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GW2 Toolkit App Worth Using?

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Funnily enough, it looked amazing.

I installed it.

Used it for like..a week or so

Since then its been gathering dust in the back of my phone.


It's a great app, but it didn't fulfil any needs I had.

So judge for yourself. It's free, try it out, and decide yourself, i suppose.

Though i didn't find a proper use for it, i applaud the developers

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I have it on my tablet. It's a way to look in your inventory when you're away from the game, if you want to for some reason. Once I used it to sort of keep track of my progress on a legendary, and it sort of did. :p


But the main and almost only thing I use it for is to check ahead of time what the next day's dailies are going to be. If that sounds like a thing you want, go for it. It's especially nice when it's something like Dragon's Stand, you can get in on an active map before the crowds fill it up.

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I finally got it to work because I didn't understand what it mean for "API Key's" and i had to research API KEY, because I didn't want my account to be hacked but knowing what it is that cant happen ha ha ha ( being hacked ). I think this app is to look literally on what you have achieved and can complete, which isn't a bad thing, to bad there isn't a app where you can log on and chat when you can't play, ha ha. Guess that what discord is for! :)

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