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Should the Skyscale map currency be reduced?

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> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > You not playing those maps before was an active choice you made, just as you made the choice to get the Skyscale. It really isn't that bad. Do hearts, don't waste your time on map completion. Use multiple chars. Do the meta events and rift events. You're not forced to do anything, you make the choice yourself going for those things.

> >

> > Also don't do hearts that annoy you. In Kourna for example I just skip the first one at the camp because it absolutely sucks and can't be completed within 1 minute as the others mostly can be.


> I work 12 hour shifts and have other things to do in my life. In the 2-4 hours I can manage to play every 3rd day or so I don't want to have to play 5 different characters on these godforsaken maps for a tiny bit of progress. Maybe 25 of all currency per heart wouldn't be so bad... sigh....


It's your choice to have not run the maps previous and acquired some currency.

It is also your choice to go full Skyscale in an effort to get it done yesterday and in doing so have chosen to keep rerunning the same things over and over on alts.

The skyscale is not some kind of race it is basically filler content. If your time is limited then maybe you should spread that time across different aspects of the game, not hive to skyscale or bust, but hey each to their own I guess.

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> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> I feel the need to say this again. I know it's been said multiple times before.


> The currency requirements for skyscale are absolutely unfun. It has brought my play time to an absolute stop. I do not appreciate having to map complete on 5 toons.... for not even half of the required mistonium. Some maps are okay. The hearts that reward 25 currency per is doable, even though I hate it.



> But man. This is not fun. I hate it. It has driven me to apex and another character... I feel even though I'm trying to get it done, I'm barely denting it. I will just buy 5 per day from the vendor in dragonsfall but it will probably be another month until I have the skyscale.


> Screw this. I hate it. I had heard so much complaints about it but after being FORCED to go to all lws4 maps (as somebody who doesn't play those maps) and having the events and repeatable hearts shoved down my throat. Ugh.



> No thanks. Please change it. Maybe 200 trade contracts and 100 of each currency.


and alot of players have the skyscale now coz THEY'VE EARNED IT. You're NOT FORCED to have the skyscale y'know? funny that an mmo has a grind element to it right?

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In a MMO, you are not FORCED to do anything, ever.

People WANT something , and to get it they have to do something else, but some people dont want to do the something else, so the line is I am being FORCED to do the something else.

Happens is most MMOs

I havnt got a Skyscale simply because I havnt found any need for it , and Im certainly not being FORCED to get one.


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> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> I believe the reason for many players to find it a hassle to get the Skyscale, is that they want to get it fast. However, there is no reason to hurry. All of the type vista/mastery points and many achievements of the new area can be done with the other mounts. Skyscale is - on my opinion - more like an optional bonus. Nice when it comes and in the meantime, no worries. :)


> I had much fun at all the "treasure hunts", but that's probably because of my way of thinking. The skyscale has never been a mandatory objective for me. I was just enjoying to have a bunch of hunts. Aside of those, I completed the area and several achievements, took part in meta regularly, did many other events... All of that without the skyscale. I never confronted a situation where I suddenly felt like I need it. For currencies and mats, I kept same philosophy as always: It comes when it comes. I will certainly not force myself to do stuff I don't like (like typically repeating same in a row), just to go faster. Eventually, it will complete. Let's wait for it. Well, ok, it's is true that my laziness is a powerful driver! :3


I'm in a very odd situation with this mount. I definitely don't think I need it to complete anything in the game, and I understand it's supposed to be a long-term goal (although I think that could have been made much clearer in the original announcement, all the promo for War Eternal made it sound like you'd be able to get the mount very quickly so I can see why it surprised people). But I'm not one to rush my goals in games so in theory I'm happy to take my time with it.


But on the other hand it's a **Dragon**! I can't think of _anything_, in any game I've ever played, which would be a higher priority for me than unlocking a dragon mount. So that makes it not only top of my 'to-do list' but a 'drop everything in-game until this is done' priority. As I said in my last post I've been keeping to what I think is reasonable for me, but it does mean I've been doing almost nothing else in-game, and won't be doing anything else until my skyscale is unlocked...which could be a bit tricky with the Dragon Bash festival starting today, but it won't be the first time I've missed the beginning of a festival.

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As a "casual player" i.e. someone who, up until the skyscale patch, only really played the current LW episodes and the would log off to play alts, etc., the only currency I found to be truly obnoxious were the diflourite crystals and branded crystals.


Other than that, I found I had more than enough map currencies and, timegating not withstanding (it made sense to me because we were "growing and training" a baby skyscale), I was able to get the two currencies I really needed with a weekend's worth of farming events across the maps. And that was with several long breaks in between farming runs as well.


