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Can you solo Hot? Can you solo PoF? Can you solo all of LW?

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I'm not a great player and I main an Elementalist that dies super-easy.


I still managed to solo all of HoT - except for the final fight with Mordremoth - where I finally gave up and asked my guild mates to come help me down it.


I soloed all of PoF on my ele.


But it was really tough and brutal for me. Dying constantly, one-shot all the time, armor breaking. But I made it.

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Solo'd hot map except for few hero point challenges with DD. Solo'd all of pof with DD as well and found it much easier. Until u get familiarized with hot maps they are far more frustrating to traverse. The Springer helps a lot. In the long run pof get bit boring and the high agro range that the enemies have become more annoying than anything in hot, atleast to me lol.

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Yep, been soloing all the story content and majority of open world content since the game came out.


There are some enemies and events, hero points etc that are suited more to group content but they can be soloed with a good build and some persistence.

Usually there will be other people around to lend a hand though so it's rare you can actually get truly stuck on anything related to map completion or story content.

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