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Glitter Bomb Harvesting Tool issues

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I wanted to post this since the day I got this harvesting tool, but somehow kept forgetting, eh!

Anyway, I love Skritt, so naturally I bought this harvesting tool outright.

The thing that does annoy me, however...is how character /cower(s) and you are stuck, unable to move sometimes...like a little glitch. Sometimes you can interrupt the emote and move on, sometimes the character will get stuck and we'll have to wait for the whole thing to finish...meaning it makes the gathering a LOT slower and it gets quite annoying.


I am not sure if I am the only one experiencing this issue, would welcome to hear everyone else's thoughts if they got this harvesting tool.

Would be nice to see a little fix to this, maybe removing /cower altogether.



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Its not apparent at first, but ALL skills and animations in GW2 have the concept of an after cast value. This is never reflected in the casting time, and is meant a timing/balance tool for skills, and a way to ensure animation phases are properly reset. Theres also another concept called "Rooted", where some animations prevent movement for technical or alignment reasons. There are also skills that use a variant of this to give the server control of the character's movement. Old Ranger Sword Auto attack was notorious for this.


Unfortunately there is a problem in the code where several different thing create the same effect, and thus aren't correctly affected modifiers that affect other portions of it. For instance, several logging tools get stuck if you gain Quickness "after" the animation starts. The animation plays at higher speed, but the amount of time you spend rooted is equal to the normal animations's timer.


On top of this is a problem of animation length inconsistency in gathering tools....... something that pretty much plagues the Devs to this day. The assumption was all characters would play out the whole animation length... until players realized they could break the animation once the gathering "hit" was done, and could move on faster. Nearly all problems with the gathering tools stem from this underlying assumption. I dread the day they "fix" this, since it would also mean they'd have a way to standardize the gathering tool collection speeds.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Is this not the same "delay" time that would be seen if one uses a standard gathering tool? Once you begin gathering, you have to wait for the entire exercise to complete in order to fully gather from whatever node?


Oh no, every tool has its own 'gathering time' which is normal. This one keeps you stuck in /cower emote sometimes and even if I interrupt the emote, my character will 'freeze' for a bit and then after a bit I'll be able to move again.

It's quite annoying as other gathering tools get herbs fast and without this 'freeze'. /cower emote basically ruins the entire tool and I regret buying it :/

Solution would be to simply remove the /cower emote from it.

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> @"Blur.3465" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > Is this not the same "delay" time that would be seen if one uses a standard gathering tool? Once you begin gathering, you have to wait for the entire exercise to complete in order to fully gather from whatever node?


> Oh no, every tool has its own 'gathering time' which is normal. This one keeps you stuck in /cower emote sometimes and even if I interrupt the emote, my character will 'freeze' for a bit and then after a bit I'll be able to move again.

> It's quite annoying as other gathering tools get herbs fast and without this 'freeze'. /cower emote basically ruins the entire tool and I regret buying it :/

> Solution would be to simply remove the /cower emote from it.


While I agree that other tools don't have that "feature," I don't think it's fair to characterize it as a bug. If anything, it seems more likely that some other tools are bugged because we can break aftercast, rather than waiting out the duration.



The main reasons for choosing a skin are mutually exclusive:

* Great animation

* Great efficiency


If I choose for the skin, I try not to worry about the mechanics. If I choose for speed, I try not to worry about how it looks.



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