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Inventory Wars

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> @"Warlord.9082" said:

> Well, I am not going to share my API key as I am not sure how secure it is to do so and even if it is secure I don't think it is a good idea to give people even read only access to my account. But I will try to elaborate on why I want this, so here goes:


> **Shared Inventory Slots (SIS):**

> Currently my SIS contain the following items:

> - Home Portal Stone

> - Royal Terrace Pass

> - Mistlock Sanctuary Pass

> - Captain's Airship Pass

> - Invitation to "Lily of the Elon"

> - Armistice Bastion Pass

> - Season 3 Portal Tome

> - Season 4 Portal Tome

> - Recharging Teleport to Friend

> - Maguuma Pact Operation Portal Device

> - World Boss Portal Device

> - Karmic Converter

> - Ley-Energy Matter Converter

> - Candy Corn Gobbler

> - Endless Repair Canister

> - Personal Trader Express

> - Permanent Bank Access Express

> - Permanent Self-Style Hair Kit

> - Tarrktun Personal Delivery Portal

> - Mystic Forge Conduit

> - Runecrafter's Salvage-o-Matic

> - Silver-fed Salvage-o-Matic

> - Copper-fed Salvage-o-Matic

> - Prototype Position Rewinder


> Things that I would like to have in my SIS (no pun intended):

> - Volatile Singularity

> - Gleam of Sentience

> - Princess

> - Star of Gratitude

> - Permanent Portable Provisioner

> - Exalted Portal Stone

> - Spearmarshal's Plea

> - Brandstone Multitool

> - Noble's Folly Pass (granted, I still need to buy it but as soon as it becomes available I am going to get it, last time it was available I was on holiday :( )

> - Full set of permanent gathering tools (although I would not be opposed to a separate system to share gathering tools between characters as was indicated in another thread)




Whether you want to be told how you should or shouldn't deal with your inventory you are going to get it from some people anyways, and I'm one of those people. First off, there is no sane reason to have the first 6 slots filled with Passes to different areas. You don't really need to access each of those sites, you just want to be able to(they all basically offer the same services, with minor tweaks between them). Also, just because you have all 3 salvage o-matics does not mean you need to use them, put the Silver one away in storage and just use the other 2, that's all you need. Honestly, you don't need more SIS, you just don't want to put things away that you don't actually need to use because you've spent money on it and feel it's a waste...that's a personal issue and far from the truth, people buy things all the time, use them for a while and then put them away. You've created your own problem that isn't going to be solved by ArenaNet giving us more space, because people that want more space will end up filling that up and wanting more...servers cost money, and the more data the ArenaNet has store the more servers they need...that's the biggest consequence.


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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > > I suggest going through and see what you actually will realistically need in the future and discarding everything else.

> > > > >

> > > > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > > > I said it in a different thread: Hoarding is bad...

> > > > >

> > > > > Why though? If people want to hoard and want to buy more space, where is the issue for anyone else?

> > > >

> > > > The less space ppl have to hoard, the more inventory moves through the economy . . .

> > >

> > > And how is account bound stuff is affected by that? 90% of mine is that

> >

> > That's a great question. How is your account bound stuff relevant? Why did you choose to include it in a reply to a post about the impact hoarding has on the economy . . ?


> It's completely relevant. The op is talking about increasing storage tabs, you brought economy into it and I've countered with a reason why it wouldn't be affected. Not sure what the issue is there, but OK.







But you didn't counter though. You both introduced your account bound stuff and argued that it was irrelevant in the same post. No one else was talking about it. You originally asked how ppl wanting to hoard was an issue for anyone else. If that was an honest question, I answered it and yw. If it was rhetorical or if you just didn't want an answer, then that's my bad and I apologize . . .

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > if ppl want more bag space why not, dont see harm in make it infinite even so long people want buy it they can do

> >

> > There could possibly be a technical limitation. I mean, why else would there be a restriction? If players want to give ANET more money for more shared inventory, why would they say no, unless there was an actual reason they couldn't?


> Maybe for the shared slot but for material storage that shouldn't be an issue.


