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Need help with build and tips to survive small group fights in WvW


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> @"Redpawa.4108" said:

> > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > 40k health is cool and all but I fail to see how this will kill anything other than open world critters.


> The reason the build is effective is because during a fight it never has to disengage. While my top DPS is not all that good (usually about 5k) I often become the highest overall damage in any longer fights. I don't have any photos to back it up but in 10 v 10's ArcDPS usually shows about 500k damage taken and dealt during a longer fight.

> While playing I usually sit in the backline because while I don't deal particularly high damage it stacks up very quickly against glass.


If you are playing backline, there shouldn't be any problem going more offensive.

The build is mainly for baiting people into hitting the enemy I think.


Take everything you can as defense and corrupts, then present yourself to the enemy.

Good enemy groups will always focus the necro, and before they realize, that your not doing much dmg, your teammates should be able to kill them.

That's how I would play that build.

For backline, it's not offensive enough in my opinion



> However I do agree that it is completely handicapped against bursty players or anyone with good disengage ^^


Or good sustain ;) I don't see this ever killing a weaver for example.



> A small note, I made this build when codi-bombing was meta which is why I favored health over toughness or power, and I have not rebuilt it yet.


That's a reason for the build. Condis. But there's like no class that plays Condi nowadays and also cleansing got much better (scrapper).



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> @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > @"Etterwyn.5263" said:


> > Against PVE Champions and real humans in WvW you want to run Reaper 1-1-1 and Superior + Major Strength (they still stack).


> Those stack? That's very interesting. Thanks for the nugget of info.




Certain ones still do. Air got nerfed after the Sigil update because it was too powerful after sigil effects became guaranteed hits.




Fire still works, and Strength, maybe some others.

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I solo roam as a max sized charr in the BLs in Tarnished Coast and haven't lost a 1v1 on my reaper in a very very long time despite the nerfs to spectral mastery, loss of on hit bonus in spectral walk, etc.


As others have said, the key to this is positioning, and using your surroundings line of sight interrupt to kite off projectiles. I run runes of speed and chase down potential kiters, which to be honest are the majority of my opponents. I often win 1v3s in my server - atleast a few times a day, and the key here is to identify the weaker player, and go all in on them, stun lock with fear corrupt chains (who doesnt burst stability when feared, haha) and cleave them down on downed while hitting their friends. I run the curses Reaper variant with a staff and axe focus with unblockable marks, max fear duration and maurader knight gear. I also run in sPvp often to master timing and tells of what needs to be dodged in other classes.


I dont find the wurm useful since the onset of mounts in wvw. Since mounting removes it and most of my fights begin mounted, the cast time is too slow to use as an escape when you should instead be bursting. Take another stunbreak instead here.


Good luck!

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> If you are playing backline, there shouldn't be any problem going more offensive.

> The build is mainly for baiting people into hitting the enemy I think.

> Take everything you can as defense and corrupts, then present yourself to the enemy.

> Good enemy groups will always focus the necro, and before they realize, that your not doing much dmg, your teammates should be able to kill them.

> That's how I would play that build.

Yep, That is exactly how I play the build.

> For backline, it's not offensive enough in my opinion

Miscommunication on my part. I was meaning that I fight in the OTHER teams backline, they are all squishy enough to die.

> Or good sustain ;) I don't see this ever killing a weaver for example.

Good point I haven't seen a weaver in so long that I forgot about fighting them :p .


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just my advice for newbies around


it's not about tanking damage but avoid taking damage at first place, that's how this game works


use fear, blind, shroud etc. to "block" damage and move a lot, this is basically where reaper excels unless they've broken the class in last couple of months.


remember that your shroud is there so you can use it and kite away, rinse and repeat


also personally i suggest playing something else than scourge unless you're just zerg leeching


also try to figure out that wvw isn't really good place to get challenging pvp just go spvp instead, surely you can fool around in wvw but it's just that.


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