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[Merged] Skyscale - Definitely Feeling Like It Needs More - A Few Suggestions

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Unless I'm missing some serious lore reason for that, I think Unbound Magic orbs from LS3 should also replenish Skyscale's flight bar (Bloodstone Fen sounds like a fun map for Skyscale), and Ley Lines should at least be able to clear out red portion of the bar, allowing it to fly without gaining, but also without losing any altitude (and since ley lines are still used in LS4, I guess it's not an entirely abandoned game element and could potentially create some fun puzzles in future maps).

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> @"Betaraptor.4075" said:

> Yes, I know there are hundreds of suggestions how to add to skyscale mount already, I myself posted one earlier, but after playing with it for some time, I think I know what it needs:


> 1: **Remove the red bar:** There's no way around it, the red "overload" bar has to go. Yes yes, I know it's been added to prevent things like infinite ascending, but let's face it: There's no point in the game that skyscale couldn't reach even as it is currently. (save for invisible barriers) I myself have been to the very top of tarir, top of durmand priory etc... To address the red bar while mounting in midair: Change it so that when you mount like that, you start with your blue bar empty.

> 2: **Add at least 50% more of the blue bar, prefferably double it:** Same as above you can reach everywhere with skyscale, so why to restrain so much? You have no idea (actually you do) how restraining it feels to mount and shoot up, only to be hit in the face by the top of the flyable canopy. And mounts should be the polar opposite of restraining.

> 3: **Stop its descending/gliding mechanic:** Once more, same as above. When you reach the top of the canopy, make it being able to maintain that altitude indefinitely. First, we already have the gliding griffon with its wing flap mechanic, there, it makes sense. But skyscale flaps its wings on its own all the time, there's no reason for it to descend, it feels restraining again. Plus, again, there's no reason for this restrain to be there, a devoted player can get anywhere with it. And that fly up, land, fly up again between-steps would be gone, how great that would feel.

> 4: **Remove the cooldown-lock while attached to walls:** A little QoL, I won't explain why again. A little guide to go around this: Attach, jump, fly up, let it descend to have your jump bar refilled, attach...etc until your skill recharges to gain infinite climbing. No reason for this restrain to be there.

> 5: **Increase its Z-tilt angle:** I've seen people complaining about it being slow in going down, but I think it's fine when combining engage skill with looking down. What I'd like to see is increasing its max angle while holding right mouse button. Currently, it can ascend/descend at max 45deg like this, increase this to about 60-70. It would feel more natural and address that slow descend issue as well.

> X: **plus just a little interesting QoL: Make it dash in the direction it's moving:** Just a little idea, I know it would require more animations, but for example, when strafing sideways, make it perform a roll to the side, how cool that would be? Maybe useless, but cool!


> So, what do you think about this? Do you agree? And do you think that devs would add such big freedom to it? I certainly hope so!

> Betaraptor.4075


Love these. Only thing i would change is remove the blue bar entirely. It's a silly restriction. Anet could probably save a bunch of processing power if they don't need to keep track of individual flight canopies and bells.

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  • 2 weeks later...

**You know what, the Skyscale is actually good. I retract my previous comments after recently doing many map completions.**


A few new things that really need to be addressed however:


1. The dive speed needs to be increased when pointing and flying downward. Sure the #1 skill will lower the Skyscale more quickly, but this is risky when there are ledges around that you don't want to dismount on with a CD before being able to mount again.

2. It's a bit too easy to get dismounted on the Skyscale in areas where enemy NPCs have long ranged attacks. Maybe the Skyscale needs the option to dodge roll with its yellow endurance bar. The other mounts either get evades or move so quickly that they can more realistically move through areas with heavily populated enemy NPCs. The Skyscale isn't safe for mobility in these types of areas unless it's pressing the limits of it's vertical strength, which usually isn't practical to do, when you need to be preserving it for several reasons regarding traversing the maps.

3. The #1 skill ground attack should be aimed central on top of the position where the player dismounts, not 400 range in front of the player.

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After grinding to get this mount, I was disappointed with how fast it uses endurance up just to fly strait horizontal. I can understand using endurance for ascending purposes, but this I hope is adjusted for horizontal travel.


I mean even removing endurance use for a little ascension flying would be fair I think, otherwise it is not a viable mount to use in most cases. Rather it is a wall climbing mount at which it is better to use a griffin once you launch off a peak for diving and leveling out with greater speed.


