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[SPOILER] Eater of Souls Guide (no cc required)

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Bring a ranged weapon, preferably with 1200 range skills (You cannot access your inventory to swap out weapons when you are in the Domain).

Bring lots of condition applying skills.


When the Eater is chasing you, apply conditions to it and strike at it if possible, but keep kiting to maintain your health (if necessary) and save your dodges.

Do not create any extraneous sprites such as clones or minions that it might be able to steal health from (just to be safe, you may find that it works otherwise).


As soon as an orange circle appears, run directly away from the Eater, dodging twice to ensure you are out of range of its life siphoning beam.

When its beam hits you it should look like it's hitting you but does no damage (meaning it does not steal health). If it does do damage, be farther away the next time.


When you're sure the beam isn't damaging you, turn around and spike the Eater with ranged skills (do not move closer, in fact, you might have to hold down the backwards movement key if the beam starts pulling you in), since it remains stationary to use the "beam" and "eat" skills.


Repeat as necessary until it's dead.

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I fought the entire encounter in melee range (it took a bit of practice) as Soulbeast with my pet in range throughout the majority of the encounter. The important part is the moment you see the orange circle appear, it's the warning that the Eater of Souls is going to leap at you, followed by the life-siphon. You need to get out of dodge right away when you see the circle -- double-dodge distance minimum. The beam animation will still connect to you, but it won't siphon any health (if it sucks any health, keep moving further away). Once the siphon ends, you can resume melee (and your evade should be full again). Repeat whenever the orange circle appears.

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Maybe my story instance broke, but when I was fighting the boss, it was enough to run away from him without breaking his bar and he never regenerated (before patch). Now after patch it doesn't really matter..... I actually liked that I had to change tactics and not just DPS him as fast as possible as all other mobs in the story. But I guess even weak players have to be able to defeat it.


@Arenanet Maybe you can make hardmode with original stats of the boss?

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Notes from the update. go and use your pets/minions, he can't steal their health anymore.

Bug Fixes:


Story Chapter—The Departing: Drastically decreased the amount of health the Eater of Souls can steal.

Story Chapter—The Departing: Increased the duration the defiance bar is vulnerable on the Eater of Souls's leap attack.

Story Chapter—The Departing: Removed the Eater of Souls's ability to steal health from pets and minions.

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> This must come down to the class you pick to play with, I beat this boss with my Necro no problem, I didn't even see it as a challenge, I wonder do different classes have different instances of this boss, as in is it scaling different for other classes.


This. I've only played necro in pof so far so I can't comment on other classes ease or difficulty. I missed a couple breaks. Got hit hard a couple times. Had some minions go down a few times but really had no huge issues on this one. Beat it first go and this was pre nerf.

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Doubt I'll ever get to this Eater of Souls scenario because I never finished the story.


I attempted the last story instance on my Ranger with LB/axe-torch, using viper's gear/stats. I died so many times to the over tuned mobs, and their insane CCs that used me for target practice for ping pong, that I never made it to the boss. I gave up because it appeared to be a losing battle even with a decent set of utility skills plus my two pets to swap out.


Do not know if I'll really be able to complete the story if its still this bad, not to mention I won't be able to do any achievements until I finish the story itself. Anet really needs to watch, not only the aggro range of mobs, but their insane CC's and almost instant respawns for adds. Supposed to be able to solo this, but after talking with a guild mate today and finding out this particular instance is worse than any raid instance she has ever participated in, made me extremely disappointed.

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> @TexZero.7910 said:

> This guide....


> Here's a better one.


> Step 1: Dodge the leap

> Step 2: Break the Breakbar

> Step 3: ???

> Step 4: Profit (Unless you're one of the select few whose instances crash when Joko talks to you at the end, then repeat from the beginning of the instance for the 13th time)


Exactly. Or better yet; interrupt it as soon as it begins to leap at you. That's all you have to do.

