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PVP Solo/Duo System


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Its a huge advantage to be in duo with comms. Duos should not compete with solo players. If you want to duo, fine... Go play unranked. Or add an option to the ranked queue that allow me to not play against duo's when im solo (like 99.99% of the time)

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> @"Zawn.9647" said:

> Its a huge advantage to be in duo with comms. Duos should not compete with solo players. If you want to duo, fine... Go play unranked. Or add an option to the ranked queue that allow me to not play against duo's when im solo (like 99.99% of the time)


Can't agree more. Though i would share that the past few days as a solo i get in a completely solo team , but the enemy teams have like 2 duo premades on them.

Like what ? :D Imagine both duos have coms(individually ofc) , they are already way more organised, then us bunch of randos and even if they don't , they for sure have a better plan beforehand and idea of what they want to do together. It's absurd...

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DuoQ amplifies just about every problem ranked PvP has, on top of creating entirely new ones.


It won't be missed if it goes away again, and I really hope it does. If people want an option to play competitively with friends outside of ATs, then TeamQ should be brought back as a split separate queue to SoloQ for maximum fairness.

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DuoQ must be removed from ranked! Simple. I even don't see why it has been introduced in the first place except as a poor attempt to revitalize the PVP game mode. The only thing it introduces is a winning factor too complex for the MMS to handle properly. Today, duoQ provides more consistent wins in Ranked and I believe that it is almost compulsory to play some matches in duoQ to stay or climb above plat 1.

The argument that the MMS puts always a duoQ against another duoQ is false. One of the last ranked game I played this week end had 2 duoQ against 1 duoQ for example.


+1 for a teamQ PVP game mode! Maybe a sort of automatic tournament game mode where the game will launch a tournament as soon as x teamQ are ready. A Swiss based tournament mode will come handy there (hint, hint).

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If u split to solo que to duo que it will make there allot less games and worse match makeing. U can duo or u can’t but to split

Will hit pvp hard and most good pvp players will que if solo in duo as it’s allot smarter to play with duo with better games than to play 5 solo vs 5 solo

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We've been asking for too long but Anet decided to give it to people who want to play with friends. That was a very bad idea for a game mode that revolves around individual leaderboards. Also, some argued that it would keep the game population active. It's been proven well enough now that allowing duo queue made only negative difference to game population as leaderboards are not worth playing for.

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Before that "duo queue" system was implemented, people requested the "duo queue" system in PvP. Literally flooding the PvP sub-forum with "Bring back duo queue!!!"


You don't need to duo queue to climb - last season, a Renegade solo queued up to top 1 legendary to then stay at plat 2 - 3 consistently. Duo queue makes your life a bit more endurable when Ranking, but if you can't, compared to what people were saying up in this thread, a solo queue is still easily doable to climb towards plat 2. After that, anyway, it's or you're a god, or you're a wintrader XD


Coming from a solo queuer that enjoys having one less random in his team.

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This is a TEAM based 5 man vs 5 man game. The fact that they took out TEAM play out of a team based game goes against the idea of the 5v5 team based game mode.....if solo quers want a solo q then there should be a 1v1 ladder for all the people that want to play solo. This is a mmo massive multiplayer...

Not solo rpg.

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> This is a TEAM based 5 man vs 5 man game. The fact that they took out TEAM play out of a team based game goes against the idea of the 5v5 team based game mode.....if solo quers want a solo q then there should be a 1v1 ladder for all the people that want to play solo.


If players want to play in smaller groups in pvp i would suggest introducing a 2vs2 game mode instead of crippling the team play.

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> @"Crystal Black.8190" said:

> Of course solo/duo decreased game population! It drove away anyone who like to play with other players, that's the whole reason of an mmo!


> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> This is a TEAM based 5 man vs 5 man game. The fact that they took out TEAM play out of a team based game goes against the idea of the 5v5 team based game mode.....if solo quers want a solo q then there should be a 1v1 ladder for all the people that want to play solo. This is a mmo massive multiplayer...

> Not solo rpg.


I guess the "I just want to play with friends" excuse has been replaced with "It's an mmo" excuse now.


Sure, PvP adopts GW2's MMO-like combat system; probably the best one out there at that, but it still applies it to a 5v5 gamemode. To excuse DuoQ or any type of merged queue on the premise that gw2 is an MMO just doesn't make any semblance of logical sense. Regardless of whether you Solo, Duo, or TeamQ you'd still be playing and interacting with the same number of people. Infact, restricting SoloQ players to a 1v1 duel would be doing like; the reverse opposite of encouraging more interaction and team play.