For the trouble we went to to get this mount, it should at least be able to fly horizontal without endurance use... honestly, what is the reasoning of limiting this anyway? We are limited by skyboxes and walls anyway, so why limit "Air-Time" of basic map movement - I really really really hope ANET reads this and updates it. Also when I use skill to replenish endurance, this endurance is not able to hold a "hover" position like "normal endurance".... I just dont understand why these needless limitations are put on this mount. Yes it should make the Griffon obsolete, like the griffon made the glider obsolete - its game evolution and harder progressions should be rewarded in equal measure.



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It has incredible air time when flying normally. I can stay in the air for any distance I need. And you're wrong in claiming the Griffon made gliding obsolete. None of the mounts do any of that and they shouldn't.


Edit: Removed that first sentence because it seemed incredibly rude.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Synco.8203" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > Learn to fly it first please before posting a suggestion like that. It has incredible air time when flying normally. I can stay in the air for any distance I need. And you're wrong in claiming the Griffon made gliding obsolete. None of the mounts do any of that and they shouldn't.

> >

> > I know how to fly it ok - ive have all the masterys on it and anyones experience or use with the skyscale doesnt change the fact that it uses endurance just to fly horizontal.

> >

> > It was a request and a suggestion to change a fact of the game mechanics of the Skyscale - IT IS A FACT THAT IS USES ENDURANCE TO FLY HORIZONTAL!!!

> >

> > What dont you understand?


> You clearly *don't* know how to fly it normally because at a neutral flight path you lose a tiny amount of height and 0 flight juice going forward. Watch the wings flap and aim your camera.


Also keep in mind the mount was not designed to allow free flight endlessly through the maps.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Synco.8203" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > Learn to fly it first please before posting a suggestion like that. It has incredible air time when flying normally. I can stay in the air for any distance I need. And you're wrong in claiming the Griffon made gliding obsolete. None of the mounts do any of that and they shouldn't.

> >

> > I know how to fly it ok - ive have all the masterys on it and anyones experience or use with the skyscale doesnt change the fact that it uses endurance just to fly horizontal.

> >

> > It was a request and a suggestion to change a fact of the game mechanics of the Skyscale - IT IS A FACT THAT IS USES ENDURANCE TO FLY HORIZONTAL!!!

> >

> > What dont you understand?


> You clearly *don't* know how to fly it normally because at a neutral flight path you lose a tiny amount of height and 0 flight juice going forward. Watch the wings flap and aim your camera.


Sorry but you dont know how to fly it - when the wings flap this means it is using endurance, when they dont flap it is not using endurance. I guess I got more experience with it than you do.


Oh and you actually just confirmed what I was saying - "you lose a tiny amount of height and 0 flight juice going forward" - yes I know, this is what I said in the OP. You don't understand, not everything is about 'can you do without it?' premise.... there are updates that are "quality of life" updates, that improve the enjoyability of the game.


Oh and BTW, this is my suggestion OK!!! How about you let others have their say now that you have voiced your opinion.

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> I know how to fly it ok - ive have all the masterys on it and anyones experience or use with the skyscale doesnt change the fact that it uses endurance just to fly horizontal.


> It was a request and a suggestion to change a fact of the game mechanics of the Skyscale - IT IS A FACT THAT IS USES ENDURANCE TO FLY HORIZONTAL!!!


> What dont you understand?


No need to be rude when adressing feedback on your suggestion. I believe he was referring to that part of your post :


> I mean even removing endurance use for a little ascension flying would be fair I think, otherwise it is not a viable mount to use in most cases. Rather it is a wall climbing mount at which it is better to use a griffin once you launch off a peak for diving and leveling out with greater speed.


The skyscale is a very viable mount, in most situations, already making most mounts **nearly** obsolete. I insist on the nearly because each mount still has its uses. Improving the skyscale further would have the potential to render those mounts obsolete, which is the opposite of ANET's expressed intentions about future mounts.


The skyscale not being the absolute best in all situations doesnt mean it isn't a great mount. I suggest reading the other dozens of feedback threads on this same forum to make up an idea and, of course, to take a look at all the players that are flying it in game.

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> @"Synco.8203" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Synco.8203" said:

> > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > Learn to fly it first please before posting a suggestion like that. It has incredible air time when flying normally. I can stay in the air for any distance I need. And you're wrong in claiming the Griffon made gliding obsolete. None of the mounts do any of that and they shouldn't.

