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I enjoyed the ending of S4. what else could be next?(SPOILERS)

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I thought it was interesting how we found out that kralk was not just another evil dragon character, but was pained by absorbing all the magics and just wanted release. I didn't really see that coming.


this has got me thinking, with aurene becoming the new crystal dragon, and seemingly everything left to a happy ending, wonder what else is next story wise? a new expansion? or another living story leading into a new expansion? what's your theories? whatever they do, i hope it will be enough to keep players like me around LONGER than every 3 months..

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Read the forums more often :)

Or look at upcoming features on the wiki page.

The next story will be a living story season 5.

But.. there isnt much info on what next.

I think they will build up to the next expansion. Introducing a new enemy and dealing with what aurene has become.

There are still some big things that need to be solved. Like sick taimi, marjory and kasmeer. Zojja (who they wanted to bring back in season 4)

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I primarily want new mechanics. New mounts, new weapon types, new elite specs. I like things that actually affect how I play the game. This is probably why I vastly prefer the idea of an expansion to another living story season(5 mounts and 8 elite specs vs 2/3 mounts).


As for the story, I've mostly lost interest. Elder dragons are no longer mysterious forces of nature. They're just powerful and very human. Humans as villains _can_ be interesting but seldom actually _are_ interesting. With how GW2 has handled most of its villains, we spent too little time getting to know them and their goals aren't sympathetic or relatable. Joko wants to keep being god-king and expand his power, Balthazar wants to regain his power, EDs(which I consider human characters as much as I consider Charr human characters) are having magic corrupting their personalities. None of these things make them compelling to me.


There was a moment in season 3 that I found surprisingly compelling. When we first confront Balthazar as Balthazar, Kasmeer hesitates when Marjory's life is on the line. Afterwards, Marjory has this to say, "She just left? She left me..." In a way, she felt that her love put Balthazar before her. I think that such an incident must have been emotionally devastating to Marjory. According to the wiki, that's the last involvement she has until the epilogue of PoF. I'd be super on board if we could get something interesting like that out of a villain.


For some reason, I've really wanted to have an Innsmouth-esque town or plot come about. I think maybe that's because it leans a little into a more horror tone(and I like horror).

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Since the next thing is another living world i wouldn't expect too much.

Maybe the episodes will be a little bigger or have fancier stuff, but new mechanics or elite specs are downright a sparkle at the end of a very dark, orrian tunnel.


I personally hope the Inquest become a more serious threat.

Not in the comedic sense they've been so far. We know there's a pyramid organization, but we've yet to encounter anything near the peak. Most likely only Kudu saw the peak of that pyramid.

Maybe an area called Rata Apex. Where they have a bloodstone, would be cool.


Or maybe we can go to Cantha, where the humans have become so advanced they actually tamed an elder dragon, Bubbles (or Bubbles is impersonating the emperor) and they want to expand their 'perfect' empire further, so they want to advance to Tyria and Elona.


Just random ideas.


But i want more down to earth enemies, dealing with forces of nature is nice, but you can't relate to how grotesque they are. In GW1 our enemies very mortal.. or derivative of mortal, and so we felt like we were fighting enemies that were stronger, but not over the top. I kind of miss that. Early GW2 had that, too, with the Inquest, and the Nightmare Court. But that quickly was abandoned for magical storms, titanic dragons, and gods (even if that God was as weak as a warm pack of butter)

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I think S4 showed they need to rethink how they utilise the Dragons. That ep6 story was about as bad as it could get for me. Apparently they will give S5 a less apocalyptic feel, which I think is probably for the best. Build up a new villain or faction and keep the Dragons in background. I liked the idea in PoF where Kralkatorrik was ever present, but never the central theme. And his appearance was a lot more epic and awe inspiring than the later instanced stuff. Yes, OK, Balthazar was not realised as great villain, but the idea was sound.


I've seen some interesting Charr faction theories crop up which might take us to the North East of Tyria. I'd like some more darker Inquest stuff as well, similar to the Sandswept stuff, but darker still perhaps. Back in the early days, it was hinted the Consortium might become a rising force behind the scenes, taking advantage of power gaps. That could be something to explore again



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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> Since the next thing is another living world i wouldn't expect too much.

> Maybe the episodes will be a little bigger or have fancier stuff, but new mechanics or elite specs are downright a sparkle at the end of a very dark, orrian tunnel.


> I personally hope the Inquest become a more serious threat.

> Not in the comedic sense they've been so far. We know there's a pyramid organization, but we've yet to encounter anything near the peak. Most likely only Kudu saw the peak of that pyramid.

> Maybe an area called Rata Apex. Where they have a bloodstone, would be cool.


> Or maybe we can go to Cantha, where the humans have become so advanced they actually tamed an elder dragon, Bubbles (or Bubbles is impersonating the emperor) and they want to expand their 'perfect' empire further, so they want to advance to Tyria and Elona.


> Just random ideas.