I'll be perfectly honest, when choosing between the skyscale and griffion, I find the griffon to be a more functionally sound mount than the skyscale. I feel the skyscale was meant to be a "luxury" mount and as such, is going to require a bit more time put into farming for it.


But that's just my two cents.

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> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> I feel the need to say this again. I know it's been said multiple times before.


> The currency requirements for skyscale are absolutely unfun. It has brought my play time to an absolute stop. I do not appreciate having to map complete on 5 toons.... for not even half of the required mistonium. Some maps are okay. The hearts that reward 25 currency per is doable, even though I hate it.



> But man. This is not fun. I hate it. It has driven me to apex and another character... I feel even though I'm trying to get it done, I'm barely denting it. I will just buy 5 per day from the vendor in dragonsfall but it will probably be another month until I have the skyscale.


> Screw this. I hate it. I had heard so much complaints about it but after being FORCED to go to all lws4 maps (as somebody who doesn't play those maps) and having the events and repeatable hearts shoved down my throat. Ugh.



> No thanks. Please change it. Maybe 200 trade contracts and 100 of each currency.


It is unfun, but I don't honestly understand how so many claim this is an impossible task. When I started the collection, I had a full stack of Kralkatite Ore, about 50 Branded Mass, and about 90-100 each of Difflurite, Inscribed and Mistonium. I didn't spend any time in S4 maps prior to this - once the story was done, I was back to HoT metas, Fractals and WvW. Most of what I did have was from farming a guildmates home instance.


I had all I needed for the saddle within 6 days.

I went to Sandswept Isles, farmed the nodes / dailies, did the meta a few times. Same thing for Thunderhead Keep, Kourna and Jahai. I only farmed a home instance twice in that time period, but every day I bought 5 of each currency in Dragonfall. I did this using only 1 character which already had map completion prior to the collection.


I'm on record as disagreeing with Skyscale collection, but I disagree with people who characterize this as being THAT hard.


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I don't understand why their are so many complains about. They introduced a very fair exchange in dragonfall, their are fast hards on every map, and addressed the time gate. I'm always wondering, why is 250 to much but 200 or 100 not, from when do people find it accible and why

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I love how people think that having a permanent, cool-looking, and mechanically fun mount for the next 5-10 years and never having to do anything for it ever again is not worth the time grind that takes all of.. a week of casual play.


You can literally buy the home instance nodes (or mine someone else's) and combine them with the daily currency purchases in Dragonfall and complete the Skyscale resource requirements in 31 days without even doing anything but logging in.


Now Vision, that's over the top effort, but that's another story.

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > @"mdee.5194" said:

> > You arnt being forced to grind .

> > If you dont like the game then move to something else.

> > Grinding is all about making things take a long time , thats the whole idea of it , keeps people playing the game longer.

> > If everyone could get everything they wanted in 1 day , the game would very quickly run out of players as they would all be bored with nothing left to do.

> >


> Except grind done well actually provides adequate return for the time you invest into it. GW2...does not have that.


> I could go play BDO for a week, 5 hours a day grinding the same mob rotation for that 5 hours and come out of it with enough silver to actually upgrade pieces of my gear along with having gained quite a good chunk of experience towards my characters next level.


> GW2 grind is just...it doesn't feel rewarding. It doesn't feel like you're actually earning anything. Especially when the ways you typically earn money in PvE are tied to meta events and such that only occur at certain times or after other events have completed.


> Its a stark contrast to GW1 where you could spend 5 hours a day for a week grinding for ectos in UW and you'd actually come out the other end with your time well invested even if you only got a few ecto drops because they are *expensive* and also used as its own form of currency in the game. On top of the skill points you earned for those UW runs.


Yes, GW2 has always had a problem with rewards. Bringing players to different maps was a great idea. The currency is not a problem IMO, however when there is nothing else besides said currency for the Skyscale, it becomes the grind. If the same currency wasn't the main thing needed for the skins/items in the map it won't seem as daunting/grindy. It wasn't that hard really but I felt the grind at sandswept isles. When not every event gave difluorite crystal as rewards. The only 2 maps that took me more than 1 day with ranking from the worst grind to least, with Sandwept leaps and bounds the worst. The rest weren't too bad.


1. Sandswept Isle

2. Domain of Kourna

3. Jahai Bluffs


When they make skins/items for the living story maps, besides completionists, most only want a few of the skins. Thus, there's no reason to be back in those maps. Each map should really have some kind of unique rewards obtainable, besides grinding for currency. The rewards should can be for the meta or chain events in the form of the bonus boxes similar to the world boss/meta even rushes. These have to be unique(and should fit into the lore) of each map or else most will just do specific maps (Istan). Anet has never really focused on RNG rewards much(understanding static rewards was the philosophy they believed in), but getting the same rare quality equipment/mats gets stale really quick.