> > >

> > > I know how to fly it ok - ive have all the masterys on it and anyones experience or use with the skyscale doesnt change the fact that it uses endurance just to fly horizontal.

> > >

> > > It was a request and a suggestion to change a fact of the game mechanics of the Skyscale - IT IS A FACT THAT IS USES ENDURANCE TO FLY HORIZONTAL!!!

> > >

> > > What dont you understand?

> >

> > You clearly *don't* know how to fly it normally because at a neutral flight path you lose a tiny amount of height and 0 flight juice going forward. Watch the wings flap and aim your camera.


> Sorry but you dont know how to fly it - when the wings flap this means it is using endurance, when they dont flap it is not using endurance. I guess I got more experience with it than you do.


No, you don't use or lose anything. That's the point. I said you need to watch the flapping because you can fly without it. Of course you lose a tiny bit of height this isn't free flying...


> Oh and BTW, this is my suggestion OK!!! How about you let others have their say now that you have voiced your opinion.


You're the ony trying to silence what I'm saying by shutting me down. I merely explained to you that you're not flying it optimally if your complaint is that you lose "endurance".

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> @"Joraan Adenard.2061" said:

> > I know how to fly it ok - ive have all the masterys on it and anyones experience or use with the skyscale doesnt change the fact that it uses endurance just to fly horizontal.

> >

> > It was a request and a suggestion to change a fact of the game mechanics of the Skyscale - IT IS A FACT THAT IS USES ENDURANCE TO FLY HORIZONTAL!!!

> >

> > What dont you understand?


> No need to be rude when adressing feedback on your suggestion. I believe he was referring to that part of your post :


> > I mean even removing endurance use for a little ascension flying would be fair I think, otherwise it is not a viable mount to use in most cases. Rather it is a wall climbing mount at which it is better to use a griffin once you launch off a peak for diving and leveling out with greater speed.


> The skyscale is a very viable mount, in most situations, already making most mounts **nearly** obsolete. I insist on the nearly because each mount still has its uses. Improving the skyscale further would have the potential to render those mounts obsolete, which is the opposite of ANET's expressed intentions about future mounts.


> The skyscale not being the absolute best in all situations doesnt mean it isn't a great mount. I suggest reading the other dozens of feedback threads on this same forum to make up an idea and, of course, to take a look at all the players that are flying it in game.


WoW has a mount that sustains freemap flight.... maybe GW2 can keep up with that one simple thing instead of dancing around it to avoid a comparison that already gets made. Its a small thing - allow the Skyscale to sustain horizontal movement without any cost to endurance or "flying juice"

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Synco.8203" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > @"Synco.8203" said:

> > > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > > Learn to fly it first please before posting a suggestion like that. It has incredible air time when flying normally. I can stay in the air for any distance I need. And you're wrong in claiming the Griffon made gliding obsolete. None of the mounts do any of that and they shouldn't.

> > > >

> > > > I know how to fly it ok - ive have all the masterys on it and anyones experience or use with the skyscale doesnt change the fact that it uses endurance just to fly horizontal.

> > > >

> > > > It was a request and a suggestion to change a fact of the game mechanics of the Skyscale - IT IS A FACT THAT IS USES ENDURANCE TO FLY HORIZONTAL!!!

> > > >

> > > > What dont you understand?

> > >

> > > You clearly *don't* know how to fly it normally because at a neutral flight path you lose a tiny amount of height and 0 flight juice going forward. Watch the wings flap and aim your camera.

> >

> > Sorry but you dont know how to fly it - when the wings flap this means it is using endurance, when they dont flap it is not using endurance. I guess I got more experience with it than you do.

> >

> No, you don't use or lose anything. That's the point. I said you need to watch the flapping because you can fly without it. Of course you lose a tiny bit of height this isn't free flying...


> > Oh and BTW, this is my suggestion OK!!! How about you let others have their say now that you have voiced your opinion.


> You're the ony trying to silence what I'm saying by shutting me down. I merely explained to you that you're not flying it optimally if your complaint is that you lose "endurance".


Im not asking for Free Flying.... just Ability to sustain horizontal movement without using "flight juice"... its a small request and people are acting like im trying to break the game.

