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Necessity - different key-binds for different characters

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I assume it's been discussed / requested. But unfortunately it's still not in the game.


As PC players we (re)bind keys based on their function:

• healing spells / abilities

• stun / freeze abilities

• normal damage

• heavy damage / heavy hitting spells

• taunt

• openers

• AOE spells

• etc.


So - for exemple - if I play as default Guardian, I rebind a small heal key (Virtue of Resolve) that I've been using for years in MMOs FOR HEALING small amounts: SHIFT-F3.

Now, when I switch to - for exemple - an Elementalist, that key that I've assigned for Virtue of Resolve has a completely different function now, that has NO connection to the whole idea of healing (I think it's Air Atunement)... So the brain has to re-set it's pre-set functions each time, and this creates an unnecessarily uncomfortable feeling.


I am sure this wonderful team that has created this wonderful game - no sarcasm - knows VERY well how the brain works and understands that such feature is just a natural request that should have already been in the game. ;)


And the healing key-bind is just a small example... Now, I didn't see this feature presented in any roadmap, but if I am missing something (is it officially planned / announced?), please let me know.


I see this as a very important quality of life feature and I think it's just a matter of time until we'll see it implemented. Just... please... do HURRY a bit, guys! ;)



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When I started GW2, I opted to instead bind my keys specific to the number key on the UI.


For example, the default key 6 is the healing skill, 7 is Utility Skill #1, etc etc. So on all my characters and builds, I order my utility skills based on that premise. Stun breaks / Sprints tend to go into Utility Skill #1 for example, while Signets are usually in Utility Skill #3.


This way no matter what profession or build I'm running, I instinctively know which key to press.


It will be a paradigm shift for you, but I think it would help to stop thinking of your keys as having abilities (eg, SHIFT-F3 = small heal) but instead tie them to the UI spot. That way regardless of what profession I'm on, Guardian, Ranger, Scourge, Engineer, etc, whatever F2 does in that build, I know what key to hit.

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Alot of the time different professions are not going to have a direct analog of the abilities another has. No other class has an analog of elemental atunments, the only thing close is engineer kits and those are utilities. While I wouldnt mind the ability to reorganize the skill order on a few weapons for all the class special skills you would need to reprogram your brain each time you switch characters anyway as they wont have the same tools. Sorry to say this sounds like more of an edge case than a nessicary QoL change.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> When I started GW2, I opted to instead bind my keys specific to the number key on the UI.


> For example, the default key 6 is the healing skill, 7 is Utility Skill #1, etc etc. So on all my characters and builds, I order my utility skills based on that premise. Stun breaks / Sprints tend to go into Utility Skill #1 for example, while Signets are usually in Utility Skill #3.


> This way no matter what profession or build I'm running, I instinctively know which key to press.


> It will be a paradigm shift for you, but I think it would help to stop thinking of your keys as having abilities (eg, SHIFT-F3 = small heal) but instead tie them to the UI spot. That way regardless of what profession I'm on, Guardian, Ranger, Scourge, Engineer, etc, whatever F2 does in that build, I know what key to hit.


I've been considering, of course, a paradigm shift, but... long story short, at the end of the day, it's still a compromise that won't allow too much experiments and / or flexibility. Also, the best combo keys (I use these A LOT), must be in a nearby area on the keyboard, for the left hand. For example, I use:


• F - for basic skill

• SHIFT + F - for heavy attacks

• SHIFT + R - for reinforcing / reloading / heavy buff or enhancement skills (reminiscent from reloading in FPS games)

• G - for shield / defence

• SHIFT + 3 - small heal / heal 1

• SHIFT + 4 = large heal / heal 2

• SHIFT + SPACE - special action

• SHIFT + G - defensive skill (major)

• C - stun / enable skill that has similar function

• Q - weapon switch

• 1 and 2 - ranged attack with utility skill (summon illusion, summon spirit weapon, etc.)

• etc.


Meaning: the keybinds for skills are mainly concentrated in a very small area on the keyboard, around the left hand and the basic movement key set (W, S, A, D) for increased efficiency (speed, much more practical). I find the "5" key already too far to reach so... no point in going to the example given 7. ;)


I don't see anything better than that that small tick in options for "Use different keybinds for characters".



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I have wanted this QoL change for a long time. Considering the differences between classes, has always suprised me this isn't an option already: keybinds per character.


My change wouldn't be as "drastic". Simple things like Holosmith forge mode moved to f1. Change the order of Ele Attunement to Air, fire, water earth. Core engi, I'd make the toolbelt skills utilities and the kits to the Function keys.

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> @"Aemaeth.2685" said:

> As PC players we (re)bind keys based on their function:


I guess I'm not a PC player then. I wonder what that machine I run GW2 and many other games on actually is? It certainly looks and acts like a PC, but apparently I do not rebind the keys the way all PC players always do so clearly I can't be a PC player and it can't be a PC.


Funny thing is your argument would actually be more effective if instead of declaring yourself the spokesperson for how all PC players always want their keybindings set up you had recognised that is your personal preference and other people will use entirely different systems - because then it makes more sense for Anet to give everyone greater control over the keybindings, whereas now the obvious solution is to make sure they order skills by function instead of cooldown time (which I believe is the current system).


Personally I tend to arrange them by how often I use them. I mainly use the number pad for skills in RPGs (I'm left-handed so this is more comfortable for me) with attacks on 1-9 and 'combat related controls' around the outside. In GW2 that's things like heal, dodge, take target, swap weapon etc. The ones I use most or need quick access to are on the buttons which are easiest to find without looking and the ones I use more rarely are on the others. Then out of combat functions go on the little block above the arrow keys.


The current system works for me, I'd find it more confusing if the same 'button' was in different places on my keyboard on different characters. But I wouldn't object to them adding the option for separate keybindings by character as long as it was optional and there was a way to keep them the same without manually changing them all each time I make a new character.

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I don't own a fancy mouse, so I often have to keybind the most important skill I will use most often to my m3 keybind (and fit my other skills in easier to reach keybinds around asdf-spacebar stance). This one keybind can range from F keys to utilities depending on the class or elite spec.


A change like what the OP suggested would improve my QOL in-game greatly.

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