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Skyscale Guild Chat this Friday–leave your questions for the devs here!

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I know the first post in this thread says they will discuss design only. PLEASE address the acquisition process, and what changes are coming on Tuesday. Unless the collection requirements are changed, I won't be getting the mount for weeks or months, if ever, and know a lot of people who feel the same way. Let us at least buy the last currencies for gold, like we can skip the middle collection with gold (the jumping puzzles, bosses, etc., which I did NOT skip except for the Ley-Line Anomaly boss which would not spawn). Thank you. And before someone calls me a whiner, hey, we all have different playstyles and likes/dislikes.

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Are there going to be additional masteries to improve the Skyscale’s utility as a mount? That would seem to address the concerns of those who say the cost/grind is too much and equally benefit those who already have the mount and have yet to start.


I also want to add that it is really a gorgeous mount and I love the wing animations! =)

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> @"Caitybee.3614" said:

> Please reduce Skyscale saddle items from 250 to 100. I quit and uninstalled the game 2 days ago because of this. I refuse to play unless it's reduced. And I played for 7 months straight.


I don't think the Dervs should be held to ransom. Maybe just learn from it next season that IF there's map currency at least farm it a bit?

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What's the reason behind the Skyscale having no lore to it whatsoever? All the mounts beforehand had background tying them as part of the world, even the Warclaw has something very vague but intriguing, but this time the entire Skyscale species...literally just exists now. Is there any reason for this after you said in the previous stream that you went through lengths to make it distinct from other dragon species we've seen before?


Also please would you consider reducing the amount of LS4 currencies needed for the saddle? Even just leaving it to 150 would suffice. The entire collection thus far has been exhausting but this is pretty much a door slam to the face. You could have at least warned us in advance that we'd need the currencies, instead of making us find out literally the last second. Some of us aren't crawling with alts or have as much time to spend in the game as other players and this comes off as almost punishing

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Skyscale falls behind all the current mounts in almost everything (apart hovering).

It is slower than griffon and stays in air less than griffon, it starts with red bar when dismounting/mounting in air, it feels clunkier than Springer when going up the mountains and no-regen means we'll probably get stuck most of the time before even reaching the higher ground, it can't hover over water like Skimmer, it lacks speed as well.

Its attack skill has no indication where it will land and most of the time it goes way off, not even targetting the enemy I am targeting, which means it also falls behind other mounts in terms of attack - clunky again. (Notice how it always fires ahead of your character depending where your character is turned)


It is natural players are not satisfied with Skyscale's overall mechanics; especially as it feels like a legendary mount too, it's normal to expect a mount that will be far more useful.

Are there any plans to address this and make changes as to make Skyscale more enjoyable and more useful?

There have been some really good suggestions in some threads.


But overall, amazing dragon, I love the design and animations!

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So, during the Guild Chat you said that you designed this system into the Skyscale to allow wall-jumping from a wall to another and do this horizontal movement.


I mean, cool. But can't we just use a Griffon for that and simply go straight faster?

It's not like who has a Skyscale doesn't have a Griffon (or gliding).

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