> It is much easier to simply store the value in a 2 byte(16 bit) field instead of having to deal with bits or nibbles. With 16 bit we can have up to 65,500(262 stacks).


> In the case of the shared storage if it was a problem it should already have been solved already when they increased the limit the first time ... unless ANet is really that into slapping bandaids on to problems instead of actually fixing them.


As I said, I don't know, but I do recall many moons ago, this issue was raised in WoW, and the reason given why players couldn't have expanded inventory slots was one of server capacity or memory. Something to the effect of if players added more items to their inventory, the amount of data that consumed would overload servers, or something. Maybe that's been fixed since then (we are talking years ago), but I believe there is the possibility of a technical limitation, because unlike WoW, ANET could monetize expanded storage, so why wouldn't they offer it if they could?

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> @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> In defense of limits to bank tabs and material storage, it encourages selling excess materials and thus making them available to public.


I think that people that sell off materials now would do so even with expanded tabs. I have maxed all banks and collections, I sell when the price makes sense or if I am working on a project and would like some additional cash flow. If maxed storage but prices weren't favorable I would store elsewhere or price at a non-buy price and therefore know it won't sell since there are items that outbid it. That just adds more strain on the TP if anything. And if I am storing them there to stack them in preparation of crafting a legendary it does me no good if someone buys the stuff I was stacking up to craft with. Just because my storage can not contain the amount of logs needed to craft a legendary I shouldn't have to buy it off the TP either if I am willing to spend the time to gather it all in first.


In short people that will want to play the TP game will probably do so already. And people that just store to max before selling probably aren't expanded their collections anyway so I would estimate it wouldn't impact that part of trade. Now the flip side is expanding it would give more room for flippers but the big movers are probably already using multiple accounts with upgraded personal guilds and therefore might not need this anyway.

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> @"Warlord.9082" said:

> Hi all,


> I would like to have more Shared Inventory Slots (SIS), Bank Tabs (BT) and Material Storage (MS). All of these are insuffient imho.

> I would like to see SIS max raised from 24 to 40.

> I would like to see BT max raised from 17 to 25.

> I would like to see MS max raised from 2000 to 10000.


> Kind regards,


> Me


I won't get another Guild Wars game because I'm actually sick and tired of salvaging things with my salvage-o-matic and doing the same meta. Also, those who paid way back got extremely limited bank space and inventory slots, solely designed to chip away at people's resolve until they spent money. I'm fine with spending a bit of money here and there, but we shouldn't have to buy the basics, numerous times over for each and every character. There is an excessive amount of inconvenience designed in the game and gold to gem rates are poor and unrealistic for someone who hasn't got the will or time to grind out meta for hours on end on top of a game that is based on grinding for cosmetics. Grinding for cosmetics is the point of the game and that isn't so bad but the fun is killed when you either have to pay or grind for basics like inventory slots or bank tabs. Now considering so much of the game involves breaking down junk loot it is pretty obvious why the bag space is so limited and while I appreciate people are happy paying or grinding for bag, bank and mat storage, I'm not as I wholeheartedly believe that it is too limiting to too many people. I don't expect huge capacities, but not something so ridiculously limited as it is.


I miss MMOs where there were monetary rewards and you'd have items drop as potentially useful items that you could use between levels or as you progressed, or items would drop that were part of a quest. Inventory space for the sake of holding things, not a junk dump. I find it so tedious that items are used as a form of currency in this game whilst simultaneously being used to annoy and encourage spending.


With all that being said, I'm glad a lot of people do enjoy this game. I am appreciative of the GW2 story and the efforts the team put in.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> While I'm not really *opposed* to increases, the only one I actually see a *point* in expanding is Shared Inventory.


> For bank tabs, I'd even caution *against* getting too many - after a certain point, more space can make it *harder* to actually manage the contents - for each item you just throw in there "to take care of later", the amount of work required to *actually take care of it* increases. This can easily lead to just never actually sorting through it and instead just continually expanding.