I do love the idea of items having these kinds of difficulty to obtain that is not necessarily gamebreaking/needed but has prestige in them. Wish they would make more of these. However they need to figure out how to keep it fun and not as grindy. But I totally understand why they did it this way. It's to promote sales of living story. For the parts that have more grind, perhaps include something else that is rewarded for the intermediate reward.


Whoever decided to only give 5 of the currency for map complete, should be tied up and tickled for an hour straight.

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I had minimal amounts of the map currencies because I only spent enough time on each map to get through the story. I didn't even know about buying the 5 currencies per heart per day till I started working on the Skyscale.


And I only have 1 character that was able to use the maps. So once I started working on the currency I realized quickly that it would take me a while.


Getting the currency was the first thing I focused on each day (after dailies) and I started with the map I had the most currency on, then on to the others, and once I got 250 of one map, I didn't have to do that one any more. Then I did the same thing with each of the other maps, crossing them off once they got done. As each one got done that was less I had to do overall. It felt like good solid progress and kept me from feeling overwhelmed.


Overall it took me a month from when I unlocked the collection till I finished it, and that includes having my old computer finally bite the dust and having to get a new one and set it up. For me it was worth it, I love my Skyscale. :)

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> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> I don't get why people are talking about time gate. That ain't my issue, and credit where credit is due, anet mitigated it' to 2 hours.... although should just remove it... 2 hours to wait to talk to the same guy.... I digress.



> My problem is the currency grind. It is literally that. I have to OY do the same hearts and events over and over and over and over. It's not fun. It's not something that I can "just take my time" with because if I do that it will take me 4 months to get sigh.


> 5 classes map completion barely dents it. How many hearts do we actually have to do for jahai to make enough?


There are also twenty plus mist touched caches with a mistonium in each. Get these plus hearts and that is 40+ every day. This does not even include the extras from rifts and metas.

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> @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> I myself got it quite a while ago, but I agree. The 250 of each currency was not fun; it was painful. I would strongly support a change in this area for players forward-going.


I completely agree with this. I forced myself to grind for the currency because I wanted the Skyscale. I'm glad I got it and it's becoming my favorite mount but that DOES NOT negate the fact that I thought the grind was boring and painful. I literally never want to see those LW4 maps again; I feel that negative about them.



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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > > > > @"Calvsie.3675" said:

> > > > > I feel people came into Skyscale with the completely wrong mindset. Instead of "WOW a good long term goal to keep me engaged for a couple week to a month!" they were all "WANT IT NOW" and then proceeded to not be happy.

> > > >

> > > > Except the problem was that they timegated each step. Thats what people were complaining about. They *forced* players to stop working on it until reset the next day. That is what made them unhappy.

> > >

> > > Maybe they could have used that time to farm the necessary currency, and then they'd have most of it when it was time to continue? Just a thought.

> >

> > Or they already have the currency they need and would then be forced to wait until reset the next day to continue if it stayed that way. Yet another thought.


> Well aside from the fact that waiting for another day isn't grinding it's just waiting and since I've gone 7 years without that mount, the 4 days wait total wasn't such a big deal, and I don't see why people think it is, but aside from all that, it's been fixed anyway and complaining about something that has been fixed is pointless.


I know it isn't grinding. I've never said that its grinding. I said it is time gating which feels lazy...


> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> > I don't get why people are talking about time gate. That ain't my issue, and credit where credit is due, anet mitigated it' to 2 hours.... although should just remove it... 2 hours to wait to talk to the same guy.... I digress.

> >

> >

> > My problem is the currency grind. It is literally that. I have to OY do the same hearts and events over and over and over and over. It's not fun. It's not something that I can "just take my time" with because if I do that it will take me 4 months to get sigh.

> >

> > 5 classes map completion barely dents it. How many hearts do we actually have to do for jahai to make enough?


> No you don't have to grind. The Dragonfall exchange merchant who exchanged all other maps currencies per day (5 each) is there for just that. So is asking other people for home instance node access for daily gathering.


> Your personal inability to manage time, setup short-, medium- and longterm goals is your problem. You could just keep playing the game, acquire the 5-8 daily map resources and complete the collection for the Skyscale in around 30 days without grinding any currency. Or a variation of this where you play occasionall on some moaps, which would easily bring the collection time down to half that time. You WANTING to get the Skyscale faster and grinding hearts on multiple characters is your choice, even if not a very smart one if you are not enjoying it.


> > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > > @"mdee.5194" said:

> > > You arnt being forced to grind .

> > > If you dont like the game then move to something else.

> > > Grinding is all about making things take a long time , thats the whole idea of it , keeps people playing the game longer.

> > > If everyone could get everything they wanted in 1 day , the game would very quickly run out of players as they would all be bored with nothing left to do.

> > >

> >

> > Except grind done well actually provides adequate return for the time you invest into it. GW2...does not have that.

> >

> > I could go play BDO for a week, 5 hours a day grinding the same mob rotation for that 5 hours and come out of it with enough silver to actually upgrade pieces of my gear along with having gained quite a good chunk of experience towards my characters next level.

> >


> Wow, okay let's use this example. Those 5 hours per day for a week are 35 hours total. If we assume a medium return of 15 gold (efficient pve gold farming can reach up to 30 gold per hour not counting TP speculation and more) that would yield you 525 gold in that week on a intermediate farm. That's the equivalent of equipping 5 characters in full exotic gear with best in slot runes and sigil and then some. Or half way to a legendary T1 weapon. All of which would remain best in slot or at its power level.


> Back to BDO (which is hilarious to even mention compared to GW2 because the game is a required grind fest). Yes, your upgrades feel more meaning full because they are constantly made invalid by gear progression. The net result though is: after X amount of time your BDO upgrades will mean nothing while your GW2 wealth gain will remain.


> > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > GW2 grind is just...it doesn't feel rewarding. It doesn't feel like you're actually earning anything. Especially when the ways you typically earn money in PvE are tied to meta events and such that only occur at certain times or after other events have completed.


> Yes, GW2 feels different. While its grind is probably the most rewarding among any MMO, because it is a constant value increase without regular trashing of your stuff.


> > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > Its a stark contrast to GW1 where you could spend 5 hours a day for a week grinding for ectos in UW and you'd actually come out the other end with your time well invested even if you only got a few ecto drops because they are *expensive* and also used as its own form of currency in the game. On top of the skill points you earned for those UW runs.


> This is literally the same here. You simply do not play the correct content or do not enjoy the same farms here as in GW1.


You're right. That gold can be used to easily equip a character in full exotics *maybe* even get close to full Ascended armor if they already have exotic, which is cheap depending on which stats you're aiming for, with "best in slot" runes (not a thing necessarily in this game as "best in slot" is *entirely* dependent on build and subjective because of that). Once you get Ascended gear though you're basically set...the benefit of going up to Legendary gear is almost a purely convenience upgrade and thats just for build swapping.


Exotic (Least convenient) > Ascended (More convenient) > Legendary (Most convenient)


Now do you actually *understand* how BDO gearing works? The actual process and the end result? Gear progress, in that the actual "end goal", has not changed since I believe...middle of 2016? It hasn't changed since they released PRI, DUO, TRI, TET, PEN upgrade tiers for Armor/Weapons. Has not changed. At all. The only thing that has changed is that the players are actually approaching or have already reached the "soft cap" or possibly the "hard cap" on their gear. People are now sitting in full TET (+19) gear, but there are also those with a mixture of PEN (+20) and TET gear (armor and weapons) with full TET accessories (Rings, Earrings, Belt, Necklace) and most are level 61/62 with a few people being level 63+ (one individual on NA has recently hit level 65). Those upgrade levels have not been invalidated, its not the typical gear treadmill you might be referencing of basically "Do raid, get gear, new raid releases, get new better gear, rinse and repeat". BDO has specific pieces of gear that are considered Best in Slot and this has *barely* changed over the 3 years the game has been out. Some new things have been added, like a new Boss helmet and new Boss shoes but both of the ones prior to them are still considered to be Best in Slot and provide some variation on what kind of gear build you can make. Even some of the newer accessories, while better, don't entirely replace what was considered older "BiS" accessories as mostly the new ones just provide a modification to your Black Spirit Rage generation to just make it available more frequently.


So to fully address what you said, they aren't made "invalid" by gear progression. The draw to it is that they are actually meaningful because there *is* a cap you are working towards but each step takes time, effort, grinding and feels satisfying once you reach it. Especially if you get lucky in the RNG department, like recently I tapped a bunch of my gear to TET with either 1 attempt or 2 attempts. Gained like 50 gear score in like a week (both AP/DP combined) with my biggest boost having come from gaining at least 35 AP with these upgrades.