I was surprised second time through how easy it was - and resultantly - how convoluted I was making the fight for myself the first time through.

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> @"Mephu Tahm Jr.1962" said:

> Unfortunately as ele I don't have interrupts that are repeatable at the rate which the Eater repeats its skills. So every other time he leaps I have no way to interrupt it.

> Remember I also have to choose a weapon that will be useful against Balthazar.

> This guide is for similar folk.


Uh hello...Focus exist has some of the best instant cast CC in the game.

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> @"Mephu Tahm Jr.1962" said:

> Unfortunately as ele I don't have interrupts that are repeatable at the rate which the Eater repeats its skills. So every other time he leaps I have no way to interrupt it.

> Remember I also have to choose a weapon that will be useful against Balthazar.

> This guide is for similar folk.


You can switch weapons from the Hero menu once you find them as a ghost.

Ele do have a few interrupts but they're pretty much all on Air and Earth.

That said, dodging also work to avoid HP drain.

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  • 1 month later...

Finally got this completed, but I had to take a guild mate in with me. Even so it was difficult and, had it not been for the help from my friend, I may not have been able to complete it. I just don't understand why story instances seem to be geared toward a group effort instead of solo. Granted there are some build/professions out there that can solo these things just fine, but that does not help those of us on other builds/professions that have issues.


If these story instances are supposed to be geared toward a group, for goodness sake at least state that in the credits so we can plan accordingly. The least Anet can do is balance the difficulty in these story instances toward the entire series of professions. Which means balancing the professions properly. I have several alts that I know can cake walk through these, however, I also have alts that I refuse to even try because I know they won't be successful. The balance is awful...even in the open pve world.


I like playing my ranger more than any other character I have. I enjoy the challenge of using the appropriate pet setup and strategy to allow for a more fluid movement style I prefer. Therefore, I do not play many of my other characters just because they can accomplish something, but because I do not like the play style they have. I want to enjoy the play style and engagement of the character I play, not regard it as a chore.

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It's very easy soloable but today I witnessed a bounty hunt, one of those where you have to be in a specific area otherwise the Boss will dodge all your attacks, and the majority of players did absolutely zero damage because they just stood there outside of the specified range and blew all their skills into thin air. Now I know why some people have problems with the Eater of Souls instance.

And I'm pretty sure no guide in the entire solar system could ever help them... (Considering Shiny Circles and Arrows on the Ground and a Buff that specificly points out the mechanic is not enough for some people...)

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> @Reverielle.3972 said:

> > @TexZero.7910 said:

> > This guide....

> >

> > Here's a better one.

> >

> > Step 1: Dodge the leap

> > Step 2: Break the Breakbar

> > Step 3: ???

> > Step 4: Profit (Unless you're one of the select few whose instances crash when Joko talks to you at the end, then repeat from the beginning of the instance for the 13th time)


> Exactly. Or better yet; interrupt it as soon as it begins to leap at you. That's all you have to do.

> I was surprised second time through how easy it was - and resultantly - how convoluted I was making the fight for myself the first time through.


Exactly this: just CC him when he is about to jump on you. There is nothing wrong with having one or two CC skills in your bar. Really.

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> @TwilightSoul.9048 said:

> It's very easy soloable but today I witnessed a bounty hunt, one of those where you have to be in a specific area otherwise the Boss will dodge all your attacks, and the majority of players did absolutely zero damage because they just stood there outside of the specified range and blew all their skills into thin air. Now I know why some people have problems with the Eater of Souls instance.

> And I'm pretty sure no guide in the entire solar system could ever help them... (Considering Shiny Circles and Arrows on the Ground and a Buff that specificly points out the mechanic is not enough for some people...)


I don't have a problem with mechanics on the open world bounty fights. They are clear and usually telegraphed pretty well.


