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Removing invisible walls

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More and more invisible walls are added even a lot more with the addition of the skyscale. I offer a solution before the word exploration doesn't mean anything anymore:

1~ Remove all invisible walls and mount zones within maps.

2~ Re-add no mount zones covering each border of the map.

3~ enjoy free exploration.


It's totally stupid to be unable to pass over mountains with beetle at mount maelstrom or flying over central houses fortifications in divinity reach.

And that way no need to force skyscale losing altitude.

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While I dislike invisible walls and see them as unnecessary in a lot of places, no mount zones are even worse.


When I just want to get from A to B quickly but there is a jumping puzzle a mile in the air above me somewhere and I can't mount, it's quite annoying and I rather fly into an invisible wall.

That said, aside from map borders which should be walled, I would like to see both removed in all other places.

If I wanted to do a 7 year old jumping puzzle without mount, I probably would have done it by now and you can cheese them with Mesmer portals anyway.

Just let me fly Anet.

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I understand that some blocking tactics are necessary, but IMO they are overdone. Instead of protecting important areas, and keeping people from cheating their way into rewards, they are just stuck in to prevent people from finding interesting new paths.


Do we really NEED the west side of Dry Top to only be accessible through the spider tunnel? I was so proud to have managed to get my griffon all the way to the tops of those cliffs to go east, only to hit solid air. Why?


The other day I was in Mount Maelstron, in that hexagonal Inquest base, when I realized that there was no ceiling overhead, and I could fly out through a big hole in the roof--only to find myself trapped in an invisible box. (If the Skyscale could cling to invisible walls, I could have done an awesome mime impression.) If there is a real reason to prevent people from entering and exiting at the far end of the base, **maybe the Inquest should fix their roof.** Does it really matter which end of the base you come in and go out of?

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There are technical reasons for invisible walls in games; let's not pretend us forum scrubs understand any of that (unless, you know, you do).

Yes, I want a limitless world of infinite awesomeness to game in, and I'm happy to leave the magic needed to get me there to them godly devs, even if I have to manage my expectations.

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ofc there are technical reason for invisible walls or they wouldn't exist in the first place, lol. That's not the point of this debate - the point is there are too many of them and, worse, in very bad places. It's bad enough when you go the border of a sea map and instead of a "strong current" - a solution that I like - you suddenly hit an invisible wall, but in the middle of a map like Dry Top when you're trying to shortcut with the Springer over a cliff and then you find another invisible wall... that's just too much of breaking immersion. For a game like GW2 that prides itself in attention to detail, this is grotesque. Like someone else said, the best way to create collision would be with visible, sensible assets like rocks, visible walls, force fields, what have you. Invisible walls still feel like one of the worst design choices ANet has made and keeps insisting on.

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Oops, I did not mean to vote for “no mount zones”! :s I hate running into those while exploring! But I am not in favor of invisible walls either... Either one breaks the fun of just freely exploring the world. If it is a jumping puzzle in its own specific area, fine, otherwise, just let us use whatever mounts, gliding, etc. we have at our disposal! I enjoy trying to figure out how to get up a cliff with my springer, etc., interacting with the map on my own terms, whereas these no-mount zones and invisible walls are sooo annoying and immersion breaking as I’m simply wanted to explore, take in the scenery, get from point A to point B, etc.


Is there any way that I can change my vote to Other? :s

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> @"VDAC.2137" said:

> Oops, I did not mean to vote for “no mount zones”! :s I hate running into those while exploring! But I am not in favor of invisible walls either... Either one breaks the fun of just freely exploring the world. If it is a jumping puzzle in its own specific area, fine, otherwise, just let us use whatever mounts, gliding, etc. we have at our disposal! I enjoy trying to figure out how to get up a cliff with my springer, etc., interacting with the map on my own terms, whereas these no-mount zones and invisible walls are sooo annoying and immersion breaking as I’m simply wanted to explore, take in the scenery, get from point A to point B, etc.


> Is there any way that I can change my vote to Other? :s


No you can't change the vote, but no worries, noted, will remember -1 for yes and +1 for others.

I agree that both those walls and no-mount zones are annoying within maps, but as shown by the past, when somebody explore and share its discoveries on the forums; the corresponding area is nerfed with walls. My proposal is to remove everything within the map area, but let some restrictions on its corners, because it seems the devs are strongly against exploring out bounds limits of the map or passing through the ground of the map. I don't feel like it's breaking anything, tyria will not explode because I saw Rata primus outside of story or under Divinity reach. Preventing from falling under the map I can understand but denying you passing over a mountain or obviously accessible terrains is no-senses. As some said previously, see the infinity coil reactor in Mount maelstrom is one of the area with the higher number of invisible walls, seriously why can't I fly over from zone blue to zone red? It doesn't break anything and it's faster! Soon we will be forced to stay on a gravel path with no mounts allowed everywhere.