> But i want more down to earth enemies, dealing with forces of nature is nice, but you can't relate to how grotesque they are. In GW1 our enemies very mortal.. or derivative of mortal, and so we felt like we were fighting enemies that were stronger, but not over the top. I kind of miss that. Early GW2 had that, too, with the Inquest, and the Nightmare Court. But that quickly was abandoned for magical storms, titanic dragons, and gods (even if that God was as weak as a warm pack of butter)


i know what you mean about the early enemies feeling closer to home. Like caithe's wrangle with faolin and the nightmare court. finding out if queen jennah was a good ruler for divinity's reach and the city's unrest about her.

i really liked those types of plots instead of these, "lets kill all the elder dragons bc theyre bad"


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  • 2 weeks later...

With the elder dragon threat mostly resolved now I been thinking, besides Elona having a long long recovering effort with the pact commader, and allies help.

That is their a risk of the charr legions breaking their temporary treaty with the humans of Ascalon in Ebonhawk, and the kingdom of Kryta?

This could happen because Fume brighteye's (who hates humans just cause her sire Hothor Brightblood was killed, which could be the reason she hates humans.) somehow replaces Smodur the Unflinching maybe he is killed or he unable to lead, cause he has been poison or something has caused him to be unable to be Iron Legions leader, and breaks the treaty and with Imperator Bangar Ruinbringer who also hates humans (which includes my Ascalonain male human character Tarwin even if he help the charr countless times in missions in the game and dose not have any reason to hate the charr.) purposely breaks the treaty with both Fume, and Banga declaring all the charr who helped the humans, and fought with them, as traitors including the charr pact commanders, this would shatter warbands as many charr warbands, have warband mates in the Pact and in Lions Arch city, and any other group that has humans in it.


Many charr including Rytock the charr pact commanders, and otehr charr heroes, and so many charr all over Tyria who just found out they been kicked out of the legions cause they work with humans would feel betrayed, and may fight with my character Tarwin just to stop the Hostile charr from trying to start another war with the humans again.


The war would see so many charr in the pact, including Ash Legion, and their leader Malice Swordshadow, the Iron, Blood legion charr who do not want to fight the humans of Ascalon, or believe this is outrageous that Fume and Bangar, and other charr who side with the two Imperator are foolishly starting a war with humans just cause they hate them so much.

This war would see my character Tarwin trying to win as many charr to his side as possible, and save Ebonhawk, defeat the hostile charr that started the war and remove both Fume Brighteye's , and Bangar Ruinbringer from power, the war would see the charr legions as a whole crippled as many charr refuse to support Fume Brighteye's, and Bangar Ruinbringer and many more fight for them, so many people on both sides Fume Brighteye's, and Bangar Ruinbringer side and on Tarwin the pact commanders side would die.


And then their be bitter male and female charr on both sides that lost something warband their life wanting to know what they are really been fighting for, some charr may have even lost the will to fight cause they cannot bare to kill another one of their own kin. My human character Tarwin confronting Fume would probably get some self justification how Tarwin's race humans are are at fault for killing her sire Hothor Brightblood, Tarwin responding her justification of the war is wrong (Fume Brighteyes could maybe be Mentally insane and not really in charge and the real one in charge of the war could Be Bangar who could be using Fume to further his possible plan to become Khan-ur so maybe Fume is just being used.) Fume, either will die fighting Tarwin, and his allies, or Tarwin after beating her in combat is able talk her down, that both of them do not have to be enemies and he willing to speak on her behave so she can be spared, (because Tarwin believes in mercy) and is able to get Fume Brighteyes to surrender. Bangar would certainly die fighting as he will never give up to a human.


The after math of the war would see the legions in bad shape crippled from fight Tarwin and his allies and from within, the legions could be at risk of collepe at this point someone among the charr must become Khan-ur to unit the charr and keep the legions from falling who would it be I have no idea.

This is all something that could happen either in the after math of guild wars 2 or during the game itself in the next season, will happen it could , as what I wrote above could happen.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> Since the next thing is another living world i wouldn't expect too much.

> Maybe the episodes will be a little bigger or have fancier stuff, but new mechanics or elite specs are downright a sparkle at the end of a very dark, orrian tunnel.


> I personally hope the Inquest become a more serious threat.

> Not in the comedic sense they've been so far. We know there's a pyramid organization, but we've yet to encounter anything near the peak. Most likely only Kudu saw the peak of that pyramid.

> Maybe an area called Rata Apex. Where they have a bloodstone, would be cool.


> Or maybe we can go to Cantha, where the humans have become so advanced they actually tamed an elder dragon, Bubbles (or Bubbles is impersonating the emperor) and they want to expand their 'perfect' empire further, so they want to advance to Tyria and Elona.


> Just random ideas.


> But i want more down to earth enemies, dealing with forces of nature is nice, but you can't relate to how grotesque they are. In GW1 our enemies very mortal.. or derivative of mortal, and so we felt like we were fighting enemies that were stronger, but not over the top. I kind of miss that. Early GW2 had that, too, with the Inquest, and the Nightmare Court. But that quickly was abandoned for magical storms, titanic dragons, and gods (even if that God was as weak as a warm pack of butter)


To me the inquest has lost everything are so badly weaken they are no longer a threat and are going to stop being threat but if not Im happy to keep killing more of them cause I hate the Inquest since they like to do horrible things to female charr.

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