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Sorry but I don't like the new direction


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> @Thornwolf.9721 said:

> I feel as if the narrative has no Idea what it wants to be, and the change in so many old-standing characters is horrible. But we all know they want to wash their hands of guild wars 1, and cut as many ties as possible to it. This games plot is like a saturday morring cartoon and balth was our shredder, so now we need to wait until we get all the possible generic villains out of the way.


> I predicted 90% of this, I even assumed of Gleam did appear they would kill him and have him be there as an end to his plot to sever another life-line to the original guild wars. Frankly the plot is predictable, and part of me wishes they would just stop and focus on other things because they have proven that their writing is horrible and their "Deep and intellectual story with multi-branching living world" is nothing but a bunch of kitten. Leave story telling to single player games who are focused on it, and stop trying to feed me a generic tale of generic people doing generic things.


> Balth could of been a very anti-villain/anti-hero, he could of stuck around and found out he could no longer attempt to even contact the gods.. that NO one could and his vengeance could never be satiated. OR even be reasoned with by our character who could be like "You took out joko, your have been fighting the dragon why not help us find a way to fix the balance and simply be alongside your people". Have him bee a grey area, I mean in the lore he was pretty reasonable and had a sense of honor and pride so why not have him reflect this. Have us fighting and beat him, but not destroy him out-right and have his part of the pantheon be vacant and if Menzies did actually beat him then we could have the fissure of woe be a raid in which we help him beat menzies?


> Balth was a villain who had alot of potential, and it fell flat... Krak will be dealt with in living world and going forward I dont know what to think because we still have to deal with braham and we still need to deal with aurene. Krak wont be a problem after living world, and Im pretty sure braham wont be either... unless the next expansion is about us stopping braham and ending his tyranny of kitten right here.


> ( I only got this expansion for the plot, and to see what our exploits in living world would amount too. Everything else was kinda meh for me )


And Menzies, as the least developed major villain of GW1, had the perfect chance to make appearance, but MEH.

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> @Slowpokeking.8720 said:

> I also think Balthazar, even after turned evil, shouldn't disguise as a Mursaat and do all those trickery, that doesn't fit his personality well. That's more like Menizies.

Except Menzies was never known for disguises or trickery such as that. HE was pretty much just straight war based like his half-brother, except evil.

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @Slowpokeking.8720 said:

> > I also think Balthazar, even after turned evil, shouldn't disguise as a Mursaat and do all those trickery, that doesn't fit his personality well. That's more like Menizies.

> Except Menzies was never known for disguises or trickery such as that. HE was pretty much just straight war based like his half-brother, except evil.


His Darknesses are all mesmers.

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> @Slowpokeking.8720 said:

> What do you mean top agent? I think the Greater Darknesses are equal to his priest.

The dude leading his war against Balthazar, the biggest thing Menzies had going on, was a monk.


The Greater Darkness, and the lesser ones, were just sitting around in the Realm of Torment as Menzies' representatives in the Abbadon-Dhuum-Menzies alliance, and in the Tomb of Primeval Kings, again, there seemingly as just reps to help Abbadon. The Darknesses never showed any real place in the higher parts of Menzies' hierarchy besides as his token rep squad. The Priest was however clearly the top agent leading Menzies' armies.

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @Slowpokeking.8720 said:

> > What do you mean top agent? I think the Greater Darknesses are equal to his priest.

> The dude leading his war against Balthazar, the biggest thing Menzies had going on, was a monk.


> The Greater Darkness, and the lesser ones, were just sitting around in the Realm of Torment as Menzies' representatives in the Abbadon-Dhuum-Menzies alliance, and in the Tomb of Primeval Kings, again, there seemingly as just reps to help Abbadon. The Darknesses never showed any real place in the higher parts of Menzies' hierarchy besides as his token rep squad. The Priest was however clearly the top agent leading Menzies' armies.


They were the leader of the elite tormented and elite shadow army, opening the portal to send elite demons to RoT.


Also sure, Mesmers aren't good as an army's general, but they play big roles behind. Since Menizies had such high rank mesmer demons on his side, it's easy to assume that he was good at trickery.

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> @Slowpokeking.8720 said:

> They were the leader of the elite tormented and elite shadow army, opening the portal to send elite demons to RoT.


> Also sure, Mesmers aren't good as an army's general, but they play big roles behind. Since Menizies had such high rank mesmer demons on his side, it's easy to assume that he was good at trickery.

And yet they were all still secondary to the priest leading his army.


And no, employing mesmers does not mean he was good at trickery, by that backwards logic, everyone who has ever had an army with even remotely capable mesmers in it could qualify for the same.


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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> And no, employing mesmers does not mean he was good at trickery, by that backwards logic, everyone who has ever had an army with even remotely capable mesmers in it could qualify for the same.



Because Mesmers aren't good for army general, they are used as advisers and spies.


That's true, if they have high rank mesmers in their army, that makes sense.

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @Slowpokeking.8720 said:

> > I also think Balthazar, even after turned evil, shouldn't disguise as a Mursaat and do all those trickery, that doesn't fit his personality well. That's more like Menizies.

> Except Menzies was never known for disguises or trickery such as that. HE was pretty much just straight war based like his half-brother, except evil.


Menzies was [very much known for trickery and treachery](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Khobay_the_Betrayer), [as well as sabotage](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Restore_the_Temple_of_War).

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> @OtakuModeEngage.8679 said:

> I love how complex and layered the story is getting. At launch it was, Dargons are bad, lets kill them all. Pure black and white story telling, and very repeditive too: 1. Dragon wakes up, 2. Dragon becomes threat, 3. Fight way to dragon, 4. Kill dragon, 5. Repeat with new dragon.


> If they kept going with that systematic pattern it would have quickly become boring after the 3 dragon, so to keep things interesting and make it feel more real(because in life nothing is ever so simple and easy) they gave consequences to our actions: we need to kill dragons, but doing so will destroy the word. Well where does that leave us now? Its not so simple as kill or be killed anymore, this allows for truly deep complex story telling to unfold.


Again I don't mind explore the dragons' nature and set another way to deal them, but let us to save and enhance Kralkatorrik, a very bad dragon(Vigil was formed because of him, Glint and Snaff died because of him) without a real plan to deal with its rampage, was really bad. We even destroyed that spear! The whole big turn feels really off.


I don't know did you play the original personal story these days or not, I did(to get some keys) and the current story feels so disconnected with its theme.



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