merchant and it does not inhale gold. I will try to remember to start putting up a LFG listing when I am about to make my dayend run.


Sadly that's is not my idea of fun. Which is what games are supposed or should be about. Not farm 250x map currency X amount of times.


Company clearly lost sight of their promise. Which has made me lose interest in playing for the time being.

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> @"Kreejaffa.3682" said:

> Am I the only one that has like 1000+ of each map currency just burning a hole in my bank?


> Don't you dare tell me I am the only one that gets a free ride on this one. I refuse to believe it.


You're not. I had more than enough of each currency as well, because I'm not the kind of person to spend everything I've got. I save up 1 or 2 stacks of most materials just in case I need them for future content. I also craft timegated items on a daily basis for the same reason, so I'm using my 2 stacks of charged quartz crystals now to earn some easy money by selling grow lamps and skyscale treats.


I don't understand where this "I need to be told beforehand what to do" thing comes from, though. Just like any other collection in the game we find out what we need to do once it's released/unlocked. I don't believe it's ever been a thing where game companies release specifics of content before it's released. A general idea, maybe, but detailed information on all the things we need to do and spend? Nope. If anything, they would've told us that it's a series of collections, give a few general examples of the things we need to do, but that's it. We are not owed content information before content is released. It's a courtesy.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > I dont understand how anyone doesn't already have almost 1k of each of these saved up


> I explained earlier how: first you spend them on everything there is to acquire on the map (armor sets, weapons skins, recipes, minis, tonics), then you go, "Finally! I am done here for good," and start consuming the currency from thereon. See? Easily _not_ saved up. ;)



Gasp, you think people would question what it was spent on instead of it magically vanishing.


I started with 50 of each last night and I'm just now up to 200 on 4 out of 6. The other 2 are still at 50. I've been doing nothing but grinding currency.


I have a damn headache.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > What, why would you limit yourself to 250 of each map currency...since it goes to your wallet and has unlimited storage space, not saying I have 250 of each(though I probably do since I almost never use them for anything other than the portal stone for that episode, because I find almost nothing else of use or interest for those things).


> They are not wallet currencies.



Corrected to wallet/storage to be more accurate, precisely the mechanism with which we can save them is sort of immaterial, except that storage has a maximum limit vs the wallet which is infinite...I'm sure most people got what I meant...after all, I knew they went somewhere, just didn't feel like checking the exact one they went in.

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> I dont understand how anyone doesn't already have almost 1k of each of these saved up with how long these maps have been out.


> Even the new map they just released- I've already got over 400, and I'm not even grinding it.


Between both alt accounts none of the 6 map currencies I have accumulated break 100, some even have a big zilch total (which really gave me a laugh).


I'm okay with this though, because they're alt accounts and I have time to sort it out. But, yeah, I can see how some people could have only 1 account and still be in the same position.

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> @"vyncius.6105" said:

> People asked for longer content, complained about empty ls4 maps, once anet gives you reason to come to these maps you all start to complain that is too hard and not worth it.... SO DONT DO IT.

> I am not doing myself, not because its time or farm gated, but because I dont like that mount, griffon is superior to skyscale anyday and anytime.

> If you so badly want that mount, so just shut your mouth and take it slowly, meet people, talk to people while farming.

> Ive done aurora and it was fun to come to old ls maps and meet people, talk to them.


Revisiting old maps and ridiculously time gated and event gated farming is no content. It's called GRIND.

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> @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:


> I don't understand where this "I need to be told beforehand what to do" thing comes from, though. Just like any other collection in the game we find out what we need to do once it's released/unlocked. I don't believe it's ever been a thing where game companies release specifics of content before it's released. A general idea, maybe, but detailed information on all the things we need to do and spend? Nope. If anything, they would've told us that it's a series of collections, give a few general examples of the things we need to do, but that's it. We are not owed content information before content is released. It's a courtesy.


