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Suggestion: Shared Gathering Tool Slots

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While I like the idea in theory, it's hard for me to justify compared to more regular Shared Slots or extra Bank space. It's a highly specialized feature which does add some measure of convenience, but creating Shared Slots that can only have Tools in them feels like losing more utility than it adds.


I wonder if there's a way to expand (or convince) the Build Template feature to use specific slots for specific items (such as Harvesting tools)? That way, the slots don't feel like "wasted opportunity", and reequipping (and therefore transferring) stuff like Harvesting Tools would be greatly streamlined.

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> @"kratan.4619" said:

> I have 8 sets of infinite tools to avoid this problem. If they implemented this I would want a refund, and I am sure I would not be alone in this.


You already said you were ok with this contractually. Honestly, that's why we had a change in agreements that we had to accept before they first launched the shared inventory slots. Memory might be failing me but it was something like a month before the release that they added in lines about no refunds on items used and people were wondering why we had to re-accept the terms of use. And yes in same boat, have multiple sets, but now with glyphs still have a reason for multiple sets depending on activity, but usually have one general purpose set in the shared slots.

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Thinking about it, one issue with this idea is, would ArenaNet be willing to implement a feature that would give them at most 3.000 gems per account?


On the short term this could work, but on the long term, probably it would be necessary to implement an idea suggested on the previous page - having multiple slots of shared gathering tool slots, so players could have multiple options of tools (with different glyphs, different animations and so on).

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