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> @"Synco.8203" said:

> WoW has a mount that sustains freemap flight.... maybe GW2 can keep up with that one simple thing instead of dancing around it to avoid a comparison that already gets made. Its a small thing - allow the Skyscale to sustain horizontal movement without any cost to endurance or "flying juice"


I will reiterate my suggestion to read the other dozens of feedback threads. The comparison with the WoW mounts, why GW2 mounts are different and why it's not a bad thing at all have all been discussed and answered **many many** times already.

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> @"Joraan Adenard.2061" said:

> > @"Synco.8203" said:

> > WoW has a mount that sustains freemap flight.... maybe GW2 can keep up with that one simple thing instead of dancing around it to avoid a comparison that already gets made. Its a small thing - allow the Skyscale to sustain horizontal movement without any cost to endurance or "flying juice"


> I will reiterate my suggestion to read the other dozens of feedback threads. The comparison with the WoW mounts, why GW2 mounts are different and why it's not a bad thing at all have all been discussed and answered **many many** times already.


Well share a link if you want to reference another thread.

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> @"Synco.8203" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Synco.8203" said:

> > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > > @"Synco.8203" said:

> > > > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > > > Learn to fly it first please before posting a suggestion like that. It has incredible air time when flying normally. I can stay in the air for any distance I need. And you're wrong in claiming the Griffon made gliding obsolete. None of the mounts do any of that and they shouldn't.

> > > > >

> > > > > I know how to fly it ok - ive have all the masterys on it and anyones experience or use with the skyscale doesnt change the fact that it uses endurance just to fly horizontal.

> > > > >

> > > > > It was a request and a suggestion to change a fact of the game mechanics of the Skyscale - IT IS A FACT THAT IS USES ENDURANCE TO FLY HORIZONTAL!!!

> > > > >

> > > > > What dont you understand?

> > > >

> > > > You clearly *don't* know how to fly it normally because at a neutral flight path you lose a tiny amount of height and 0 flight juice going forward. Watch the wings flap and aim your camera.

> > >

> > > Sorry but you dont know how to fly it - when the wings flap this means it is using endurance, when they dont flap it is not using endurance. I guess I got more experience with it than you do.

> > >

> > No, you don't use or lose anything. That's the point. I said you need to watch the flapping because you can fly without it. Of course you lose a tiny bit of height this isn't free flying...

> >

> > > Oh and BTW, this is my suggestion OK!!! How about you let others have their say now that you have voiced your opinion.

> >

> > You're the ony trying to silence what I'm saying by shutting me down. I merely explained to you that you're not flying it optimally if your complaint is that you lose "endurance".


> Im not asking for Free Flying.... just Ability to sustain horizontal movement without using "flight juice"... its a small request and people are acting like im trying to break the game.


Yes I can do without it, but it is a compromise to do without it - I've completed all the Griffon flight courses and Beetle races with impressive times so I know how to use a mount. Can I get from one end of the map to the other? Yes. Do I need the Skyscale to have this update? No. Would I like it do to have this update? Yes.


Is that clear now?

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> @"Betaraptor.4075" said:

> Yes, I know there are hundreds of suggestions how to add to skyscale mount already, I myself posted one earlier, but after playing with it for some time, I think I know what it needs:


> 1: **Remove the red bar:** There's no way around it, the red "overload" bar has to go. Yes yes, I know it's been added to prevent things like infinite ascending, but let's face it: There's no point in the game that skyscale couldn't reach even as it is currently. (save for invisible barriers) I myself have been to the very top of tarir, top of durmand priory etc... To address the red bar while mounting in midair: Change it so that when you mount like that, you start with your blue bar empty.

> 2: **Add at least 50% more of the blue bar, prefferably double it:** Same as above you can reach everywhere with skyscale, so why to restrain so much? You have no idea (actually you do) how restraining it feels to mount and shoot up, only to be hit in the face by the top of the flyable canopy. And mounts should be the polar opposite of restraining.

> 3: **Stop its descending/gliding mechanic:** Once more, same as above. When you reach the top of the canopy, make it being able to maintain that altitude indefinitely. First, we already have the gliding griffon with its wing flap mechanic, there, it makes sense. But skyscale flaps its wings on its own all the time, there's no reason for it to descend, it feels restraining again. Plus, again, there's no reason for this restrain to be there, a devoted player can get anywhere with it. And that fly up, land, fly up again between-steps would be gone, how great that would feel.

> 4: **Remove the cooldown-lock while attached to walls:** A little QoL, I won't explain why again. A little guide to go around this: Attach, jump, fly up, let it descend to have your jump bar refilled, attach...etc until your skill recharges to gain infinite climbing. No reason for this restrain to be there.

