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are you satisfied with the amount of good or viable skills/ traits/ weapons?

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Balance is a problem.


If ranger longbow did as much DPS as greatsword, that's not really balanced, because longbow has a range of 1500.

If a weapon set with lots of CC did as much DPS as a non-CC weapon set, that's not balanced.



That said, there's always room to improve. Having more options in an RPG is always wonderful.

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Its subjective as much as you play one class vs another some classes DO have a good mix of useful/ viable skill and often they are pet classes of anet. If your not one of though classes you DO NOT have any hope of viable just a "take what you get" when it comes to skills and traits. The game has become less about playing how you want to and more about playing the right class or simply live for not being as "good" in one or another game type.


So still no for ele even though skills have use all of them but they are often carbon copys of each other and more pass over skills to get to your real viable skills and traits. You want to clear on reg well you get about 1/2 of your build to give you 3 regs but that all your doing for at least 2 trait lines.

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> @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> If ranger longbow did as much DPS as greatsword, that's not really balanced, because longbow has a range of 1500.

On the other hand, longbow has no cleave, and you'd still have to be in melee in order to get boons (notice how, for example, staff ele range capability was mostly unused in any more demanding content anyway).

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > ... and how much of that is actually down to personal preference?

> >

> > I think the necro minion skills mostly suck but judging from what I see in game I am sure plenty disagree with me.


> Exactly. This is a very subjective poll.


And... what's wrong with that? I don't get it. It's not like this poll is going to be used in some serious research or that Anet will acknowledge it for next balance update. It's simple question asked on forums to see what people think.

Besides, just because people use minions or any other skills/playstyle, doesn't mean they think it's nothing wrong with it. People like certain roles and playstyles, so they'll stick with it as long as they can. I like greatsword the most out of all weapons and I'll use it on any class as long as it's not absolute crap, even if other weapons perform better. Same goes for classes. Obviously some classes outperform others at certain parts, but that doesn't mean everyone will play only the most viable classes.


As for topic itself, I especially think weapons are very unbalanced.

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Highly depends on the profession, but over all, especially coming from GW1, I have to say no.


You have classes like Guardian, which is imo the gold standard of balance and design in my eyes where essentially every weapon can be turned into a condi weapon via Traits, or be a decent power weapon, as well as almost all of them having a place in a support build as well, due to Boons on Symbols and Traits that make them heal.

It's absolutely fantastic design, leaving me baffled why Anet hasn't tried to copy that somewhat, differently themed, on other professions.

At the same time, a lot of Utility skills provide actual strong utility on Guard, to a point where if you are really invested in the class you can swap Utilities for a large amount of content, such as almost each Fractal/Instability etc., and it's often difficult to fit everything you want into your utility slots.

(We don't talk about longbow though)


But there is also Necromancer, which often leaves me sitting there looking at all my utilities when deciding what to bring to a certain boss, realising that almost all of them are completely irrelevant and I might as well keep my Utility bar empty, if it weren't for things like Minions, which as terrible as they are provide at least a minor DPS boost over taking nothing at all. Also Epi and Blood Is power for condi builds since always.

Necromancer Utilities just seem way to bland and extremely niche in most cases on top of either being ineffective or clunky.

Weapons are in much the similar spot, where we are using the same one weapon in Scepter for condi builds since launch, with offhands aside from the "newly" added Torch being extremely lacklustre and all of them being very niche. Dagger MH only sees the light of day to generate LF in Raids on an off healer Scourge, but even then you only autoattack with it because every other skill isn't even worth using.

Overall I think the reliance on Shroud and how much of the power of Necro is loaded into the Profession mechanic left the class just extremely unsatisfying and bland to play in the moments without it, with the core of the profession in weapons and Utilities being very lacklustre.

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1. Base Revenant lacks a condi-ranged weapon, and our elite spec weapon(Renegade and Herald) Suck and are not worth taking.

2. Necro minions suck horribly, infact a lot of utilities kind of suck. Dagger mainhand is meh; Staff Is ok but it could use some modern love to bring it in line with the modern game.

