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Why I will never be able to get a Skyscale.

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> I think it could work to make the third (hard) ball catch activity optional. If you love playing with your Skyscale, then knock yourself out. If you don't, skip it. I mean, what would it hurt? Would it make people who completed the activity any less accomplished? No, it wouldn't. I'm done with the activity (although freely admit the hard level took me 5 or 6 tries) and anything to make it less tedious for others gets a thumbs-up from me.


Exactly...OR, give the people who finished the ball game extra AP, or a skin or something. I mean, this isn't just armor or the like, it's a mount. And to let us get almost all of the way to the end, spend all that gold on smelly treats (for those of us who also suck at JPs), and then to find this out?


Kind of a slap in the face. We spend as much time and effort on the game as anyone else, we work and grind to get that gold to help us through the parts we may not be as good at. So while we're grinding, the elite players are topping the charts with AP, all the best armor collections, and so on.


It's not as if this would take anything away from the better players. So, reward them with something extra, don't punish us. (which is, I'm sure, not their intent, but it sure feels as if that's where we are).

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> @"Skye Terrier.3805" said:

> > @"Salex.6024" said:

> > If you have a thief, just shortbow 5 circles, no moving at all.


> Can you expand on this a little? I don't play my thief very often, so am pretty much at mediocre level on that class.


> I'd appreciate any help. I can aaaaaaaaalmost get the hard set but just start hitting the "point of diminishing returns" about the 8th or 9th ball.


> I too have dexterity issues. Not to the extent of the OP, but certain things are just beyond my capability re: speed (funny, I'm a fairly good typist, but this is beyond me :D ) I really REALLY do not see why they decided to make this this way with no other options. It's not as if we don't put the time in, like the OP, I'm almost 7 years into the game. I can understand things like special armor, AP for hard jumping puzzles and such, but to make this the requirement for a mount? Seems like punishment to those of us who aren't fresh, young, and "bendy." :D


I believe Salex is refering to the teleport/shadowstep that theif short bow skill 5 has which makes for very quick movement speed over distance, as it's almost instant from point A to point B. Ofcourse it still requires you to be quick to place and cast it, and to have no lag, but you may find it quicker than standard charcater run speed if you can get it done fast enough.

The one I relied on when I did it myself was dodge roll and tbh if I had done it on Daredevil with Dash rather than Ranger that might have been more optimal.


It might work, you can always try it and find out.

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I’m used to grind Asian mmos and this imo is a awfull grind, the way one unlocks the mount ...


Nope another thing that I will avoid in gw2... just hope they will never force me to get it, even the griffon is harder to me to get due how boring is to achieve it...gw2 pve LoL... boring, just doing it to follow thebhistory/plot.

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> @"DeathPanel.8362" said:

> > @"The Quad.8625" said:

> > I have been playing GW2 for over 6 years now and I love the game. GW 2 is one of the very few games I can play being disabled. I have a broken neck and have lost the use of my hands, so I play GW2 with special gloves and a stick in each glove. Because I type with sticks I cannot feel where the keys are and I have to look at the keyboard when I play which means I take my eyes off the screen all the time.

> >

> > I have spent many days doing the skycale achievements and spent +- 90 gold on Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat so I did not have to do the jumping puzzles for the Skyscale Lost achievement. I have gone through all of this only to be defeated by a ball because I'm not fast enough to catch it during the Skyscale Reflexes achievement. Catching a ball has nothing to do with flying a skyscale! Arenanet, please change it or make a way for me to bypass it - I want my skyscale!


> The ball mini game was literally the easiest part of the Skyscale collection. It takes no real thinking or even reflexes. Are you being serious?


You know the only reason you think it's easy is because you don't have the same disability as the OP right? Would you say "walking is easy" to a leg amputee? Congrats, if you found it easy, it's easy - for YOU. Now stop and think for a moment sheesh.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> I’m used to grind Asian mmos and this imo is a awfull grind, the way one unlocks the mount ...


> Nope another thing that I will avoid in gw2... just hope they will never force me to get it, even the griffon is harder to me to get due how boring is to achieve it...gw2 pve LoL... boring, just doing it to follow thebhistory/plot.


I love it, I find it great that some features require some perseverence to acquire.

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> @"ROMANG.1903" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > I’m used to grind Asian mmos and this imo is a awfull grind, the way one unlocks the mount ...

> >

> > Nope another thing that I will avoid in gw2... just hope they will never force me to get it, even the griffon is harder to me to get due how boring is to achieve it...gw2 pve LoL... boring, just doing it to follow thebhistory/plot.


