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The amount of toxicity in pvp games today is mind-boggling


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Yess this is the time unranked gets better. All the wintraders, tryhards, salty toxic people, bots, and pve afk reward hunters move back to "ranked".


Enjoy the cesspool everyone. I quit the majority of ranked after season 7. I'll play my 10 games in the last few days as usual. Unranked is the best.

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you have several options to deal with flamers and trolls:

-come on to them

-try to convert them to islam

-ask for build advice with horrible utility skills

-ask them to hold node for you while you go pee

-complain about your imaginary (hopefully) hemorrhoids

-get mad that you are being disabled and have no way to stop this from happening

-ask your team how to replenish health

-follow them around while spamming med kit

-insult their outfit and tell them they'd lose in any fashion competition they dared to enter



so its basically this: get them so mad that they stop talking, weird them out, or distract them into silence. sure this will most likely make them afk, but hey, then you sure as hell don't have to deal with them anymore! not to mention they probably wont queue again for another 30min. you're welcome and enjoy.


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Ive made a thief with the name senator palpatine. When someone gets angry, I ask them to use their anger and I try to seduce them to the dark side of the force. For some reason this makes them shut up, while asking them to remain calm just makes them even more angry. People are weird!

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> @"Happy Yes.1453" said:

> Ive made a thief with the name senator palpatine. When someone gets angry, I ask them to use their anger and I try to seduce them to the dark side of the force. For some reason this makes them shut up, while asking them to remain calm just makes them even more angry. People are weird!


yess, yeeeessssssss!!!!

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> The amount of toxicity in pvp games today is mind-boggling

> Plz Anet fix it by having Voice chat for a better toxicity experience.

> thq


So many people believe or think that Voice chat would make all the toxicity feel worse or more "harassing" however I really can't help but think that most of the people would laugh their ***off the moment someone would be baby-raging on them with help of voice chat, just like it's super laughable in games that do have voice-chat.

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Devs mindlessly copy system that puts you with 4 random people and evaluates people's rank based on performance of those 4 random people instead of your own performance in games = enjoy toxic system until devs become more intelligent and introduce new, performance based ranked system.

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I actually think GW2 is decidedly far better than PvP games usually are in this regard, even if it's because the community is small.


Like what's the worst that happens? "OMG Uninstall" "OMG stop feeding." "OMG trash team"


Not good sportsmanship or any way to conduct yourself. But at the worst that's the sort of thing you're going to see. Basic vanilla salt. And on the high end of things we are all a tight nit community. We all know each other. People are less likely to get into a flaming match because there's like 100 players above plat 2 and we're going to familiarize each self with each other. We're going to be against each other, teamed with each other, ect. ect. a lot.


And that's not ideal at all. And any toxicity is not good. But when is the last time someone got SWATTED and killed because they beat someone at a game like has happened with League of Legends,DOTA2, Halo, and Counter Strike Go? When you want to see when real PvP toxicity hurts people, that's the sort of behavior you can expect in other games. The Guild Wars 2 community, whatever our faults, remain carebears in comparison.

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I am having as much good experiences as bad ones. Try to be positive, give constructive suggestions, talk to your teammates... of course, sometimes people do get mad - myself included -, but making a plan at the beginning of a game can really help. Not only the match result, but also friendlier behavior as far as I can say.


Just yesterday I had a game where our matchup wasn't quite optimal. But we made a good plan, everybody listened and did their part and after a great opening, we won easily. Several people didn't expect the outcome, but were very positive during and after the game.


TLDR: Try to be a good example, I think it helps a lot. :smile:


€: I noticed a lot more flaming on NA when watching streams over there. Here in EU, I don't think it's as bad - or it might be my own biased view.

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> @"Megametzler.5729" said:


> €: I noticed a lot more flaming on NA when watching streams over there. Here in EU, I don't think it's as bad - or it might be my own biased view.


I play on both EU & NA server and believe EU to generally be better. If only ping didn't kill me, I'd play non-stop EU server.

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One thing I always wonder is why people think raging at their teammates will get a better result out of them. Some of the best matches I've had were ones where people actually communicated a bit and encouraged each other.


But I guess it's a matter of taking a different skill to build a bridge than to tear it down?

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> you have several options to deal with flamers and trolls:

> -come on to them

> -try to convert them to islam

> -ask for build advice with horrible utility skills

> -ask them to hold node for you while you go pee

> -complain about your imaginary (hopefully) hemorrhoids

> -get mad that you are being disabled and have no way to stop this from happening

> -ask your team how to replenish health

> -follow them around while spamming med kit

> -insult their outfit and tell them they'd lose in any fashion competition they dared to enter



> so its basically this: get them so mad that they stop talking, weird them out, or distract them into silence. sure this will most likely make them afk, but hey, then you sure as hell don't have to deal with them anymore! not to mention they probably wont queue again for another 30min. you're welcome and enjoy.



my personal favorite is to say my dog just threw up on my feet it always shuts everyone up

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > The amount of toxicity in pvp games today is mind-boggling

> > Plz Anet fix it by having Voice chat for a better toxicity experience.

> > thq


> So many people believe or think that Voice chat would make all the toxicity feel worse or more "harassing" however I really can't help but think that most of the people would laugh their ***off the moment someone would be baby-raging on them with help of voice chat, just like it's super laughable in games that do have voice-chat.


GW2 is new CSGO deal with it...

i like ths idea

lets do this xD

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> @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > > > @"Kamskill.9457" said:

> > > > > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > > > > Also, do you play necro? Because if you play necro in pvp, then you deserve to be flamed for making your team lose.

> > > >

> > > > Brain issues ?

> > > >

> > >

> > > Don't have any. Do you want some?

> >

> > Think I already got some after reading your post ?


> Well, you should see a doctor to help you with that. It might leave permanent damage.


That self burn was hilarious ?

Thumbs up :+1:

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