> This is of course not relevant for those who have a deliberate, methodical use of their bank tabs, but I feel confident that most players aren't actually that deliberate. ;)


I believe they can just have it there and if someone feels like they need more they can buy.

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> @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> In defense of limits to bank tabs and material storage, it encourages selling excess materials and thus making them available to public.


Why should I be forced to sell my materials? Especially through completely arbitrary limits on storage?

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > if ppl want more bag space why not, dont see harm in make it infinite even so long people want buy it they can do

> >

> > There could possibly be a technical limitation. I mean, why else would there be a restriction? If players want to give ANET more money for more shared inventory, why would they say no, unless there was an actual reason they couldn't?


> Maybe for the shared slot but for material storage that shouldn't be an issue.


> It is much easier to simply store the value in a 2 byte(16 bit) field instead of having to deal with bits or nibbles. With 16 bit we can have up to 65,500(262 stacks).


> In the case of the shared storage if it was a problem it should already have been solved already when they increased the limit the first time ... unless ANet is really that into slapping bandaids on to problems instead of actually fixing them.


The Devs (well, the Dev: Lindsay Murdock) has stated that there is a concrete cap on Material Storage. Maybe it's only slots, or maybe it's stacks, as well.

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> @"Warlord.9082" said:

> > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> > In defense of limits to bank tabs and material storage, it encourages selling excess materials and thus making them available to public.


> Why should I be forced to sell my materials? Especially through completely arbitrary limits on storage?


Why should you be able to store infinitely many materials? How many Iron Ingots can you fit in your garage? Is it a finite number?

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > if ppl want more bag space why not, dont see harm in make it infinite even so long people want buy it they can do

> > >

> > > There could possibly be a technical limitation. I mean, why else would there be a restriction? If players want to give ANET more money for more shared inventory, why would they say no, unless there was an actual reason they couldn't?

> >

> > Maybe for the shared slot but for material storage that shouldn't be an issue.

> >

> > It is much easier to simply store the value in a 2 byte(16 bit) field instead of having to deal with bits or nibbles. With 16 bit we can have up to 65,500(262 stacks).

> >

> > In the case of the shared storage if it was a problem it should already have been solved already when they increased the limit the first time ... unless ANet is really that into slapping bandaids on to problems instead of actually fixing them.


> The Devs (well, the Dev: Lindsay Murdock) has stated that there is a concrete cap on Material Storage. Maybe it's only slots, or maybe it's stacks, as well.


Well, that dev is right in the sense that you cannot store an infinite amount of data as that requires an infinite amount of space. But the limit is nowhere near 2000 units. In C++ (which I am blatantly going to assume they used to program GW2 as it is one of the best if not the best perforrming programming language) you can have for example unsigned long long integers which can hold values ranging from 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 also known as eighteen quintillion, four hundred forty-six quadrillion, seven hundred forty-four trillion, seventy-three billion, seven hundred nine million, five hundred fifty-one thousand, six hundred fifteen also known as A $!#%&* LOT... Even a regular integer holds VASTLY more ranging from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. And sure, changing data types requires rebuilding databases with the possible consequence of data loss but the point is a max of 2000 is not a thing in programming. There is no data type that stops at around 2000 units. The biggest data type that can hold under a count of 2000 is the char data type which can hold a range of 0 to 255. The smallest over 2000 would be the short integer with a range of -32,768 to 32,767. But since I assume they would want to avoid people being able to have negative inventory values I'll take it as a given that they used an unsigned short integer which has a range of 0 to 65,535.


So cap? Yes. Anywhere near 2000? No.

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> @"Offair.2563" said:

> You would just hoard more and eventually walk into this wall again.


You know nothing about me, my play style or what I use my inventory space for. This is therefor first of all a blatant assumption and secondly if you had read ANY of my posts after the original then you would have gotten a glimpse into why I want this but no, unhindered by any of knowledge you post this crap. GJ.

