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Latency (old computer) preventing Skyscale Reflexes completion

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Here's a tip that worked for me (beyond the using-a-Speed-Boost known tip):

Always place your character in the middle of the area the ball returns to; don't leave your character in the same place where you last caught the ball. Also, pulling the camera back to show a larger area (if you don't already have your field of view large) can help.


Good luck.

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First, if you haven't done so yet, turn your graphics settings to "Best Performance". That's almost my standard setting. Then you can do this with any character, like a Thief with Unhindered Combatant traited. I just had permanent swiftness when I did this, maybe this will help even out the odds with an old computer. Lag doesn't come from that though, it's about connection speed. Make sure nobody in your household downloads Disney movies while you do this.

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as someone else mentioned, turn your graphics to lowest, pull the camera out as far as possible on your settings. Stay towards the middle of the ball area, but look down, not at the skyscale. Start moving as soon as you complete the throw animation. I also used a writ of speed (from the tp) as well as the speed boost mushroom in there.

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> @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> In case you don't already know, teleports are fine to use, so take your ele/mesmer and you get at least one get out of jail free in case of a bad spawn.


Not necessarily. My connection is too slow to complete the hard difficulty and I've tried ele and thief teleport and the teleport lags too. By the time the teleport happens its still too late to catch.

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I had this exact same problem, except it was due to satellite internet latency. I had to lug my heavy desktop computer to a friend's house just to complete the hard difficulty catch game. I used every conceivable tip from others but it was actually impossible until I physically moved across town to a house with cable internet. Even with teleports on the lowest graphic settings with a glyph of speed, the speed boost mushrooms, and run speed booster, the latency itself made it so no matter what I tried, being in the circle wouldn't count. It's good to see ANet taking a look into the issue for players in similar situations; I was lucky it was just the connection and not my actual computer stopping me from getting the achievement! Best of luck to OP, by the way.

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I don't have the option of logging into another internet that is faster, as i also have the sat internet latency issue .. this is ridiculous, 12 throws ... I know they wanted to make it freaking difficult but this is game ending difficult. There has to be something that Anet can do to solve this issue, as it stands right now I am not going to be able to get the Skyscale at all. All that time and gold wasted, guess I should have looked on the forums and Facebook chat to realize this step was here ... if i had known I would have never started it. Extremely frustrated, totally sucked the fun right out of the meta event while I hammer my head against the wall trying to get this done.

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I'm having the same problem and I appreciate the suggestions here, but I'm afraid I won't be able to complete this step either (very old computer, no hope to update it any time soon).


I hope the team can come up with something.


Update: I did it! I used a speed boost and Moa stance/Strength of the Pack whenever they came off cooldown. It took me a few tries for the hard mode, but I got it!

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I had a similar issue - neither my computer, nor my internet connection, nor my personal reaction time are particularly fast. I managed eventually, but the catch-game definitely gave me some initial grief (especially after all the effort I had put into the skyscale already), even if I managed eventually.

When I had the first unsuccessful attempts, I found the fact that one miss reset the whole attempt to 0 the most frustrating part - maybe it could be an alternative option for implementation (if the originally intended one fails) to give an alternative of completion by a higher number of successful catches in total (instead of a lower number in a row). I guess for someone who has (for whatever reason) problems meeting subsequent successful catches that would at least make completion possible (and those who don't have any problems will probably achieve the required subsequent catches before they meet the alternative criterion)

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My computer is 10 yrs old and its having a hard time--sadly my reflex reaction time is off. I have medical issues and I am basically playing this game with 1 real functioning hand --my other arm has a broken elbow with an implant & 3 paralyzed/ nerve damage fingers. I can not get the skyscale reflexes in hard mode---I barely made the medium mode. When I try --it---alot--my hand is done for the day. The pain & agony. A game should not be like this. I love this game, played from Beta but its physically killing my good arm & 2 good fingers trying to do this repetitively. Help Please.

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the bad thing about the hard mode is that once u failed to catch the ball, the X/12 counter goes back to 0/12 n then there is the clock timer starts ticking off from 30 seconds. if u pick up the ball again before the clock goes down to 0:00 u dont get to continue where u left off; it goes back down to 0/12 instead of say your last attempt was 4/12 like that. this is a stupid game mechanic. what is the point of having the clock ticking off in the first place if we can not continued where our last successful catch? if it goes back to 0/12 regardless of we pick the ball back up before the clock runs out or just not pick the ball back up n just let the clock goes down to zero, we would be starting from scratch at 0/12 anyway. it should let u continue where your last successful catch was like 5/12, or 7/12 etc.

also, in this game, the player/toon can only do double-tap to dodge forward, backward, left, n right. u can not double-tap to dodge diagonally-upper left, upper right, lower left, lower right. so when the stupid skyscale throws the damn ball in any of the 4 diagonally positions relative to your toon's position, then u r out of luck. no ubber amounts of speed boosts or mouse targeting skills that telegraph u to it, unless u have doing this in Anet's in-house souped-up, no lag, no latency, 100 tera-byte graphics card n cpu. and that stupid speed boost mushroom in the back where u start the catching game doesnt last long at all [only 20 sec], n if it runs out during the catching game like it always does, there is no time for u to run back n refresh it because then u just missed the ball thrown by the stupid skyscale.

what is the point of playing ball n getting food for the skyscale, it is not Aurene. we already done this kind of lame n crappy achievement when we first got Aurene n had to bring her those playful toys n stuffs. the skyscale is just a mount like all the other mounts, our toons does not interact with it during the riding n fighting or current storyline. :(

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My computer is 10 yrs old and its having a hard time--sadly my reflex reaction time is off. I have medical issues and I am basically playing this game with 1 real functioning hand --my other arm has a broken elbow with an implant & 3 paralyzed/ nerve damage fingers. I can not get the skyscale reflexes in hard mode---I barely made the medium mode. When I try --it---alot--my hand is done for the day. The pain & agony. A game should not be like this. I love this game, played from Beta but its physically killing my good arm & 2 good fingers trying to do this repetitively. Help Please.

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I agree totally with tomaxamot.2683 I have mentioned that as well, timer & counter should retain our catches while in the instance but if we leave it should go back to zero. Or just let us buy something from Gorrick to pass this HORRIBLE Hard ball game of catch.

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> @"Corvus.9058" said:

> Thank you Anet .... thank you thank you thank you .... those that posted here and have the new patch will understand why I thank them. Totally awesome


Was it toned down in this patch ? I didn't see it listed in the patch notes ? Was it ? And are you sure ? Or maybe you just got lucky and hit a good spread of circles ? I'm stuck myself , is why I ask.

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It is listed in the second, shorter post on the patch notes. Really nice QoL update. Although I didn't have any trouble doing that step of the collection before, I'm still happy for those that did and who can now proceed with getting the skyscale.

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