> 5: **Increase its Z-tilt angle:** I've seen people complaining about it being slow in going down, but I think it's fine when combining engage skill with looking down. What I'd like to see is increasing its max angle while holding right mouse button. Currently, it can ascend/descend at max 45deg like this, increase this to about 60-70. It would feel more natural and address that slow descend issue as well.

> X: **plus just a little interesting QoL: Make it dash in the direction it's moving:** Just a little idea, I know it would require more animations, but for example, when strafing sideways, make it perform a roll to the side, how cool that would be? Maybe useless, but cool!


> So, what do you think about this? Do you agree? And do you think that devs would add such big freedom to it? I certainly hope so!

> Betaraptor.4075


Agreed, although im more in favor of removing the flybar all together and have a freefly mount. Hope Anet fixes this soon, it just doesnt feel like the work to get it was worth it.

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The Springer is far faster to ascend places that have ledges within reach so use that mount for those situations. The griffon is the fastest travel mount, use it if you need to cover a lot of ground without a pause IF you can get to a high launch point. On the ground I guess technically the roller beetle is the fastest, but I usually use the Jackal so I can just warp past mobs I don't feel like dealing with. The Skyscale is for precision landing and flying and obviously for collecting volatile magic orbs. I also use it while harvesting since it lets me just drop straight down on nodes and spend less time aggroing mobs. It's dismount attack is a pain and I generally don't even bother with it. As for diving, If I gotta get down fast, I just use the aerial dismount, go into glide and out and back in before hitting the ground or air mount the griffon if that's more convenient. You can recharge your flight bar clinging to a wall with mastery skill 3. It works fine.

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> @"Synco.8203" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Synco.8203" said:

> > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > > @"Synco.8203" said:

> > > > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > > > Learn to fly it first please before posting a suggestion like that. It has incredible air time when flying normally. I can stay in the air for any distance I need. And you're wrong in claiming the Griffon made gliding obsolete. None of the mounts do any of that and they shouldn't.

> > > > >

> > > > > I know how to fly it ok - ive have all the masterys on it and anyones experience or use with the skyscale doesnt change the fact that it uses endurance just to fly horizontal.

> > > > >

> > > > > It was a request and a suggestion to change a fact of the game mechanics of the Skyscale - IT IS A FACT THAT IS USES ENDURANCE TO FLY HORIZONTAL!!!

> > > > >

> > > > > What dont you understand?

> > > >

> > > > You clearly *don't* know how to fly it normally because at a neutral flight path you lose a tiny amount of height and 0 flight juice going forward. Watch the wings flap and aim your camera.

> > >

> > > Sorry but you dont know how to fly it - when the wings flap this means it is using endurance, when they dont flap it is not using endurance. I guess I got more experience with it than you do.

> > >

> > No, you don't use or lose anything. That's the point. I said you need to watch the flapping because you can fly without it. Of course you lose a tiny bit of height this isn't free flying...

> >

> > > Oh and BTW, this is my suggestion OK!!! How about you let others have their say now that you have voiced your opinion.

> >

> > You're the ony trying to silence what I'm saying by shutting me down. I merely explained to you that you're not flying it optimally if your complaint is that you lose "endurance".


> Im not asking for Free Flying.... just Ability to sustain horizontal movement without using "flight juice"... its a small request and people are acting like im trying to break the game.


Stay consistent.


> @"Synco.8203" said:

> > @"Betaraptor.4075" said:

> > Yes, I know there are hundreds of suggestions how to add to skyscale mount already, I myself posted one earlier, but after playing with it for some time, I think I know what it needs:

> >

> > 1: **Remove the red bar:** There's no way around it, the red "overload" bar has to go. Yes yes, I know it's been added to prevent things like infinite ascending, but let's face it: There's no point in the game that skyscale couldn't reach even as it is currently. (save for invisible barriers) I myself have been to the very top of tarir, top of durmand priory etc... To address the red bar while mounting in midair: Change it so that when you mount like that, you start with your blue bar empty.

> > 2: **Add at least 50% more of the blue bar, prefferably double it:** Same as above you can reach everywhere with skyscale, so why to restrain so much? You have no idea (actually you do) how restraining it feels to mount and shoot up, only to be hit in the face by the top of the flyable canopy. And mounts should be the polar opposite of restraining.

