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Skyscale marketing feedback

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I think that the (amount of) marketing previously reflected better how attainable/ hard-to-get the mount was.

Core PoF mounts: lots of marketing, marketed as a big part of PoF -> very easy to get (story+ one heart/mount)

Beetle and warclaw: marketed as part of LW or WvW update-> collection that is focused on the content they came with. Harder to get then core mounts, but still very doable.

Griffon: almost no marketing, bc it was a secret mount. When it was covered, it was presented as a more exclusive mount. -> costs 250 gold + collection. Harder then beetle + warclaw.

But then: Skyscale: marketed as part of LW episode, but it is harder than the griffon. There is no indication that it would be harder to obtain then the griffon.


I think it would have been better if the skyscale was marketed less or marketed as a exclusive mount.

I think that it should not have been marketed as a part of the LW episode, without making it clear that it would be very hard to obtain.

What you think of it? Do you think that part of the negative reaction towards the acquisition method of the skyscale would have been smaller if the marketing was different?

Should Arenanet market content differently if it is not accesable for everyone?


BTW: please stay on topic. This discussion is about the marketing of the mount . (So it is not about the mount itself!).


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I think its the hardest mount in the game to get. Being that it was part of the LW series i think it should have been on par with the beetle. The initial collections arent too bad, but my goodness the amount of stuff to collect and do after the eggs is insane. I get that vets only had to worry about the timegate, but there are a lot of newer players that will need to farm that currency for a long time. I think for what it is its too much involved. Should have been more like beetle.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Took just over a day to grind the currencies. But I think requiring all of LS4 mightve been overkill, as not everyone have the full season.


Well they did do a campaign of giving away for free each LW chapter, corresponding with a dev live stream.


That said, remember how many players reacted to the skyscale with "well, it's just like Aurora, which was the capstone for S3, it makes sense that the Skyscale, the capstone of S4 would require all S4 maps and currency"


....and then they announced Vision.


Very clearly the marketing on this was misleading and ineffective.


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> @"Zuldari.3940" said:

> I think its the hardest mount in the game to get. Being that it was part of the LW series i think it should have been on par with the beetle. The initial collections arent too bad, but my goodness the amount of stuff to collect and do after the eggs is insane. I get that vets only had to worry about the timegate, but there are a lot of newer players that will need to farm that currency for a long time. I think for what it is its too much involved. Should have been more like beetle.


agreed, if they did this like the beetle you would see nothing at all about the grind.

no time gating, no exclusivity, no META requirements, just a clear and relatively easy to do collection.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Zuldari.3940" said:

> > I think its the hardest mount in the game to get. Being that it was part of the LW series i think it should have been on par with the beetle. The initial collections arent too bad, but my goodness the amount of stuff to collect and do after the eggs is insane. I get that vets only had to worry about the timegate, but there are a lot of newer players that will need to farm that currency for a long time. I think for what it is its too much involved. Should have been more like beetle.


> agreed, if they did this like the beetle you would see nothing at all about the grind.

> no time gating, no exclusivity, no META requirements, just a clear and relatively easy to do collection.


Oh yeah i did beetle on one account and while it was a good amount it was nothing like the skyscale which is too much for a LW mount imo. I will prob not get it for a very long time and that frustrates me to no end. As a newer player the things i need to get will take a long time.

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Pls stay on topic.

I dont care if the mount is slightly easier or harder then the griffon. I think everyone agrees that it is way harder then the beetle FE, so i dont think discussion is needed on that point I would like a discussion about player expectations that were created by the marketing, and if arenanet needs to change their strategy on this topic.

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Yep, Anet badly flubbed presenting the skyscale. Making it seem like it would be like the beetle to aquire. As well keeping hidden the requirements of the later collection. And the seriously unpleasant suprise of the currencies needed for the saddle. Why didnt you tell us so we could have done it in the four downtime days of feeding it?

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Although I've felt extremely negative about the Skyscale's acquisition and have ranted accordingly, I don't think it's "hard." But I do think it's boring. It's a grind. It's tedious. It's no fun. It's discouraging ("I'm done with the collection, yay! Oh wait, another collection behind it, and another...."). I feel ANet deliberately hid the path to acquisition and while that is their right, it has left a very sour taste in my mouth if that's how they want to draw in players. If this is how they move forward in the game, then I'm glad I'm dialing back.


I'll still play GW2 but am actively searching for a different MMO to spend more time in -- and to spend real money on.

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> @"brenda.9723" said:

> I would like a discussion about player expectations that were created by the marketing, and if arenanet needs to change their strategy on this topic.


ANET has already admitted to this need:



>It would have been helpful to communicate our design goals for the mount’s acquisition clearly before the release of the episode.

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