>! This is my gear and this is by no means "extremely geared" in BDO right now. This is like just shy of softcap AP (260) a few proper accessory upgrades which are very achievable and pushing the awakening weapon to PEN and I'll be there.

>! ![](https://i.imgur.com/pocPdH0.png "")



Now back to GW2. The gearing philosophy is fine and all, I don't mind it in fact. I've continued to play GW2 because of this, because I can just come on back and not have to worry about catch up. However truth be told, that doesn't always satisfy my personal preferences and I want a more meaningful goal beyond *just* cosmetic or *just* convenience. Sure there are Achievements...but they aren't particularly challenging. Sure the rewards you get from the higher Achievement point "brackets" are nice and all but I've never felt drawn to really push terribly hard to get to them as its just repeated cosmetic rewards.


Again, I'm fine with these things in GW2 and I'm fine with GW2 having a casual playerbase and fine with the idea that it has casual avenues to appeal to casual players...but its missing this aspect to it that is essentially denying a subset of players from really engaging with their game. It doesn't have a terribly hardcore route for players to embark upon, to be challenged by. Raids sort of fit that bill but I only say sort of because, like I stated previously in this thread, they are a pale, pale shadow compared to its counterparts in other games. The latest GW2 raid was cleared *the same day* it was released, and I mean in its entirety, by raiding guilds. It has no additional difficulty levels, nothing more beyond that other than repeating it for some chances on some special cosmetics from the raid, some achievements and...I think thats it?


My point being, this game caters to a very casual audience which I am all well and fine with...except that Anet seems to *only* cater to this casual audience. Not even an attempt to try to appeal to a more hardcore player, or I should say not *great* attempts at it. Raids were, I think, an attempted step in that direction but again...not really. Know how they might be able to rectify this for PvE? Challenge settings. Difficulty tiers for Raids/Fractals/Dungeons with much increased rewards for completing these difficulty tiers either with *much* more flashy cosmetics or simply rewards befitting of that scale of difficulty. Mystic Coins (they offer them to sPvP AT winners since they seem to deem that a significant enough of a challenge to warrant those rewards), Gold, Ascended materials maybe, Mystic Clovers maybe, *titles*, maybe some infusion with a special visual effect that can't be sold on the TP. There are a plethora of things they could offer that are currently in game, and maybe they could even add some new ones. Wouldn't be like they haven't done it before...GW1 Hard Mode campaign missions.




>! > @"Mushuchalaka.9437" said:

>! > > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

>! > > > @"mdee.5194" said:

>! > > > You arnt being forced to grind .

>! > > > If you dont like the game then move to something else.

>! > > > Grinding is all about making things take a long time , thats the whole idea of it , keeps people playing the game longer.

>! > > > If everyone could get everything they wanted in 1 day , the game would very quickly run out of players as they would all be bored with nothing left to do.

>! > > >

>! > >

>! > > Except grind done well actually provides adequate return for the time you invest into it. GW2...does not have that.

>! > >

>! > > I could go play BDO for a week, 5 hours a day grinding the same mob rotation for that 5 hours and come out of it with enough silver to actually upgrade pieces of my gear along with having gained quite a good chunk of experience towards my characters next level.

>! > >

>! > > GW2 grind is just...it doesn't feel rewarding. It doesn't feel like you're actually earning anything. Especially when the ways you typically earn money in PvE are tied to meta events and such that only occur at certain times or after other events have completed.

>! > >

>! > > Its a stark contrast to GW1 where you could spend 5 hours a day for a week grinding for ectos in UW and you'd actually come out the other end with your time well invested even if you only got a few ecto drops because they are *expensive* and also used as its own form of currency in the game. On top of the skill points you earned for those UW runs.

>! >

>! > Yes, GW2 has always had a problem with rewards. Bringing players to different maps was a great idea. The currency is not a problem IMO, however when there is nothing else besides said currency for the Skyscale, it becomes the grind. If the same currency wasn't the main thing needed for the skins/items in the map it won't seem as daunting/grindy. It wasn't that hard really but I felt the grind at sandswept isles. When not every event gave difluorite crystal as rewards. The only 2 maps that took me more than 1 day with ranking from the worst grind to least, with Sandwept leaps and bounds the worst. The rest weren't too bad.

>! >

>! > 1. Sandswept Isle

>! > 2. Domain of Kourna

>! > 3. Jahai Bluffs

>! >

>! > When they make skins/items for the living story maps, besides completionists, most only want a few of the skins. Thus, there's no reason to be back in those maps. Each map should really have some kind of unique rewards obtainable, besides grinding for currency. The rewards should can be for the meta or chain events in the form of the bonus boxes similar to the world boss/meta even rushes. These have to be unique(and should fit into the lore) of each map or else most will just do specific maps (Istan). Anet has never really focused on RNG rewards much(understanding static rewards was the philosophy they believed in), but getting the same rare quality equipment/mats gets stale really quick.

