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[SPOILERS] War Eternal: Descent chapter, Facets names?


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I am hoping someone has some ideas on this, as the names of one of the 3 facets we fight confuses me a bit.


During the fight against Krak's Torment, we fight 3 facets:

Facet of Fire and War (which fits Balathzar's magic)

Facet of Shadow and Death (which 100% aligns with Zhaitan's spheres of influence)

Facet of Root and Madness (the one I take issue with)


Facet of Root and Madness is obviously the one that is supposed to align with Mordremoth's magics. But his spheres of influence have been stated to be "Plant and Mind". Is this just sloppy use of similar words here? Because mind definitely isn't the same thing as madness. Plant and root fit closely, but again are only synonyms. It also bugs me because Facet of Shadow and Death 100% fits with the wording of Zhaitan's sphere, without any re-wording.


So, sloppy rewording? Or something else?

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Plant and mind just didn't sound twisted enough I imagine, and it also could have been done to highlight the conflicting magics inside of kralk.


Remember how Mordy and Zhaitan's magic is shown in direct conflict, so the facet probably had to warp somewhat to just exist in the presence of Zhaitan's. Mordy's magic came after Zhaitan's was already there too so it makes sense it'd be the one to change.

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It depends on how you look at it. Mordremoth was technically the dragon of plant and mind, but if you look at it more closely, it fits.


Compared to Zhaitan, who was very cold, calculating, and spoke to the player in a twisted, but very self-aware way, and Kralkatorrik, who literally spoke to Aurene and the player like they were friend and family (despite his torment), Modremoth was just a creature who literally saw himself as Tyria, as the root of all things, as life itself, and given our experiences with Scarlet Briar, possibly even as the Eternal Alchemy.


I mean, look at how crazy she was compared to other dragon champions we've seen, believing herself to be invincible due to her vision in Omadd's machine, not to mention the effect Mordremoth had on Aerin, and the Mordrem Guard were all just basically lunatics.


Its not much of a stretch to say that, in comparison to the other dragons, who had good reasons for being how they were, and still maintained their composure throughout it, Mordremoth was just mad, He seemed to think of himself even above the other dragons, ("I am everything, I am all"). Not even Kralkatorrik was like that and he was more powerful than Mordremoth could've ever imagined, an Elder Dragon God.


One thing to keep in mind: Mordremoth may have been tormented as well. This wasn't reflected in game, but keep in mind that he had absorbed Zhaitan's power and would've been suffering from both Shadow and Death, (and given that he's Life. well..).


He may have already been driven mad by the time we face him in Dragon's Stand. His weakness /was/ his mind, afterall.

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