3. Core Ranger seems like it pales in comparison to soul-beast and that is wrong on so many levels. Spirits still suck, I loved having my zoo

4. Messmers lack a shutdown build, or the infamous interrupt build of the original game.

5. Specific classes are overtuned and need to be either brought down, or have everything else brought to their level of play and prowess. (Soul-beast, Firebrand, Scourage, Engineer(Both Elite specs.), Mirage(To some extent.) And spellbreaker(Still strong.) And now berserker.) These specs are strong and while thats good and I don't want them gutted it begs the question when will we be equalized and given the ability to be viable with whatever class we want to run? Let there be a meta sure, but don't let the difference between meta and non-meta be THIS large.

6. Coming back to Rev we need at minimum a ranged condi-option for core, and at least one weapon like trident for on land that works with whatever build we have. Nerfing Sword/sword and staff won't fix the issue that is within the class. We have too few options where other classes have tons, We shouldn't have to run renegade to get ranged condi and renegade as a whole is still meh.(It actually works better as a power build due to all the vulnerability and synergy it has with shiro.) Im not saying "GiVe Me GrEaTsWoRd NoAw!!" But Id love to have scepter/focus or focus main-hand for condi at range. And Id also love to have another weapon that is malleable to whatever build I want to use. Trident is awesome and I love it... Id love to have more like it.

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> @"Jemmi.6058" said:

> Personally, I find that there is a severe lack of good ranged options for many classes. On my Ranger, I feel the need to run Greatsword. On my Mesmer, I feel the need to run dual sword. On my Elementalist, I feel the need to run sword/dagger.


> I could respect melee having slightly higher damage, due to increased risks; however, I find the difference between a ranged build and melee build too large. Even if they were good, there is still usually more melee than ranged options available per class.

Honestly, melee _isn't_ more risky than ranged in this game. In fact, it's by far the safest and most effective option due to things like proximity-based buffs/boons and the ability to quickly rez people. So ranged weapons being mediocre at best is doubly terrible.

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Im not a fan of the no range mentality. I hate the stack or die concept its too simple, and healing not having the ability to target to heal single players is meh. A good heal class in a game would have a combination of aoe and targeted single heals to keep it interesting along with buff and boon. The stack thing makes everything too simple. I like diversity, and hate constantly being in the melee pit.

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Many weapons, utilities and traits are worthless or nearly so. But you even have entire professions not having a good place in all game modes. In WvW many classes are either useless for zergs or for roaming. Then you have PvP, where ele has not been meta for a single day since PoF released.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> Since it's personal opinion, yes, everything is fine.


It's more than just opinion. You can easily compare weapons by their damage, cooldowns, utility, versatility, performance and conclude that certain weapons are simply vastly inferior in all situations, so using them is intentionally hurting your performance. They might be only used for fashion.

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Traits need alot of help honestly but I don't go into that as alot smarter needs could talk for hours about this (deroir for one, mighty tea pot, etc).


But with so many awesome weapon skins in game it's terribly disappointing some classes have so few weapon options (engineer).


Mace should be more available, scepter, etc to more classes (notwithstanding the meta keeping many weapons as so niche for classes that do even have alot of options.

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> @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > Since it's personal opinion, yes, everything is fine.


> It's more than just opinion. You can easily compare weapons by their damage, cooldowns, utility, versatility, performance and conclude that certain weapons are simply vastly inferior in all situations, so using them is intentionally hurting your performance. They might be only used for fashion.


It's still just an opinion though, especially the way the question was asked...and there are those that care about performance and those that don't...which is all a matter of taste and subjectiveness. What I find superior or inferior might be different than what you find inferior or superior, numbers not withstanding....this is a game, I play for fun, so what ever makes it fun is okay with me.

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> @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > ... and how much of that is actually down to personal preference?

> > >

> > > I think the necro minion skills mostly suck but judging from what I see in game I am sure plenty disagree with me.

> >

> > minions are done horribly and that's from a necro main, in GW i could at least make my personal meat shield, in GW2 i can barely make a party worth using.


> I blame the shift from instanced to open world for this.


> I remember running the typical MM in GW1 before they capped the max amount of minions and you basically had an army of up to 20+ minions. Good times.


Heh I remember doing that in factions in that one mission where 2 parties come in from different sides and have to fight off waves of afflicted. You could basicly do that whole mission with 2 necromancers, one for each side just standing there and summoning as fast as you could. An army of 30-40 minions per necro was glorious. I was so bumed when they nerfed it to 10 minions. Then agian it made blood of the master a tad less risky as prior to the nerf you could potentialy end up with an army big enough to nuke your health from full in a single cast.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > Since it's personal opinion, yes, everything is fine.