>! >

>! > I do love the idea of items having these kinds of difficulty to obtain that is not necessarily gamebreaking/needed but has prestige in them. Wish they would make more of these. However they need to figure out how to keep it fun and not as grindy. But I totally understand why they did it this way. It's to promote sales of living story. For the parts that have more grind, perhaps include something else that is rewarded for the intermediate reward.

>! >

>! > Whoever decided to only give 5 of the currency for map complete, should be tied up and tickled for an hour straight.


>! Well you say they've never focused on RNG rewards much, yet look at that Bonus Box of Goods they have given twice now for an event. Thats RNG. Thats very RNG. "Here is are some events that give you a loot box with a *really* low chance of actually getting something worth your time." Anet has been consistent with their rewards thats for sure, though. Materials. Always materials. From GW1 to GW2, materials have been a big go to. GW1 they were needed to craft sets of gear, especially the expensive ones like UW and FoW sets and this remains true for GW2...yet their value is *significantly less* in GW2. With how abundant and easily available crafting materials are in GW2 they just don't hold the same value as they did in GW1. Ectos being the biggest drop in value between the two games. There are, however, materials that I would say do have a lot of value in GW2. Ascended materials, Mystic Coins, Mystic Clovers, Amalgamated Gemstones, and a few others. However...these are sparsely rewarded to players through "challenging content" and while I am entirely fine with grinding, I need to actually enjoy what I'm doing to grind.


>! Like I enjoy grinding on BDO. Combat is fun, there is Open World PvP that can happen and I can shut my brain off basically and just watch/listen to a podcast, watch Critical Role, watch Netflix, etc while I do it. GW2 open world PvE...it legitimately makes me bored. I have almost no desire to touch it because every time I do its just "Why am I doing this? Oh right, to make this legendary...then I have no reason to stay." and even with that goal in mind its still kind of torture. Even if I try to do something similar like on BDO, watch Netflix, Critical Role, etc in the background I inevitably end up sitting and AFKing while waiting for events to pop. Kills my drive to even bother and then the event pops and tadaa....mobbed down in like 15 minutes, usually less, then on to waiting for the next event. To be fair, I actually kind of more enjoyed Dragonfall with its events. Much more consistent, less waiting and there were 3 areas to jump around to if one didn't have anything going on. However honestly GW2 didn't set a very high bar to hit or overcome there.

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> snip


Yes, and you believing that this cap will hold for BDO (which is already insaly grindy to reach, how many hours until you hit that cap gear you are talking about? 500? 1,000?) is what is amusing to me.


You do know who the target audience for BDO is right? It's not the werstern market.


As to 2 years of no gear progression, I raise you 6+ years which has been the case in GW2 (at vastly shorter acquisition time in GW2).


Then again, who knows, maybe I am wrong. All I've seen from BDO is players quitting the game because it is way to grindy and even with playing 10 hours per day it is near impossible to keep caught up but you have your anwser. If you enjoy the BDO grind over the GW2 **optional** grind, you know which game to play.

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If you WvW or PvP you can also run the reward tracks to acquire the currency as an alternate idea. On a side note, this isn't the first time we encountered something like this. I would recommend to anyone if ANet releases a zone currency make sure you are gathering it as you go. That includes visiting capitals and taking free tours with players that are welcoming visitors to their home instances. Since unexpanded collections are set at 250 units there are some odds that ANet might release something that will require that full 250 so plan for that and be pleasantly surprised. Took a couple weeks to do the collection but that was my original expectation, it all comes down to perceived time to complete. There would have been no way for ANet to win, if they told us what was required upfront then it would have ruined it for us that like the discovery and the way they did it caused angst for those that like to have it day one. So I think the only compromise would have been setting the expectation that there is a time gate and this will be a long term project and then if people blew thru it they could feel they achieved their own internal goals. But no, personally I don't think the zone currency requirements was that onerous and based on the poll most of the forum goers were looking at it the same way.

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In other games I did grinds that lasted months.


The skyscale grind isn't nearly as bad and in some ways it's increased my overall appreciation of the whole game by requiring me to go to zones I hadn't played yet. And for those zones, I decided to pause skyscale to complete the story there.


And I have 1 level 80 character that I've used throughout this whole process. If you have multiple level 80s it becomes a much faster grind.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > snip


> Yes, and you believing that this cap will hold for BDO (which is already insaly grindy to reach, how many hours until you hit that cap gear you are talking about? 500? 1,000?) is what is amusing to me.