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> @"Warlord.9082" said:

> Well, I am not going to share my API key as I am not sure how secure it is to do so and even if it is secure I don't think it is a good idea to give people even read only access to my account. But I will try to elaborate on why I want this, so here goes:


> **Shared Inventory Slots (SIS):**

> Currently my SIS contain the following items:

> - Home Portal Stone

> - Royal Terrace Pass

> - Mistlock Sanctuary Pass

> - Captain's Airship Pass

> - Invitation to "Lily of the Elon"

> - Armistice Bastion Pass


why carry more than one VIP pass?? can only be in one at any given time?


> - Season 3 Portal Tome

> - Season 4 Portal Tome

> - Recharging Teleport to Friend

> - Maguuma Pact Operation Portal Device

> - World Boss Portal Device


understandable items to carry


> - Karmic Converter

> - Ley-Energy Matter Converter


why carry them? you have all those VIP passes, keep these in the bank.


> - Candy Corn Gobbler

> - Endless Repair Canister

> - Personal Trader Express


understandable items to carry.


> - Permanent Bank Access Express


Are you really in the bank that much? but on the flip side not really any point to keep bank access in the bank, lol


> - Permanent Self-Style Hair Kit


do you really change your hairstyle that much to use a SIS for this?


> - Tarrktun Personal Delivery Portal


gambling problem?


> - Mystic Forge Conduit

> - Runecrafter's Salvage-o-Matic

> - Silver-fed Salvage-o-Matic

> - Copper-fed Salvage-o-Matic

> - Prototype Position Rewinder


good items to carry.



> Things that I would like to have in my SIS (no pun intended):

> - Volatile Singularity

> - Gleam of Sentience

> - Princess

> - Star of Gratitude

> - Permanent Portable Provisioner

> - Exalted Portal Stone

> - Spearmarshal's Plea


do you really get that much bloodstone/dragonite/empyreal and what not to really carry these? can deal with that stuff before you log off for the day




> I like to farm, they fill up too quickly for the way that I play and that is all there really is to it. I also would like to free up 2 of my bank tabs that are completely occupied with empyreal fragments, piles of bloodstone dust and dragonite ore.


either refine it or delete it, the eaters for that stuff only take so much each day, and no purpose to hoard it


granted i'm a slight hoarder also, mainly with armor/weapons... currently at 4 full bank tabs of ascended and selectable stat gear from wvw, lol



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> @"preacher.9370" said:

> > @"Warlord.9082" said:

> > Well, I am not going to share my API key as I am not sure how secure it is to do so and even if it is secure I don't think it is a good idea to give people even read only access to my account. But I will try to elaborate on why I want this, so here goes:

> >

> > **Shared Inventory Slots (SIS):**

> > Currently my SIS contain the following items:

> > - Home Portal Stone

> > - Royal Terrace Pass

> > - Mistlock Sanctuary Pass

> > - Captain's Airship Pass

> > - Invitation to "Lily of the Elon"

> > - Armistice Bastion Pass


> why carry more than one VIP pass?? can only be in one at any given time?



Like I said dude, I farm a lot and I don't do that in just one place. These provide great places to jump off from. I use them quite a bit actually.


> > - Season 3 Portal Tome

> > - Season 4 Portal Tome

> > - Recharging Teleport to Friend

> > - Maguuma Pact Operation Portal Device

> > - World Boss Portal Device


> understandable items to carry


> > - Karmic Converter

> > - Ley-Energy Matter Converter


> why carry them? you have all those VIP passes, keep these in the bank.


I suppose I could do that butt I like to have them available to me.



> > - Candy Corn Gobbler

> > - Endless Repair Canister

> > - Personal Trader Express


> understandable items to carry.


> > - Permanent Bank Access Express


> Are you really in the bank that much? but on the flip side not really any point to keep bank access in the bank, lol


> > - Permanent Self-Style Hair Kit


> do you really change your hairstyle that much to use a SIS for this?


What can I say, I farm to support my Fashion Wars-ing. Them skins aren't cheap!



> > - Tarrktun Personal Delivery Portal


> gambling problem?


Definitely lol but also it is nice to have to sell off junk items.



> > - Mystic Forge Conduit

> > - Runecrafter's Salvage-o-Matic

> > - Silver-fed Salvage-o-Matic

> > - Copper-fed Salvage-o-Matic

> > - Prototype Position Rewinder


> good items to carry.


