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Build Templates and Alternate Gear Slots

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Since they are introducing Build Templates I think they should also put in alternate gear slots as a tie in to it. Build template trait swapping while very nice would be even better if you also could tie this into additional gear slot UI. I'd love to be able to click one button that tied a build template to a full gear slot load out or instant swap stats on legendary gear. They could even monetize it selling additional character armor slots for gems. It would also be a good way to clean up inventory slots because having the additional armor slots would take the second/third set out of your main inventory. Honestly I think 3 gear slots would be plenty. 1 for condi dps set, 1 for power dps set, 1 for specialization (heal, tank, wvw, solo gear). It would also give more use to all the ascended gear boxes we have laying in our inventories. Instead of using 1 set for all your common build types and passing them around you'd actually want to build multiple sets for each character. Additionally these gear slots could act as cosmetic swaps too. You'd have multiple slots for cosmetic looks for each character tied to their role/dmg type through the templates and additional gear slots.

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I'm not sure about this... it's a nice idea in theory, but it may be end up being too convenient. Part of an adventure game is planning out what you will need in a given situation, making decisions based on what you expect to encounter and preparing for situations that don't follow that expectation. Tactics, strategy, play style (including the time it takes to swap gear) is all part and parcel, based on the assumption that resources are limited. That layer is taken completely away if we can just carry everything and access it at the press of a button: there's no choices between condition damage, power damage, defensive/healing power, etc., if we can optimize all of them at the same time.


If they can address that, then by all means! go for it!

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