Yes, but once the collection had started, it would have been nice to know everything that was entailed. I would not try to make a legendary without looking on the Wiki to see what was involved first. I can't imagine wanting to go into that large a collection without being able to peek ahead and know what I should be saving and what I could safely sell for the necessary gold. During the Skyscale feeding phase, I was making extra food and selling it, and suddenly had a panic attack about what if there was a second feeding phase and I would need more. (The way you ALWAYS end up needing more Deldrimor steel for your leg than you originally thought.) If we knew the whole thing instead of having to wait one day at a time for the early starters to start freaking out about the next step, some people would have looked at the whole thing and said, "That's it, I'm not doing it," but they wouldn't be furious that they had spent hours already.


In any case, it's moot now. People who do the Skyscale in the future will be able to look on the wiki and see what is coming. The real cause of the rage is not so much the actual requirements as the shock that it involves so much more time and effort than any previous mount. And because of the way it rolled out, that shock was new and bigger every day.

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All things considered with the questionable choices in the skyscale acquisition, a full stack of each map's currency really doesn't bother me. If you have enough alts and time, you can get all the currency you need by doing hearts on maps on your alts in a day or so. Personally, I contemplated gathering a stack of each currency prior to the episode 6 release on the off chance we were going to get another season-wide legendary trinket, then felt relieved when we didn't get that trinket and consumed what map currencies I did have for extra volatile magic. Hindsight, and all that. ;)

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I never cared for any of the legendaries this game offered because of how much time and gold was wasted for an item that just looks better, I stopped playing as I was waiting for the new episode to came out and I had consumed almost all of them for volatile magic so I could save up some extra gold, thinking that these stupid currencies would have been used for some legendary crap, but instead the patch comes out and I waste a week of my time grinding the collections out and not doing any of the meta events to grind those currencies back up just to have them go on the last day saying that 250 of EACH maps currency? I thought they said they wanted this mount to be more available than the fucking gryphon but it requires way more time, and just barely less gold unless you want to timegate yourself even harder than they already did. Majority of players still don't have all of the LS4 episodes, and I had just barely unlocked them myself, yet this is considered to be "more available" to the playerbase. I honestly just feel regret spending all the gold I did on this mount instead of investing it into finally finishing the gryphon.


Thank you once again Anet, first you ruin my account and force me to pay extra to fix a "6 out of 5" character slot issue, after having to spend a MONTH getting customer support to even answer me. When I purchased both expansions, I only received 1 out of the 2 80 boosts as well. Then to just top the fucking cake off with this timegated bullshit and requiring 250 of each maps currency after wasting all that time since your team doesn't know how to communicate with something that people should have known prior to the patch that they should hold on to these currencies as it would be for the mount instead of some worthless legendary.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:


> > I don't understand where this "I need to be told beforehand what to do" thing comes from, though. Just like any other collection in the game we find out what we need to do once it's released/unlocked. I don't believe it's ever been a thing where game companies release specifics of content before it's released. A general idea, maybe, but detailed information on all the things we need to do and spend? Nope. If anything, they would've told us that it's a series of collections, give a few general examples of the things we need to do, but that's it. We are not owed content information before content is released. It's a courtesy.


> Yes, but once the collection had started, it would have been nice to know everything that was entailed. I would not try to make a legendary without looking on the Wiki to see what was involved first. I can't imagine wanting to go into that large a collection without being able to peek ahead and know what I should be saving and what I could safely sell for the necessary gold. During the Skyscale feeding phase, I was making extra food and selling it, and suddenly had a panic attack about what if there was a second feeding phase and I would need more. (The way you ALWAYS end up needing more Deldrimor steel for your leg than you originally thought.) If we knew the whole thing instead of having to wait one day at a time for the early starters to start freaking out about the next step, some people would have looked at the whole thing and said, "That's it, I'm not doing it," but they wouldn't be furious that they had spent hours already.


> In any case, it's moot now. People who do the Skyscale in the future will be able to look on the wiki and see what is coming. The real cause of the rage is not so much the actual requirements as the shock that it involves so much more time and effort than any previous mount. And because of the way it rolled out, that shock was new and bigger every day.