> You do know who the target audience for BDO is right? It's not the werstern market.


It may, it may not...the point is that they change it appropriately and have progressively made catching up to former soft cap points easier and easier. Full TRI armor/weapons is ezpz cake walk baby enhancing these days. Getting level 60 is pretty easy as well. If the cap changes...I'm fine with that. Means I get to catch up more easily and then push forward. Thats *why* I play BDO, I don't mind that treadmill stuff so much these days. For a long time I took having slowly increasing goals for granted...now I actually enjoy it because it keeps me playing and satisfies that itch for actually achieving something and having it hold some weight *especially* since they won't be adding anything beyond PEN for a while. Thats why they added Caphras upgrading to weapons and armor. It gives you AP/DP increases beyond what PEN can achieve without RNG (just a lot of silver and time).


As for the playtime required, yeah its a time investment over the long term but thats sort of the point. I always repeat to people "Its a marathon, not a sprint". If you have good habits with early gearing and upgrading its a much less taxing endeavor and you'll have less headaches if you take all the information gathered over the games life and apply it. When I returned to the game recently I could not count how many people thanked me for helping them out on the Olvia channels (aka new player/returning player channel) with answering questions about gearing, leveling and what they should be doing for upgrades, goals they should be setting, etc. In fact I had a friend that had played BDO and quit early on because they had gotten frustrated with gearing and the like and I just ran them through some good habits to get into, what gear they should work on early to make later gearing easier and they told me they had liked the game much more because of it. Less frustration, they knew what they had to do and how to do it and set goals to work towards.


As for the target audience...you'd be surprised. BDO has only grown since it came to the western market. You can try to knock it all you want, if its not for you then its not for you, but plenty of people play it and have continued to play it since release because it appeals to them, just as GW2 would appeal to you. Its niche, for sure, but that niche apparently attracts more attention than GW2 can pull these days on Twitch, I'm not saying that measures the games success but I'd argue that it measures interest.

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Some how the devs have made a game where your are forced to repeat the same content over and over and over again.....who ever thought this was a good idea needs to go. Im not a robot and im not a time traveler that repeats the same day/events over and over again. I will never game or even atempt to get the skyscale.

Its repetitive, skillless, and a time sink.

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Maybe there are complaints about it because its always been a casual game, that didnt rely on grinds and gates before. Maybe they are changing the game philosophy but this was kinda out of the blue. Especially when you look at other mounts, there is no comparison, not the beetle nor the griffon was this long and involved. It may be the path they are heading down, and thats fine to me, but i have a feeling the hardcore casual base wont like it.

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > > snip

> >

> > Yes, and you believing that this cap will hold for BDO (which is already insaly grindy to reach, how many hours until you hit that cap gear you are talking about? 500? 1,000?) is what is amusing to me.

> >

> > You do know who the target audience for BDO is right? It's not the werstern market.

> As for the playtime required, yeah its a time investment over the long term but thats sort of the point. I always repeat to people "Its a marathon, not a sprint".


and the same applies to GW2. With the main difference being that GW2 gear grind is held rather short, while the optional grinds are occasionally long. The idea behind it is that people short on time still get to enjoy the game without having to "race" only to keep up gear wise.


Now if you need external gear motivators to feel as though you have somehow progressed in a game, sure GW2 might feel less rewarding. Then again you wouldn't have been this games target audience, nor GW1s (which had the same appraoch).


> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:


> As for the target audience...you'd be surprised. BDO has only grown since it came to the western market. You can try to knock it all you want, if its not for you then its not for you, but plenty of people play it and have continued to play it since release because it appeals to them, just as GW2 would appeal to you. Its niche, for sure, but that niche apparently attracts more attention than GW2 can pull these days on Twitch, I'm not saying that measures the games success but I'd argue that it measures interest.


As mentioned, I haven't played BDO, nor do I ever intend to play it. I knew fully well how bad the grind would be for gear so it was not on my radar. Can't say I enjoy the Pay to win aspects it has and as far as players playing it, last I've heard is they are offering free to play trials to up the player base. All I noticed was the hype dying down immediately the moment the game released due to insane grind (suffice to say, there was quite a few people on these boards proclaiming GW2 death to BDO).


As to Twitch viewers, not sure what to respond. If you count a few hundred viewers a huge success, sure it has more twitch presence than GW2. It's also very flashy and nice to look at (which is touted as the games main draw: the great look). WoW gets way more views and is a steaming pile of a mess right now.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> If you WvW or PvP you can also run the reward tracks to acquire the currency as an alternate idea. On a side note, this isn't the first time we encountered something like this. I would recommend to anyone if ANet releases a zone currency make sure you are gathering it as you go.