> > 3: **Stop its descending/gliding mechanic:** Once more, same as above. When you reach the top of the canopy, make it being able to maintain that altitude indefinitely. First, we already have the gliding griffon with its wing flap mechanic, there, it makes sense. But skyscale flaps its wings on its own all the time, there's no reason for it to descend, it feels restraining again. Plus, again, there's no reason for this restrain to be there, a devoted player can get anywhere with it. And that fly up, land, fly up again between-steps would be gone, how great that would feel.

> > 4: **Remove the cooldown-lock while attached to walls:** A little QoL, I won't explain why again. A little guide to go around this: Attach, jump, fly up, let it descend to have your jump bar refilled, attach...etc until your skill recharges to gain infinite climbing. No reason for this restrain to be there.

> > 5: **Increase its Z-tilt angle:** I've seen people complaining about it being slow in going down, but I think it's fine when combining engage skill with looking down. What I'd like to see is increasing its max angle while holding right mouse button. Currently, it can ascend/descend at max 45deg like this, increase this to about 60-70. It would feel more natural and address that slow descend issue as well.

> > X: **plus just a little interesting QoL: Make it dash in the direction it's moving:** Just a little idea, I know it would require more animations, but for example, when strafing sideways, make it perform a roll to the side, how cool that would be? Maybe useless, but cool!

> >

> > So, what do you think about this? Do you agree? And do you think that devs would add such big freedom to it? I certainly hope so!

> > Betaraptor.4075


> Agreed, although im more in favor of removing the flybar all together and have a freefly mount. Hope Anet fixes this soon, it just doesnt feel like the work to get it was worth it.


What made you chance your mind?

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> The dive speed does not need to be increased. Thats when you are supposed to change to griffon. It helps setting them apart. Skyscale for going UP, and Griffon for going DOWN.


That's plain inconvenient and obnoxious to have to do. I can see swapping between the two aerial mounts for purposes of vertical flight power vs. horizontal flight speed, but to encourage the idea that swapping between the two for going down to the ground is kind of silly, considering that you can't even do that mid flight, and there is no dismount button outside of the #8 leap off mount skill, which is silly to have to use repeatedly during traversal for going downward.


There is a lot to be said about smooth gameplay, and how much it enhances the user's experience.


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You can swap between both mounts as they both have air rescue, just need to launch off.

And eh. I use griffon to dive down to tarir proper when doing the meta. Skyscale is just too slow at it.

Remember, they dont want mounts to obsolete each other, going down omg fast is the griffon niche.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> You can swap between both mounts as they both have air rescue, just need to launch off.

> And eh. I use griffon to dive down to tarir proper when doing the meta. Skyscale is just too slow at it.

> Remember, they dont want mounts to obsolete each other, going down omg fast is the griffon niche.


It doesn't need to go down as fast as a griffin, it just needs to go down a little bit faster. Right now it's descend speed is ridiculously slow. Saying this is OK, would be like saying it's OK for a Springer's forward walk speed to be reduced to 15% of what it is now, because a user should be swapping to a Raptor if they want to walk forward.


Not trying to argue with you man, just defining what I meant by Skyscale needing a bit more speed with its descend.


Also, the method you mentioned of how to remount by using #8 and then remount Griffin is not exactly smooth gameplay. I don't want to have to play a mini game of skill usage for things like dropping down 600 range to go into a cave. I just want it to take a bit less time to do simple drop downs than it does now. The descend speed is ridiculously slow on Skyscale. Now if you're talking jumping off the canopy in Verdant Brink and doing that, then it's worth it. But just for traversing something like Lornar's Pass, where you are going up and down and up and down very frequently, in small elevation changes, the Skyscale's slow descend speed is really obnoxious. And you can't expect people to be using the #8 method in maps like that. It's not vertical enough for that to be worth the hassle.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Synco.8203" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > @"Synco.8203" said:

> > > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > > > @"Synco.8203" said:

> > > > > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > > > > Learn to fly it first please before posting a suggestion like that. It has incredible air time when flying normally. I can stay in the air for any distance I need. And you're wrong in claiming the Griffon made gliding obsolete. None of the mounts do any of that and they shouldn't.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I know how to fly it ok - ive have all the masterys on it and anyones experience or use with the skyscale doesnt change the fact that it uses endurance just to fly horizontal.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It was a request and a suggestion to change a fact of the game mechanics of the Skyscale - IT IS A FACT THAT IS USES ENDURANCE TO FLY HORIZONTAL!!!

