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The best thing about the Skyscale

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This is what I've gathered from the forums:

So far I've only heard about the farming and and time-gated stuff. Everyone can do that. Yes, it takes time, but possible.

I haven't heard about requirements to do Jumping Puzzles, fractals, or pay 50g/achievement; those are things some people can't do or get stuck on frequently.

I'm casually working on the dragon, but it's not a high priority for me. I may have it completed by the end of Summer.

Just enjoy the game for what it is ... a game.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> This is what I've gathered from the forums:

> So far I've only heard about the farming and and time-gated stuff. Everyone can do that. Yes, it takes time, but possible.

> I haven't heard about requirements to do Jumping Puzzles, fractals, or pay 50g/achievement; those are things some people can't do or get stuck on frequently.

> I'm casually working on the dragon, but it's not a high priority for me. I may have it completed by the end of Summer.

> Just enjoy the game for what it is ... a game.




Lucky enough, once the "I MUST HAVE NOW!" hype dies down 2 weeks from now because there is no more first adopter issues, people will hopefully get back to enjoying doing things at their own pace

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There's already been several times on the new map when I haven't bothered to pick up a skyscale and then really wished I did. Appropriately many of those times were while doing the skyscale collection - it was really useful for example to be able to fly a short distance out from a cliff and then hover so I could get a clear view of the ledges to check for scales or sick skyscales. It was much harder trying to check using the griffon or springer where you're either moving or your view is limited by the terrain.


I'm really looking forward to having my own skyscale which I can take anywhere to explore with. Between the hovering and increased freedom to move up (and down - knowing I can get back up relatively easily) and the fact that it's a dragon I really don't mind what it takes to get it. Although so far I've not heard about anything I can't do - it sounds like it will take a lot of time, gold and other currencies but nothing the majority of players wouldn't be able to do given enough time. I'm not expecting to get it finished any time soon (I'm only up to finding the sick skyscales in Dragonfall), but more because of having limited time to play than because the collections themselves are a problem. And I've known since before I started this game that it would always take me longer than most people to complete things. Before Guild Wars I thought I'd never be able to play an MMO because I just don't have the time to put into one.


> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> This is what I've gathered from the forums:

> So far I've only heard about the farming and and time-gated stuff. Everyone can do that. Yes, it takes time, but possible.

> I haven't heard about requirements to do Jumping Puzzles, fractals, or pay 50g/achievement; those are things some people can't do or get stuck on frequently.

> I'm casually working on the dragon, but it's not a high priority for me. I may have it completed by the end of Summer.

> Just enjoy the game for what it is ... a game.


I think it does require completing some jumping puzzles, but I've heard that people were able to get mesmers to teleport them to the end of all of them. Once the hype dies down it might require waiting for that puzzle to be a daily or asking a friend or guild member to help you (or using LFG) because you won't be able to rely on a mesmer being parked at that puzzle at all times, but I assume asking for help is fairly standard in a multiplayer game.


Apparently it does also require large amounts of all Season 4 map currencies, but that just comes down to time again - farming the currency on the map. Certainly not my favourite activity but something anyone can do.

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It’s nice not nose diving like the griffon sometimes. Too many times I’ve not pulled up fast enough and landed on the ground. It’s a true glider too; you don’t have to constantly tap the jump key.. I think like all the mounts we’ll see a huge change in quality of life once the masteries are unlocked.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

We'd like to avoid spreading out the feedback across multiple forum threads so that the Guild Wars 2 Discussion forum doesn't seem too chaotic. Since this is related to the [[merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/76448/merged-about-the-skyscale-timegate) thread, I'm going to close this thread and redirect you to the above one.

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