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The races that survived the last dragon awakening


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Hello all, I've been thinking about the races that managed to survive the last dragon awakening cycle, there is little exact info on this and while I believe I know my share of lore, I would like some help listing the races that exist since before the current dragon cycle and how they managed to survive the last cycle (like the dwarves, who survived thanks to Glint, who hided them until the dragons went to sleep)

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I "think" Glint hid all but the Mursaat who used their magic to escape


So we have;


Kodan (see below link)



Mursaat (escaped on their own magic)




There's some interesting info on the Kodan's survival during the last rise here https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Dragonstorm . Ember Bay has some (biased) lore on The Mursaat during the the last rise, specifically versus Zhaitan if I remember correctly


There is also Giganticus Lupicus. which was wiped out after (I think) the last Dragonrise and potentially this chappie https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Colossus_(Cliffside_Fractal)

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Glint, as far as we know, only hid four races: Forgotten, jotun, dwarves, and Seers. The mursaat survived by slipping partway into the Mists.


There are [charr myths](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Myths_and_Legends_of_Ancient_Ascalon) of their time when the giganticus lupicus were killed off by the Elder Dragons, indicating that they had survived the previous dragonrise. How they survived is ambiguous, since the myths only say they survive because they worked as a group while the Great Giants who died off were individualistic in culture.


Similarly, as Randulf pointed out, the kodan have stories of them holding up in caves while Jormag's blizzards raged, and proclaim the norn came from one of their tribes (the accuracy of this proclamation is still up to debate, as a jotun proclaims the norn are cousin races to them since ages past).


There's also [an NPC](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Genzhou_Talonrend) and [a book](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Riding_the_Wind:_The_Tengu_Exodus) which implies the tengu may have survived the previous dragonrise. If they did, we don't know how they survived.

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Thanks for all the insight, I've known about the kodan bit but I don't know why I don't believe them to be survivors of the last cycle, I find them easily blinded by pride too many times and may just confuse their own legends with actual facts, but what do I know.


Among surviving races there is also the Karka that managed to survive, though they are more like animals than, well, an "intelligent" race.


Though I didn't have any clue about the charr or tengu, its pretty surprising to see that they may have existed since before the last cycle.


Surprisingly, it seems the dragon cycles don't leave the land completely wasted as some species seem to have survived on their own in a world devoid of magic, even more, it seems the dragons don't hunt all life until extintion.

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Well, they hunt magic. So if a civilization is built around magical artifacts they'd probably focus in on those locations.


Kralkatorrik and Jormag showed little care or interest in mortals, outside smashing whatever attacked them. I'd say races with no highly magical artifacts/locations would probably be less harmed then ones who heavily used magic/had such locations.

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