> > > > > >

> > > > > > What dont you understand?

> > > > >

> > > > > You clearly *don't* know how to fly it normally because at a neutral flight path you lose a tiny amount of height and 0 flight juice going forward. Watch the wings flap and aim your camera.

> > > >

> > > > Sorry but you dont know how to fly it - when the wings flap this means it is using endurance, when they dont flap it is not using endurance. I guess I got more experience with it than you do.

> > > >

> > > No, you don't use or lose anything. That's the point. I said you need to watch the flapping because you can fly without it. Of course you lose a tiny bit of height this isn't free flying...

> > >

> > > > Oh and BTW, this is my suggestion OK!!! How about you let others have their say now that you have voiced your opinion.

> > >

> > > You're the ony trying to silence what I'm saying by shutting me down. I merely explained to you that you're not flying it optimally if your complaint is that you lose "endurance".

> >

> > Im not asking for Free Flying.... just Ability to sustain horizontal movement without using "flight juice"... its a small request and people are acting like im trying to break the game.


> Stay consistent.


> > @"Synco.8203" said:

> > > @"Betaraptor.4075" said:

> > > Yes, I know there are hundreds of suggestions how to add to skyscale mount already, I myself posted one earlier, but after playing with it for some time, I think I know what it needs:

> > >

> > > 1: **Remove the red bar:** There's no way around it, the red "overload" bar has to go. Yes yes, I know it's been added to prevent things like infinite ascending, but let's face it: There's no point in the game that skyscale couldn't reach even as it is currently. (save for invisible barriers) I myself have been to the very top of tarir, top of durmand priory etc... To address the red bar while mounting in midair: Change it so that when you mount like that, you start with your blue bar empty.

> > > 2: **Add at least 50% more of the blue bar, prefferably double it:** Same as above you can reach everywhere with skyscale, so why to restrain so much? You have no idea (actually you do) how restraining it feels to mount and shoot up, only to be hit in the face by the top of the flyable canopy. And mounts should be the polar opposite of restraining.

> > > 3: **Stop its descending/gliding mechanic:** Once more, same as above. When you reach the top of the canopy, make it being able to maintain that altitude indefinitely. First, we already have the gliding griffon with its wing flap mechanic, there, it makes sense. But skyscale flaps its wings on its own all the time, there's no reason for it to descend, it feels restraining again. Plus, again, there's no reason for this restrain to be there, a devoted player can get anywhere with it. And that fly up, land, fly up again between-steps would be gone, how great that would feel.

> > > 4: **Remove the cooldown-lock while attached to walls:** A little QoL, I won't explain why again. A little guide to go around this: Attach, jump, fly up, let it descend to have your jump bar refilled, attach...etc until your skill recharges to gain infinite climbing. No reason for this restrain to be there.

> > > 5: **Increase its Z-tilt angle:** I've seen people complaining about it being slow in going down, but I think it's fine when combining engage skill with looking down. What I'd like to see is increasing its max angle while holding right mouse button. Currently, it can ascend/descend at max 45deg like this, increase this to about 60-70. It would feel more natural and address that slow descend issue as well.

> > > X: **plus just a little interesting QoL: Make it dash in the direction it's moving:** Just a little idea, I know it would require more animations, but for example, when strafing sideways, make it perform a roll to the side, how cool that would be? Maybe useless, but cool!

> > >

> > > So, what do you think about this? Do you agree? And do you think that devs would add such big freedom to it? I certainly hope so!

> > > Betaraptor.4075

> >

> > Agreed, although im more in favor of removing the flybar all together and have a freefly mount. Hope Anet fixes this soon, it just doesnt feel like the work to get it was worth it.


> What made you chance your mind?


How rude of you, exactly why should I stay consistent? I read through other threads and so I showed support to these ideas.


Here's a better question... Why did you take the time to cross check what I said, and report my reply to a moderator, and now making this pathetic effort for what? Are you on some witch hunt? Are you trying everything you can to find a hint of validation in your life by gobbling after low hanging fruit on gaming forums? It's a little pathetic, grow up please... oh and feel free to report this as well since you can't take anything on the chin without crying to authority.