EDIT: as tails said, if it's the fact we aren't completing the map the regular way that torment the devs, then, remove every walls once we completed the map.

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I do not like either no mount zones or invisible walls. There are not many places where invisible walls should exist, like obvious places at the edges of maps. Anyplace else is pure bad design. No mount zones may be ok for jumping puzzles but if you do not do the JPs (or all the JPs) you have no idea where those zones are until you run into one. If NMZs are going to be used there should be a clear marker saying so, not just a message when you are about to hit one. For example, you may work out a route to do something then find yourself trapped by a NMZ.

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One might argue, the roof would fall off.



Joke aside : some Walls are necessary to avoid shameless skipping (more than mounts already allow) or even collision issues (many maps still have pitfalls, looking at you Caledon forest). Note that no flight zones have a delay, and thus someone with a reasonably fast momentum and reaction time can end up going somewhere entirely impossible to reach to otherwise, possibly Breaking things on the map, or breaking their characters. Admitedly, I'm fond of trying to reach map boundaries myself, and often found that the Walls are disappointing just as much as they keep my char safe. It's a fair deal.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> I do not like either no mount zones or invisible walls. There are not many places where invisible walls should exist, like obvious places at the edges of maps. Anyplace else is pure bad design. No mount zones may be ok for jumping puzzles but if you do not do the JPs (or all the JPs) you have no idea where those zones are until you run into one. If NMZs are going to be used there should be a clear marker saying so, not just a message when you are about to hit one. For example, you may work out a route to do something then find yourself trapped by a NMZ.


I couldn’t agree more! I had no idea there were so many jumping puzzles even in the game until I started hitting all the stupid no-mount zones! Those hidden away in caves, etc. can be no mounts but open world should stay open world and invisible walls should not be anywhere except map edges etc.

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There are numerous reasons for invis walls but the two that stand out to me are:


1. To prevent exploitation and unintended game play.

2. To prevent people from seeing the unfinished parts of a zone. Resource utilization is important and certain things were not meant to be seen. You can find sloppy geometry, 2 dimensional trees that you cant tell are two dimensional from far away. Invisible walls help hide all that to give you better world cohesion and polish. With flying mounts they had to make a compromise to keep the game a cohesive experience.

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It's so inconsistent, sometimes warning, sometimes just invisible wall, sometimes push back, sometimes teleport kitten knows where...

At least comparing to griffon for Skyscale invisible walls are not as big problem: it doesn't start losing altitude on collision.


Anet should just remove all invisible walls inside maps and change all map borders to only invisible walls with warning short distance before, so griffon pilots have bit time to change course.

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I'd rather all invisible walls and no fly/no mount zones be removed. They are mostly used to protect jumping puzzles. So long as porting of jumping puzzles is allowed, I can't see why you need to disallow mounts/gliding.

Ideally, they should just add some mechanic that tracks if a mount was used, gliding was done, or a portal was done. This must be possible to some degree, as some of the event races have a 'done without mount in under X minutes'.

But I have a feeling there would be massive number of complaints if porting was no longer allowed. So it either needs to be figured out - if Anet wants people to really do the puzzle, enforce it. If they don't care how someone does the puzzle (eg, porting), remove the no mount/no glide restrictions.

I have no issue with some invisible walls, like map edges. I can also imagine there may be some areas of maps which they never originally designed for people to get to (top of steep mountains for example), so they took the simple route of just blocking those off vs fixing them. I'd rather they be fixed.

I'd also like for invisible walls to become mostly transparent walls. So there is no within game reason why you run into invisible walls, and frustrating when you do so, let us see them so we know what we can't get to.


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> @"Solvar.7953" said:

> I'd rather all invisible walls and no fly/no mount zones be removed. They are mostly used to protect jumping puzzles. So long as porting of jumping puzzles is allowed, I can't see why you need to disallow mounts/gliding.

> Ideally, they should just add some mechanic that tracks if a mount was used, gliding was done, or a portal was done. This must be possible to some degree, as some of the event races have a 'done without mount in under X minutes'.

> But I have a feeling there would be massive number of complaints if porting was no longer allowed. So it either needs to be figured out - if Anet wants people to really do the puzzle, enforce it. If they don't care how someone does the puzzle (eg, porting), remove the no mount/no glide restrictions.

> I have no issue with some invisible walls, like map edges. I can also imagine there may be some areas of maps which they never originally designed for people to get to (top of steep mountains for example), so they took the simple route of just blocking those off vs fixing them. I'd rather they be fixed.

> I'd also like for invisible walls to become mostly transparent walls. So there is no within game reason why you run into invisible walls, and frustrating when you do so, let us see them so we know what we can't get to.


Very much a lot of this. It completely baffles me why gliding and mounts are disabled on most JPs, yet mesmers are allowed to portal people to the end. If that's allowed, so should mounts and gliding. Otherwise, disable portals as well.

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