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Vision easier than the Skyscale to get?

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Ok I understand that the Skyscale is required for getting vision but completing the Vision achievements felt really easy when compared to the skyscale. Don't get me wrong I loved the skyscale achievements and did not have a problem with the timegate. I just wish it would have been a little more involved to get vision.

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Aurora is structured the same way; the vision achievemens will take a lot of committment to get if doing ls4 from the start because the season mastery items, alone, will account for a large chunk of the time you require to do it (and even if you do get them from reward tracks, various things still require timely committment that is unaviodable- for example, one might say the requirement for astral and dragonsblood weapons could be compared to the need for wayfarer's henge).


Vision will not seem so complicated if you did the episodes as they came out.

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Are you kidding? You need to have achievements and mastering every ls4 zone. Plus needing to make crafting for each chapter. Vision is way more convoluted than the skyscale ever could be.

Seriously, the skyscale collections does not remotely come near Vision in effort needed. The skyscale collections is easilly done with a guide and some gold if you dont have the charged quartz, then spending a bit grinding in various ls 4 maps.


Most did not have astral weapons crafted, and went directly to stellar weapons. There was a massive outcry over stellar weapons not counting.

6x astral weapons is 3000 kralkaltite ore, 3000 powdered rose quartz. I spent about a week farming the 3 hearts in istan on 6 characters. took a single day of farming the 250x 6 mats in comparision.

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Like said before, vision probably felt easier for you because you had something previously done from LS4 episodes. For anyone starting from 0 this would take long enough, even longer than skyscale since the time-gates were heavily reduced. I had literally everything but astral weapons done and got an akili bugged for days together with the endless time gate to unlock the astral weapons and that for me felt a hell longer than any skyscale stuff i did before, i could not say i didn't enjoyed tho because the brandstone meteor farms in istan were really fun.


I believe vision collection is just fine, and is the way everyone expected it to be ( just like aurora ).

~~Now that Coalescence from RAIDS having interaction with vision and aurora is a real frustration for me cus i can't see myself doing raids anytime soon~~

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Are you kidding? You need to have achievements and mastering every ls4 zone. Plus needing to make crafting for each chapter. Vision is way more convoluted than the skyscale ever could be.


You only need to do the achievements in Jahai Bluffs. All other armor pieces can be aquired through reward tracks (which I did). And you "only" need to craft Astral and Dragonsblood weapons, so for 2 chapters, not all.


If you do all achievements for all chapters though, it's clearly more time consuming anD NERVE WRACKING THAN THE sKYSCALE COLLECTIONS:


(sorry for caps)


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> @"Last Crysis.1934" said:

> Ok I understand that the Skyscale is required for getting vision but completing the Vision achievements felt really easy when compared to the skyscale. Don't get me wrong I loved the skyscale achievements and did not have a problem with the timegate. I just wish it would have been a little more involved to get vision.


Let me guess, you had most of them done from completing them during the episode was live?


Yeah, then it was way easier. Otherwise, no.

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> @"Last Crysis.1934" said:

> Ok I understand that the Skyscale is required for getting vision but completing the Vision achievements felt really easy when compared to the skyscale. Don't get me wrong I loved the skyscale achievements and did not have a problem with the timegate. I just wish it would have been a little more involved to get vision.


Which parts of skyscale were hard for u? Not skyscale, nor a vision achis were hard, but:

Skyscal needed reasonable collections to grow a dragon, which everyone had to start from beggining

Vision -here 95% of time needed for this collection, could be spent before release of the trinket.

So if u were grinding ls4 for this whole time, u received free trinket precursor

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> Don't forget the requiem armor. And the 32 slot can be frustrating if you don't get the diamond drop easily. Plus the other events required for this.


> Also don't forget requiem armor.


Well, the 32 slot bag is nice, I guess many players got it already. As to Requiem Armor, you don't need to do this! "A Star to Guide Us" for example has 45 achievements. But you only need 38 to finish it. You can ignore 7 of them and still get your stuff done for Vision. I did "The Convergence of Sorrow I: Elegy" but not the second step.


It works just like for Aurora in LW S3, you can choose a few achievements that yyou are not willing to do.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> Let me guess, you had most of them done from completing them during the episode was live?


> Yeah, then it was way easier. Otherwise, no.


Yes I had all the achievements and the crafting done but aurora felt a little bit harder to get and had all the achievements for that too.


> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> Which parts of skyscale were hard for u? Not skyscale, nor a vision achis were hard, but:

> Skyscal needed reasonable collections to grow a dragon, which everyone had to start from beggining

> Vision -here 95% of time needed for this collection, could be spent before release of the trinket.

> So if u were grinding ls4 for this whole time, u received free trinket precursor


I did not find any of it hard in fact I loved the skyscraper quest and wish there where more like it.

And yes I had all the stuff for crafting vision but I would not call it grinding i just played the ls as they came out and got the home nodes when I had the gold.

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> Don't forget the requiem armor. And the 32 slot can be frustrating if you don't get the diamond drop easily. Plus the other events required for this.


> Also don't forget requiem armor.


I was only hopping to play the stories at the time and not bothering with anything else. came back a week before war eternal release, had started requiem armor, paused to get the stuff for skyscale and then continued farming it to finish the armor collection (took me about a week I think)... tedious yes but far from impossible to complete, althought i'm quite sick of jahai blufffs now, lol

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If you are like me with 99,9% LW4 achievements done, its easy. Only thing away are the astral weapons who was not tied with achievements back then, so now i have to farm them. I think Anet is telling us : we are working hard for LW episodes so you guys should complete the content.

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> @"Last Crysis.1934" said:

> > @"Ultramex.1506" said:

> > Vision is like that but even more farming.


> Really? I had all the current o needed from doing the map meats when they came out and completing the achievements the first week or so.


Then you're good to go,i guess. Biggest issues for this legendary trinket are the astral/dragonsblood weapons if you don't do them when it first came out and memory essence capsulator, also wiki said you need 100 currency each map to craft gift. That

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