Funny how you write a reply and then devalue 75% of what you wrote. ;)


I was about to answer that the lack of information on what's needed is only ever a problem for the early birds. Everybody else can know exactly what's needed and how long it will take once those early birds have done the work. The only real problem was the 24 hour timegate, robbing people of the opportunity to finish the set of collections at their own leisure. The rest is just a matter of playing the game. And people expecting to know what's coming and then having those expecations proven wrong. I mean, I get that people expected certain things, but really, that's just setting yourself up for potential disappointment. You don't need to be a genius for that. Both the griffon and the beetle had different methods of acquisition, so there really was no reason not to expect the Skyscale acquisition would be different. Personally, I like the collections. Yes, they take time but I prefer the story behind it over just getting it. The 24 hour timegates were a bad idea, but at least they're going to fix that next week. Not that it will benefit me, because I already have the Skyscale, but I appreciate their recognition of the mistake they made with that and them changing it to something more acceptable.


I have a feeling that resentment for the timegate is spilling over into other aspects of the Skyscale acquisition. If you already feel negative about something, new aspects are more likely to be received in the same vein. It's also not a necessity to have a Skyscale. It doesn't take you anywhere you can't already go.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> Well to be fair, they did offer each S4 episode for free over the past month'ish, and Aurora (the S3 legendary trinket) also required you to visit each S3 map, so it isn't as unreasonable as it sounds.

I guess, but I know a couple of people that was really hyped for the new skyscale mount only to realise they require the first 2-3 living world episodes.


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Wow with the amount that has to be done to get this mount it should just fly, its not worth it otherwise. Too clunky and awkward, no real advantage over griffon and it takes much much more than griffon to get. Im not even bothering at this point, this is just bad all the way round. It should have been known upfront that this was going to be like this, i never would have even went to dragonfall

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Wow I'm so happy I didn't even bother starting working on this mount because everyday that pass and people expose the daily collections it just motivate me more not to waste my time on that bs.


Keep your masteries Anet and keep that mount I aint wasting my time on this.

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i spent a majority of my day today map completing across three characters thunderhead keep, jahai, and dragonfall.... was not fun, but were the three i was lacking in (just over 100 of each, with exception of motes as I had been buying armor skins up to that point).

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:


> 7,257 hours and after all these years you never considered to keep a minimum stock of materials on hand? Especially after Aurora and Season 3? I kind of get new players being affected but veterans?



I have way over twice his playtime and I did not make Aurora, and have also found myself in the position of having not saved stacks of some map currency as they seemed worthless to me since I did not want the stat combinations the vendors offered. I'm not here to complain about it, it is my fault for not holding onto it, since I have learned long ago to never get rid of anything in this game, but I took a risk and consumed many currencies to gain volatile magic to buy the karmic retribution for the new map. Mistakes like this are easy to make, just have to learn from them.

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@"Klipso.8653" said:

> I dont understand how anyone doesn't already have almost 1k of each of these saved up with how long these maps have been out.


I only played in Jahai Bluffs once, for the story and to complete the map. Not everything a game offers is of the same quality, just like on an album your favourite artist creates, there are songs you always skip. What's so difficult to understand here? Fractals have been out for years and there are people who don't even have enough relics to buy the trinkets. Easy to understand: they don't play fractals. I haven't even done all dungeons in this game, when I need currency, I wait for the reward track to show up in the rotation.

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It's pretty silly to expect players to have full stacks of every currency just sitting in their bank.


(1): You can liquidate these materials for volatile magic, which turns into gold. This is incentive to consume the mats, whereas there is very little visible reason to keep them otherwise.

(2): Keeping a full bank of these mats means you'd have to micromanage these resources every time you set foot in home instance or one of these maps.

(3): The only example people bring up is a 1200 gold legendary amulet that most people didn't bother going for. Just because Anet did it once doesn't mean they'll do it again.

(4):These maps do not have an equal appeal to all players, let alone an equal amount of income. There's no reason to expect somebody to be in all of them.

(5): The primary reason to gather these resources is for the trinkets with particular stats, and for the minis. Once obtained, it is fair to never expect a player to set foot in these maps again.


Really, what we're hearing are the pack rats and paranoid taking a condescending victory lap.

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