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Do you play as both genders?


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> @Danikat.8537 said:

> I have to admit I'm surprised that so far 66% of votes are from men. I know women are typically the minority in MMOs but I always thought this game was a bit more even than that. I would have guessed 60:40 split at most.


Oh don't worry. There are definitely more women online than it seems here on the forum. They are all just playing right now. I am only here right now because I am bored :P But seriously. In my guild we have a lot of women. Not everyone reads and writes here in the forum.

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> @Danikat.8537 said:

> I have to admit I'm surprised that so far 66% of votes are from men. I know women are typically the minority in MMOs but I always thought this game was a bit more even than that. I would have guessed 60:40 split at most.


maybe... but remember... forums posses the vocal minority... for all we know the actual majority of the playerbase could be female.

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> @Danikat.8537 said:

> I have to admit I'm surprised that so far 66% of votes are from men. I know women are typically the minority in MMOs but I always thought this game was a bit more even than that. I would have guessed 60:40 split at most.


I'm so sorry to disappoint you, I'll avoid voting next time to not mess with them numbers! ;)


Bit more serious, might be a forum skew as well. Wouldn't surprise me to find a majority of males on the forums (We men love places where we can complain about things!)

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I've always played both in many games, never got a problem with that. I it's just a character in game. As far as GW2 goes, first character was a female norn ranger as a tribute to first GW1 character which was a female ranger. And I have a female human mesmer because I thought at the time a male would look stupid as far as armor choices go. Other four characters are malo for no specific reason, I wanted a big norn male warrior so I made one. But in the future I don't have anything against more sexually diverse roster. The choice of gender is mostly based on a picture of the character I have in my head at the moment of creation and which armor the charcter could have at end game.

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I have nine toons (one for each profession), and as of right now, all of my characters are female. That was intentional. It's not because I don't like male characters. I just like the idea of women being heroes.


I'm not saying I wouldn't consider male characters for the future. However, I honestly have enough things to do with the all-female roster I already have. New characters of any kind can wait.

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Male and only play as males. As someone said early on, I see the characters as an extension of myself and choosing male helps me fit in that fantasy even if it's another race entirely. I know sex SHOULDN'T be a factor, but it is and until i get over whatever mental hurdle it is, i'm sticking with male avatars (I would like to get over that mental hurdle however).

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Interesting poll - I'm male and play both.


I create backstories for my characters that connect and for some reason, I always had it in my head what gender/race they'd be. I had all 8 planned from launch and making a Revenant a male Sylvari just 'fit' for the story I had for them after Revs were announced.


I don't do any in-game roleplay, and I'm not involved in any roleplay guilds, I just enjoy making my characters 'fit' into the world and imagine what they would do. I just find it quite easy to immerse myself.

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I'm male and voted that I play both.



* Sylvari - I primarily play only females because I mostly make Sylvari characters and armor scaling/fitting on male Sylvari has been broken since release and never fixed.

* Human - I do not play human male as they are basically limited to only being able to look like flawless boy band members, not hardened/scarred warriors. I had several human females that I liked to play, but once they changed the running animations to the current 'wobbling brick' run that we have now I immediately retired all of them to mules and will never make another.

* Asura/Charr - I do have a male Asura and a male Charr along with females, though I chose male for two of them for the hair/face/pattern/horn options options that are not available on the females.

* Norn - 1 female, retired. Not even going to start on what I find wrong with this race (especially the males).


So, despite my technically playing both, I only have a couple males due to bugs and appearance limitations/exclusivity options that are entirely controlled by ANet and which they've shown no intention of correcting.

* Release male hair/pattern/horn styles for the females to use and vice versa

* Implement a few male body and face types that break away from the Ken Doll/14 year old Boy Band member look.

* Finally fix the horribly broken male sylvari armor so it actually fits their size instead of looking like they're 5 year old kids wearing Hulk Smash gloves and NFL shoulder pads.

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I'm playing whichever characters I like. My first two in this game actually were male, first a Charr ranger (which to this day is closest to what I'd consider my main character) and a male Asura warrior (a class I haven't really learned to play to this day, but ever since I put the golemancer rune, the asura golem elite, a golem mini, and the golem backpack on him he's one of my favourite characters anyway ;) ). It's a kind of left-over from playing MUDs in the early 90s, when women on the internet were rare and guys would bother you first to find out if you're really female and then because you're really female.


By now, the majority of characters I play are female, including a whole alt account full of female asura ;) . Mostly this comes down to me not enjoying the voice/looks/animation of male norn or sylvari, nor humans in general. Charr is the only race I exclusively play males, as I'm not fond of the female Charr models and animations. Originally I was trying to get a good variety of races, classes and gender in my characters, but have settled down to simply creating characters that I enjoy without statistical influences (especially creating an additional asura or two of most of my favourite classes).

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this topic again and with a poll even . for what ever reason it be tho it is a nice add to the forums . maybe it cut down now on the number of wanting poll posts any ways i got both toons male and female . i like to make them all look good as i can . then see what ways i can make skills work best for that toon i am playing at the time. and see how they handle in all game types and go from their .

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I'm male and I play both genders, my main is male but to me mesmer feels very feminine so my mesmer is female of the 9 characters i actually play 5 are male and 4 female. My gf has only female characters though. Though i know a lot of my male friends create only females in any game cause they prefer looking at a "hot piece of ass" while playing. I can relate sure, but I it's not the main factor for me

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Male IRL, only play male characters (human and Charr). I had a female Charr at some point but couldn't really make it work.


A bit of a rant-- the old "as a guy I play female characters so I don't have to look at a guy's rear all day" is such a stupid lowkey homophobic excuse. I'm fairly certain many guys play female characters to feel a sentimental attachment to them; as if the character was "theirs"-- and that's all perfectly fine, who cares. But that insecure justification just really annoys me.

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