> >

> > It's more than just opinion. You can easily compare weapons by their damage, cooldowns, utility, versatility, performance and conclude that certain weapons are simply vastly inferior in all situations, so using them is intentionally hurting your performance. They might be only used for fashion.


> It's still just an opinion though, especially the way the question was asked...and there are those that care about performance and those that don't...which is all a matter of taste and subjectiveness. What I find superior or inferior might be different than what you find inferior or superior, numbers not withstanding....this is a game, I play for fun, so what ever makes it fun is okay with me.


Well then, with this logic, aside from technical problems, everything everyone says about the game is opinion and doesn't matter. Might as well shut down all feedback/suggestions/wishes topics here and on any game ever. Also be sure not to watch any reviews before buying any game because it's 95% opinions.

If Arenanet decides tomorrow to replace our weapons with sticks that deal 50 damage per hit, while boss has million health, you wouldn't be complaining, because that being boring, not balanced and not fun is only an opinion, so doesn't matter.

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> @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> > > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > > Since it's personal opinion, yes, everything is fine.

> > >

> > > It's more than just opinion. You can easily compare weapons by their damage, cooldowns, utility, versatility, performance and conclude that certain weapons are simply vastly inferior in all situations, so using them is intentionally hurting your performance. They might be only used for fashion.

> >

> > It's still just an opinion though, especially the way the question was asked...and there are those that care about performance and those that don't...which is all a matter of taste and subjectiveness. What I find superior or inferior might be different than what you find inferior or superior, numbers not withstanding....this is a game, I play for fun, so what ever makes it fun is okay with me.


> Well then, with this logic, aside from technical problems, everything everyone says about the game is opinion and doesn't matter. Might as well shut down all feedback/suggestions/wishes topics here and on any game ever. Also be sure not to watch any reviews before buying any game because it's 95% opinions.

> If Arenanet decides tomorrow to replace our weapons with sticks that deal 50 damage per hit, while boss has million health, you wouldn't be complaining, because that being boring, not balanced and not fun is only an opinion, so doesn't matter.


Since you don't quite understand I'm going to put the question as asked here: "are you satisfied with the amount of good or viable skills/ traits/ weapons?" By using "satisfaction" in the question that automatically makes it an opinion piece, if he had chosen instead to word the question this way: are all the skills/traits/weapons viable in GW2? then your argument would be valid. I said the way the question is worded, how you word a question changes it's context entirely...the OP's wording makes it an opinion piece.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> > > > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > > > Since it's personal opinion, yes, everything is fine.

> > > >

> > > > It's more than just opinion. You can easily compare weapons by their damage, cooldowns, utility, versatility, performance and conclude that certain weapons are simply vastly inferior in all situations, so using them is intentionally hurting your performance. They might be only used for fashion.

> > >

> > > It's still just an opinion though, especially the way the question was asked...and there are those that care about performance and those that don't...which is all a matter of taste and subjectiveness. What I find superior or inferior might be different than what you find inferior or superior, numbers not withstanding....this is a game, I play for fun, so what ever makes it fun is okay with me.

> >

> > Well then, with this logic, aside from technical problems, everything everyone says about the game is opinion and doesn't matter. Might as well shut down all feedback/suggestions/wishes topics here and on any game ever. Also be sure not to watch any reviews before buying any game because it's 95% opinions.

> > If Arenanet decides tomorrow to replace our weapons with sticks that deal 50 damage per hit, while boss has million health, you wouldn't be complaining, because that being boring, not balanced and not fun is only an opinion, so doesn't matter.


> Since you don't quite understand I'm going to put the question as asked here: "are you satisfied with the amount of good or viable skills/ traits/ weapons?" By using "satisfaction" in the question that automatically makes it an opinion piece, if he had chosen instead to word the question this way: are all the skills/traits/weapons viable in GW2? then your argument would be valid. I said the way the question is worded, how you word a question changes it's context entirely...the OP's wording makes it an opinion piece.


You sure know how to complicate things. It's a simple question. Do you think weapons and traits are balanced or not. There is nothing wrong with the question. Every individual decides for themselves and answers. What exactly makes you think this is anything but asking for opinion? Don't you think OP knows that? If it wasn't an opinion it would be a fact and there wouldn't be a need for poll.