When it comes to team play, TeamQ was the best option just like it sounds. If TeamQ were the ONLY option to play ranked normally, then I think the population would drop even more drastically. Between longer queue times, and going through the hassle of using LFG or map chat everytime to find 4 other people of similar rank; it's safe to assume a lot people used to playing as they do now would be very turned off. I mean the people who get home from work, or school and just want to hop into a game quickly.


However if there was an option to play TeamQ or SoloQ split, you satisfy both the people who are willing to invest a little more time into putting together a team of competent similarly-skilled players and friends, as well as the people who just want quick games solo.


DuoQ doesn't really have any place in either style, because it doesn't promote team play, and they usually give a team either too high an advantage or disadvantage.


If you want a quick census on how people feel, and an idea of how removing or restricting SoloQ might impact the game I did a poll here: [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/77653/poll-your-preferred-way-to-queue-ranked-going-into-season-17](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/77653/poll-your-preferred-way-to-queue-ranked-going-into-season-17 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/77653/poll-your-preferred-way-to-queue-ranked-going-into-season-17")



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> @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:


> I guess the "I just want to play with friends" excuse has been replaced with "It's an mmo" excuse now.


What is an excuse here? People want to play with friends and people they know or they can count on. The mo genre isprobably a prime examle of people playing together. Also it is a team-gamemode. Restricting that to solo/duo is ridiculous. An actual solo or duo gamemode for pvp would be much better than this butchering anet is doing in pvp for years now.

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> @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

>I guess the "I just want to play with >friends" excuse has been replaced >with "It's an mmo" excuse now.



Its not an excuse. Its our reasoning and its very understandable if you have the proper idea of a 5v5 team based game mode in mind.

And thats the problem with solo quers there selfish and lack the fundamental ideology of a team based 5v5 game mode.




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There is ofc a big problem with duo q, arenanet just has to watch numbers to get it : look at top players and watch the ratio of games they duo, its obvious top players duo q a lot more than average player, and its not a "i just want to play with friens things", its just a low population + matchmaking algorithm abuse. Duo q is ok for average players, bad for top players.

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> @"Zawn.9647" said:

> Its a huge advantage to be in duo with comms. Duos should not compete with solo players. If you want to duo, fine... Go play unranked. Or add an option to the ranked queue that allow me to not play against duo's when im solo (like 99.99% of the time)


I agree 100000%

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Duo queue rarely bothers me. I play solo 95% of the season and most of the time I feel like the people I face in duo are not as effective as the solo players. Why ? It seems like they rarely get along with the rest of the team. It is only a theory by in solo queue everyone does his things and tries to adapt in order to win but in duo we are even more in the mentality "US VS 8 players". The most annoying / successfull duo queue team I faced were mostly playing builds with already a lot solo carry potential (like war or scrapper). I do not know the ratio of duo using vocal but I never use it when I do and I think most of them do not either.

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It's pretty obvious that Duo Q is a huge advantage over those who Solo Q, especially for top players. I personally liked the system limiting Duo Q to <1600 Rating, but at the time everyone defending that was shouted down in this forum by people who "just wanted to play with their friends".

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> @"Falan.1839" said:

> It's pretty obvious that Duo Q is a huge advantage over those who Solo Q, especially for top players. I personally liked the system limiting Duo Q to <1600 Rating, but at the time everyone defending that was shouted down in this forum by people who "just wanted to play with their friends".


yeah thats ridiculous... boyce just want to play with his friend thijksen or obindo... rly cool huh? why dont he play with a bad friend? only friends that can carry with him? :D

it must be just for fun, sure :D

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> @"KingstonWD.2047" said:

> > @"Zawn.9647" said:

> > Its a huge advantage to be in duo with comms. Duos should not compete with solo players. If you want to duo, fine... Go play unranked. Or add an option to the ranked queue that allow me to not play against duo's when im solo (like 99.99% of the time)


> Can't agree more. Though i would share that the past few days as a solo i get in a completely solo team , but the enemy teams have like 2 duo premades on them.

> Like what ? :D Imagine both duos have coms(individually ofc) , they are already way more organised, then us bunch of randos and even if they don't , they for sure have a better plan beforehand and idea of what they want to do together. It's absurd...


this happened to me as well... my team as 100% solo players while the other had 2 duo's. like come on, its not hard to get 2 duo's and split them between the teams... come on - that is the minimum. coding is not that hard arena net

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