> >

> > Things that I would like to have in my SIS (no pun intended):

> > - Volatile Singularity

> > - Gleam of Sentience

> > - Princess

> > - Star of Gratitude

> > - Permanent Portable Provisioner

> > - Exalted Portal Stone

> > - Spearmarshal's Plea


> do you really get that much bloodstone/dragonite/empyreal and what not to really carry these? can deal with that stuff before you log off for the day



You are absolutely right. But the thing is, this is not a matter of "need to", this is a matter of "want to". Something people on this forum seem unable to grasp for some reason...



> >

> > I like to farm, they fill up too quickly for the way that I play and that is all there really is to it. I also would like to free up 2 of my bank tabs that are completely occupied with empyreal fragments, piles of bloodstone dust and dragonite ore.


> either refine it or delete it, the eaters for that stuff only take so much each day, and no purpose to hoard it


People keep saying that but I go through them like it is funny when creating ascended materials.



> granted i'm a slight hoarder also, mainly with armor/weapons... currently at 4 full bank tabs of ascended and selectable stat gear from wvw, lol



Hoarding is fun!



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I'm a hoarder, too. And, it pays at times. I had 40,000 dragonite ore when princess came out.


But, I think there's also a point to limiting things. For example, when PoF or LWS4 came out (I can't remember which), they specifically made things NOT be bankable, even though they were planning to make them go to mat storage later. The reason was to establish a price that matches value. If they went into mat storage, then no market would exist until everybody reached their caps.


But, I've openly said that if they add more shared slots, I'll buy them immediately, and using real money to get the gems. Still, the above applies .. sort of ... to shared slots, too.


So, yeah I support raising the limits, but in limited quantities over time.

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> @"preacher.9370" said:

> > @"Warlord.9082" said:

> > Well, I am not going to share my API key as I am not sure how secure it is to do so and even if it is secure I don't think it is a good idea to give people even read only access to my account. But I will try to elaborate on why I want this, so here goes:

> >

> > **Shared Inventory Slots (SIS):**

> > Currently my SIS contain the following items:

> > - Home Portal Stone

> > - Royal Terrace Pass

> > - Mistlock Sanctuary Pass

> > - Captain's Airship Pass

> > - Invitation to "Lily of the Elon"

> > - Armistice Bastion Pass


> why carry more than one VIP pass?? can only be in one at any given time?



Because if you are crafting while in the middle of a WvW session and need to watch for an attack on garri you would go to one versus if you were grouping to do fractals you might hit another, and if you are doing neither of these you might group with others in the royal terrace before hitting a stocked home instance. Why would you not be carrying multiple of these?


> > - Permanent Bank Access Express


> Are you really in the bank that much? but on the flip side not really any point to keep bank access in the bank, lol



If acquired one of these, why would you not have it on you?

> > - Permanent Self-Style Hair Kit


> do you really change your hairstyle that much to use a SIS for this?


Again, if you decided to keep one these, yes you would want it on you. Have sold these in the past but I can get why someone would have and therefore keep it and therefore on them.


> > Things that I would like to have in my SIS (no pun intended):


> > - Permanent Portable Provisioner


> do you really get that much bloodstone/dragonite/empyreal and what not to really carry these? can deal with that stuff before you log off for the day


Agree on some of those removed but this one covers issues where you might run out of a food utility buff, if they allowed use to use and stack buffs it would be as much an issue.


Again, if it not a required buy then why would anyone object? If its a game limit, leave that for the devs to come out and say, but saying no just because you can't see a use in it doesn't mean someone else might not want. I am a PvXer but I carry a full set of guild and superior siege at all times because might step into WvW in any given second and there might not be time to jump to a bank to swap things out. We don't have a siege wallet at this time so that means shared inventory which mean other things that will have to be swapped out of multiple copies keep. I would never need a permanent hair styling kit, doesn't mean I don't know others that might have a lot of fun with one either. Since it doesn't give them an edge in gameplay, have at it.

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