Besides, "Are all the skills/traits/weapons viable in gw2" as you put it is same kitten thing. If I answer yes, it's my opinion and someone else might answer no and it's also an opinion.

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> @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> > > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> > > > > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > > > > Since it's personal opinion, yes, everything is fine.

> > > > >

> > > > > It's more than just opinion. You can easily compare weapons by their damage, cooldowns, utility, versatility, performance and conclude that certain weapons are simply vastly inferior in all situations, so using them is intentionally hurting your performance. They might be only used for fashion.

> > > >

> > > > It's still just an opinion though, especially the way the question was asked...and there are those that care about performance and those that don't...which is all a matter of taste and subjectiveness. What I find superior or inferior might be different than what you find inferior or superior, numbers not withstanding....this is a game, I play for fun, so what ever makes it fun is okay with me.

> > >

> > > Well then, with this logic, aside from technical problems, everything everyone says about the game is opinion and doesn't matter. Might as well shut down all feedback/suggestions/wishes topics here and on any game ever. Also be sure not to watch any reviews before buying any game because it's 95% opinions.

> > > If Arenanet decides tomorrow to replace our weapons with sticks that deal 50 damage per hit, while boss has million health, you wouldn't be complaining, because that being boring, not balanced and not fun is only an opinion, so doesn't matter.

> >

> > Since you don't quite understand I'm going to put the question as asked here: "are you satisfied with the amount of good or viable skills/ traits/ weapons?" By using "satisfaction" in the question that automatically makes it an opinion piece, if he had chosen instead to word the question this way: are all the skills/traits/weapons viable in GW2? then your argument would be valid. I said the way the question is worded, how you word a question changes it's context entirely...the OP's wording makes it an opinion piece.


> You sure know how to complicate things. It's a simple question. Do you think weapons and traits are balanced or not. There is nothing wrong with the question. Every individual decides for themselves and answers. What exactly makes you think this is anything but asking for opinion? Don't you think OP knows that? If it wasn't an opinion it would be a fact and there wouldn't be a need for poll.

> Besides, "Are all the skills/traits/weapons viable in gw2" as you put it is same kitten thing. If I answer yes, it's my opinion and someone else might answer no and it's also an opinion.


No, they are not the same question just by the difference in the definition of the words "satisfied" and "viable", yes, they do both ask for opinions...but when you ask someone if they're satisfied or not the answer is mostly going to be yes/no without a followup needed...asking someone if something is viable also leads to a yes/no answer but with an automatic followup question of why or why not(this is something you learn when you learn how to detect behaviors in people and do active engagement),

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> No, they are not the same question just by the difference in the definition of the words "satisfied" and "viable", yes, they do both ask for opinions...but when you ask someone if they're satisfied or not the answer is mostly going to be yes/no without a followup needed...asking someone if something is viable also leads to a yes/no answer but with an automatic followup question of why or why not(this is something you learn when you learn how to detect behaviors in people and do active engagement),


Let me quote your first response:


> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> Since it's personal opinion, yes, everything is fine.


And then:


> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> By using "satisfaction" in the question that automatically makes it an opinion piece, if he had chosen instead to word the question this way: are all the skills/traits/weapons viable in GW2? then your argument would be valid. I said the way the question is worded, how you word a question changes it's context entirely...the OP's wording makes it an opinion piece.


Your responses and idea are clearly "It's an opinion, so it doesn't matter" and now you are trying to strawman it seems.


Besides, "satisfied" and "viable" are two different things indeed. But none of it means that answering with your opinion doesn't matter. OP wants to know how people feel about current situation about weapons and traits and you just complicated things for no reason at all. Having satisfied gameplay is just as much important as having viable builds.

Satisfaction is one of the consequence of having fun. Having fun is very important in game. Obviously I'm not saying Anet should consider and realize every wish and suggestion on forum, but if something is known as bad or in need of attention because it takes away from fun and it's agreed upon by wide spread audience, then the question is far from "doesn't matter" and might be worth looking into.

Whether this particular topic and question is important enough is something Anet needs to decide. But I'm talking generally about your "it's an opinion so it doesn't matter" approach. Guess what, if enough people has an "opinion" that the game is not worth playing, it would sure as hell matter quickly.

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