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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Synco.8203" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > @"Synco.8203" said:

> > > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > > > @"Synco.8203" said:

> > > > > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > > > > Learn to fly it first please before posting a suggestion like that. It has incredible air time when flying normally. I can stay in the air for any distance I need. And you're wrong in claiming the Griffon made gliding obsolete. None of the mounts do any of that and they shouldn't.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I know how to fly it ok - ive have all the masterys on it and anyones experience or use with the skyscale doesnt change the fact that it uses endurance just to fly horizontal.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It was a request and a suggestion to change a fact of the game mechanics of the Skyscale - IT IS A FACT THAT IS USES ENDURANCE TO FLY HORIZONTAL!!!

> > > > > >

> > > > > > What dont you understand?

> > > > >

> > > > > You clearly *don't* know how to fly it normally because at a neutral flight path you lose a tiny amount of height and 0 flight juice going forward. Watch the wings flap and aim your camera.

> > > >

> > > > Sorry but you dont know how to fly it - when the wings flap this means it is using endurance, when they dont flap it is not using endurance. I guess I got more experience with it than you do.

> > > >

> > > No, you don't use or lose anything. That's the point. I said you need to watch the flapping because you can fly without it. Of course you lose a tiny bit of height this isn't free flying...

> > >

> > > > Oh and BTW, this is my suggestion OK!!! How about you let others have their say now that you have voiced your opinion.

> > >

> > > You're the ony trying to silence what I'm saying by shutting me down. I merely explained to you that you're not flying it optimally if your complaint is that you lose "endurance".

> >

> > Im not asking for Free Flying.... just Ability to sustain horizontal movement without using "flight juice"... its a small request and people are acting like im trying to break the game.


> Stay consistent.


> > @"Synco.8203" said:

> > > @"Betaraptor.4075" said:

> > > Yes, I know there are hundreds of suggestions how to add to skyscale mount already, I myself posted one earlier, but after playing with it for some time, I think I know what it needs:

> > >

> > > 1: **Remove the red bar:** There's no way around it, the red "overload" bar has to go. Yes yes, I know it's been added to prevent things like infinite ascending, but let's face it: There's no point in the game that skyscale couldn't reach even as it is currently. (save for invisible barriers) I myself have been to the very top of tarir, top of durmand priory etc... To address the red bar while mounting in midair: Change it so that when you mount like that, you start with your blue bar empty.

> > > 2: **Add at least 50% more of the blue bar, prefferably double it:** Same as above you can reach everywhere with skyscale, so why to restrain so much? You have no idea (actually you do) how restraining it feels to mount and shoot up, only to be hit in the face by the top of the flyable canopy. And mounts should be the polar opposite of restraining.

> > > 3: **Stop its descending/gliding mechanic:** Once more, same as above. When you reach the top of the canopy, make it being able to maintain that altitude indefinitely. First, we already have the gliding griffon with its wing flap mechanic, there, it makes sense. But skyscale flaps its wings on its own all the time, there's no reason for it to descend, it feels restraining again. Plus, again, there's no reason for this restrain to be there, a devoted player can get anywhere with it. And that fly up, land, fly up again between-steps would be gone, how great that would feel.

> > > 4: **Remove the cooldown-lock while attached to walls:** A little QoL, I won't explain why again. A little guide to go around this: Attach, jump, fly up, let it descend to have your jump bar refilled, attach...etc until your skill recharges to gain infinite climbing. No reason for this restrain to be there.

> > > 5: **Increase its Z-tilt angle:** I've seen people complaining about it being slow in going down, but I think it's fine when combining engage skill with looking down. What I'd like to see is increasing its max angle while holding right mouse button. Currently, it can ascend/descend at max 45deg like this, increase this to about 60-70. It would feel more natural and address that slow descend issue as well.

> > > X: **plus just a little interesting QoL: Make it dash in the direction it's moving:** Just a little idea, I know it would require more animations, but for example, when strafing sideways, make it perform a roll to the side, how cool that would be? Maybe useless, but cool!

> > >

> > > So, what do you think about this? Do you agree? And do you think that devs would add such big freedom to it? I certainly hope so!

> > > Betaraptor.4075

> >

> > Agreed, although im more in favor of removing the flybar all together and have a freefly mount. Hope Anet fixes this soon, it just doesnt feel like the work to get it was worth it.


> What made you chance your mind?


It's not inconsistent anyway - you just don't understand English that well. I said "I'm not asking for Free Flying" but "I am more in favor of it" - How is that inconsistent? A request is not the same as a preference OK!

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