I think most players are cognisant of this, but from what I've seen posted many times, is after they moved on from that LS map, they consumed what currency they had for VM, and then either used the VM to make gold or for other purposes. If these mats couldn't be consumed, I would wager many more players would have had the stack of each that they needed already in storage.


I imagine that anyone who had 250 of each already in storage reacted way differently to the saddle part of the collection, rather than those who had to start with 0?


It's counter intuitive since some players fight the urge to hoard, and instead make instant use of whatever mats they have to boost income. Are they wrong in doing so? I don't think so.


So what do you do here?

The amount of 250 of each isn't the problem, but rather how long it would reasonably take to get 250 of each. Had the requirement been for 100 of each, players wouldn't have had such a tough time trying to get that as quickly as possible (and it's perfectly human to want to do this as quickly as possible).

Alternatively, had ANET disclosed during the sneak preview campaign that we would require 250 of each currency as part of the collection, players would have had at least a week head start on collecting the material before they even opened the collection. That doesn't make it easier to get 250 of each - it just means players wouldn't have felt as rushed to do so.


I don't know what the solution is for this issue, but I still maintain that the only time I've ever been asked to bring 1 stack of 'everything' was in the process of crafting a legendary item, and I maintain that is my major objection to this collection: it is for a mount, not some shiny weapon/armor skin. My hope is that ANET doesn't treat any future mounts as legendary items.



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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> Some how the devs have made a game where your are forced to repeat the same content over and over and over again.....who ever thought this was a good idea needs to go. Im not a robot and im not a time traveler that repeats the same day/events over and over again. I will never game or even atempt to get the skyscale.

> Its repetitive, skillless, and a time sink.


Which devs forced you to repeat same content over.. I never saw any forcefulness to make me do this.. maybe it's just players forcing themselves to rush the skyscale and then find they got bored after a few map runs and scream unfairness nasty devs force us.. meeehhhh.


Actually maybe they should do away with fractals, WvW, PvP and everything PvE cos I feel forced I have to do any amount of each , each time I log into the game.. bad show ANET bad, bad show forcing me to repeat a World Boss or an Auric Basin Meta!!

If you cant get 250 map currency in a month then sorry, GW2 is just not something your ever going to enjoy.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > Some how the devs have made a game where your are forced to repeat the same content over and over and over again.....who ever thought this was a good idea needs to go. Im not a robot and im not a time traveler that repeats the same day/events over and over again. I will never game or even atempt to get the skyscale.

> > Its repetitive, skillless, and a time sink.


> Which devs forced you to repeat same content over.. I never saw any forcefulness to make me do this.. maybe it's just players forcing themselves to rush the skyscale and then find they got bored after a few map runs and scream unfairness nasty devs force us.. meeehhhh.


> Actually maybe they should do away with fractals, WvW, PvP and everything PvE cos I feel forced I have to do any amount of each , each time I log into the game.. bad show ANET bad, bad show forcing me to repeat a World Boss or an Auric Basin Meta!!

> If you cant get 250 map currency in a month then sorry, GW2 is just not something your ever going to enjoy.


I guess forced is the arong word.....cuz im not doing it at all. A game should be fun, and by forced what i really mean is its a chore. For me doing the same content usually more then 3-5 times becomes a agonizing chore, that i wouldcrather read my books then play it again.

World bosses are different there quick usually 10 minute fights with giant ass colorfull awesome looking monster. But doing the same heart everyday, plant the seeds kill the drakes get the 3 factions talking everyday? Id just rather do something else productive then repetitive.


And how many hours a day is that for a month? 2-4 hours day times 30? Nahhh i wont be putting 50-120 HOURs of life into repetitive npc gameplay.

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I can sympathize with the OP, I want a Skyscale but at this point I'm not interested in doing what is required to have the mount quickly, sadly I felt the same way about a Griffon when it was a new mount and a month or so ago finally completed getting one. My problem with the Skyscale is that other than hanging on a vertical surface which might help in climbing that (surface) cliff I don't really see a need for the mount..... is it a cool mount?, sure, and I will eventually get the Skyscale but I'm not going to worry about having one "right now" just because all the other cool kids have it.


I'll just do a little at a time whenever I feel like it till I have the mount, if it takes months....well it is/was my choice, it's kinda' the same way I feel about Legendary stuff, every precursor I've acquired (from drops) I've sold on the TP because I just refused to do the grind to make a Legendary.

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