As for the Eater of Souls instance, I ended up kiting him around obstacles while throwing traps down (which really did not affect him very much), swapping my pets to tanky pets in order to get his attention (which he totally ignored). Having skills available to use are one thing, but having those same skills ignored completely makes the skills useless. Even though he telegraphed his movement it was like just as soon as the telegraph started, he was in my face or pulling me toward him (in both cases I just ran away with him hot on my heels).


It appeared that the skills from the second player who was a glowing ball of light, worked much better than any of those I had which was frustrating.

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I'm not a huge ranger player but when you notice traps not working well on him you could've just swapped them for something more effective. Lightning reflexes for example could get you out of his range quickly and prevent him from healing. Signet of Stone is useful to prevent damage as well and the last utility slot depends on weather you're a condi or a power build (Sharpening stone for condi, for power probably some source of cc like protect me, spike trap or muddy terrain)


As a ranger kiting him should be no problem and dodging his leap from a decent range should honestly be quite easy as well (I had no issues with him pre nerf and as Scepter/Warhorn Tempest I have "only" 900 range.

As for the second player, I did the instance with my Girlfriend and she unfortunatly died right at the start of the fight since we then did not now the mechanics yet so I don't know what kind of skills you have as a ball of light but I do know that they are in no way neccessary.


Oh and I am by far not a perfect player, I did get hit by his leap 1-2 times but I always had Lightning Flash ready so it's no problem similarly as a ranger you should always have mobility available to gain distance which should be common practice for you already if you're playing with LB (More dmg on higher distances with AA)

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@TwilightSoul.9048, I actually did swap out my utility skills and did indeed end up with the ones you mention. But the skills the ball of light have are actually quite good. I know because I went back into that instance with a friend of mine to help him and was able to utilize them quite effectively to help with the interrupts. So the ball of light skills are definitely worth having available.


I did use my Long Bow countering with my axe/torch (which I found more useful than the axe/horn). My pets of choice were the Electric Wyvern and the Rock Gazelle, both of which are worth their weight in a open world fights since they both have really good break bar capabilities. From what I can tell, I did this encounter before any changes were made to it so I am not sure what differences there are between them. I do know that there were no differences in any of my encounters....he just was a pain to go against.


Something that seemed to be in play was my in-game lag. I have been having a consistent battle with Comcast for about a year now. They still have problems with parts of their network that they can't seem to pin point and fix. The worst offender is usually several hops away from where I live. But its still a problem when you see him start to telegraph his leap and the very next second he is in your face. My friend who helped me said she wondered why I seemed to hesitate several times during this encounter, so I can only surmise it was my lag, because I definitely was careful to maintain my movement without stopping unless I was changing direction, or positioning in such a manner that I would be able to get off my barrage (which I cannot do on the move).

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Did the fight in melee with my warrior before the big nerf. Never had much chance to hit his breakbar, but I was able to survive at him pretty much indefinitely.

Once I got the advice off the forums that his life drain was based on proximity, that's all I needed to know. After he jumped, I'd dodge, run, dodge again to get out of range. Sure, he gained a fraction of life back instead of me stunning him for CC, but it was nowhere near enough that I couldn't chip through it.

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I went to do it with my friend who play a ranger 3 days ago and he just spammed 1 2 5 on recharge on his longbow for the entire fight like he always do and killed it in a little less than 2 minutes

I found out the spirit guardian now have a fear on skill 2 which works to interrupt the EoS. It's a condition so the bar isn't broken instantly like with hard CC but it's still works if you're quick enough.






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> @Haishao.6851 said:

> I went to do it with my friend who play a ranger 3 days ago and he just spammed 1 2 5 on recharge on his longbow for the entire fight like he always do and killed it in a little less than 2 minutes

> I found out the spirit guardian now have a fear on skill 2 which works to interrupt the EoS. It's a condition so the bar isn't broken instantly like with hard CC but it's still works if you're quick enough.






Sounds different than when I fought him on my ranger. So it did get nerffed.

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