> I love it, I find it great that some features require some perseverence to aquire.


Don’t get me wrong i do love those hard to aquire items it’s just that in this game they feel messy and not organized just like dislike the crafting and loot system.


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> @"Lady Celtaine.3760" said:

> > @"Skye Terrier.3805" said:

> > > @"Salex.6024" said:

> > > If you have a thief, just shortbow 5 circles, no moving at all.

> >

> > Can you expand on this a little? I don't play my thief very often, so am pretty much at mediocre level on that class.

> >

> > I'd appreciate any help. I can aaaaaaaaalmost get the hard set but just start hitting the "point of diminishing returns" about the 8th or 9th ball.

> >

> > I too have dexterity issues. Not to the extent of the OP, but certain things are just beyond my capability re: speed (funny, I'm a fairly good typist, but this is beyond me :D ) I really REALLY do not see why they decided to make this this way with no other options. It's not as if we don't put the time in, like the OP, I'm almost 7 years into the game. I can understand things like special armor, AP for hard jumping puzzles and such, but to make this the requirement for a mount? Seems like punishment to those of us who aren't fresh, young, and "bendy." :D


> I believe Salex is refering to the teleport/shadowstep that theif short bow skill 5 has which makes for very quick movement speed over distance, as it's almost instant from point A to point B. Ofcourse it still requires you to be quick to place and cast it, and to have no lag, but you may find it quicker than standard charcater run speed if you can get it done fast enough.

> The one I relied on when I did it myself was dodge roll and tbh if I had done it on Daredevil with Dash rather than Ranger that might have been more optimal.


> It might work, you can always try it and find out.


Thank you I will. I'm trying to NOT be discouraged. So I decided to just let it gel for a while. In the meantime, I'm collecting mats for the saddle, by the time I'm done, I may be confident enough to try again.

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> @"DeathPanel.8362" said:

> > @"Lady Celtaine.3760" said:

> > > @"DeathPanel.8362" said:

> > > > @"The Quad.8625" said:

> > > > I have been playing GW2 for over 6 years now and I love the game. GW 2 is one of the very few games I can play being disabled. I have a broken neck and have lost the use of my hands, so I play GW2 with special gloves and a stick in each glove. Because I type with sticks I cannot feel where the keys are and I have to look at the keyboard when I play which means I take my eyes off the screen all the time.

> > > >

> > > > I have spent many days doing the skycale achievements and spent +- 90 gold on Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat so I did not have to do the jumping puzzles for the Skyscale Lost achievement. I have gone through all of this only to be defeated by a ball because I'm not fast enough to catch it during the Skyscale Reflexes achievement. Catching a ball has nothing to do with flying a skyscale! Arenanet, please change it or make a way for me to bypass it - I want my skyscale!

> > >

> > > The ball mini game was literally the easiest part of the Skyscale collection. It takes no real thinking or even reflexes. Are you being serious?

> >

> > You know the only reason you think it's easy is because you don't have the same disability as the OP right? Would you say "walking is easy" to a leg amputee? Congrats, if you found it easy, it's easy - for YOU. Now stop and think for a moment sheesh.


> Maybe you should stop and think instead. If you’re so disabled that you can’t even finish the mini game then you wouldn’t be able to play 90% of the game and shouldn’t be playing the game in the first place. You can’t just expect the world to revolve around your personal limitations. Accommodations can be made but this is ridiculous. That’s like the leg amputee in your example wanting to be a leg model and expecting to be hired.


Nice analogy, except that this is a game, not a job. And it's an MMORPG with a main focus on PvE to boot. GW2 was not sold with a label saying "not for people with disabilities". Skyscale is a mount that everyone in general pvE should be able to get with enough effort. It's not a raid where everyone knows and was sold it as high end content. You can't expect everyone else who also paid for the privilege of playing a game to be potentially penalised by barriers to general content (that they paid to unlock) that have nothing to do with their skill level just so you can feel that little bit extra special. It's not all about you. If you want to be in competion with other players there's pvp for that.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> Hi,


> The development team heard your feedback and are looking into it. We'll let you know as soon as we've been able to determine if anything can be done!


> Thank you.


You can take that ridiculous part out? Just a thought?


It's not as if the collection will lose it's incredible, original, layered, integral, high-quality content or the "story" will not make sense because there wasn't a ball throwing task in it. It is ridiculous and redundant enough for most other players, let alone those who have a physical issue with it.



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