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Hi could A PVP reward be Create your Own Temporary TITLE

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So u want to reward people who just play to much? It’s not a fair scoreing on skill with who wins most games as it reps time more than skill. + we already know who will win each week “streamers”

To change pvp in rewards for time it should be a bit of gear skin that is different unlocked each 100 pvp rank so rank 600 u look like a 4 year veteran

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But why? I don't really get the whole obsession for rewards.. It's obviously not just this thread, the cry for new rewards and titles and such has been big since several seasons if not ever.

Do you really always need to get more and more for actually playing the game? We already have reward tracks and league tracks, we already get a good amount of gold and stuff. I'm pretty happy about what's already there and I'd much rather have a good balance, some more quality of life or content like new maps (well designed maps, not this tiny djinn junkyard where literally every class can rotate the entire map) or even a reworked version of Stronghold. 2v2 queues, on demand ATs and stuff like that. To actually enjoy the gameplay itself more (because there have been obvious problems for quite a while now, so it's not like PvP is in a very healthy state to begin with), not more shiny bling bling and stuff to flex with nobody cares about anyways.


Because, well I obviously don't know the source code or how certain stuff in GW2 is implemented, but I'm 99% sure that stuff like pvp exclusive unique stat combinations is not something a couple devs can develop and push onto live servers within a few weeks tbh. So you could as well use the time and resources to actually do something to improve the gameplay experience - in my opinion.


No hate against you or anyone else suggesting more rewards tho. Just my 2ct.

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> @"DoomNexus.5324" said:

> But why? I don't really get the whole obsession for rewards.. It's obviously not just this thread, the cry for new rewards and titles and such has been big since several seasons if not ever.

> Do you really always need to get more and more for actually playing the game? We already have reward tracks and league tracks, we already get a good amount of gold and stuff. I'm pretty happy about what's already there and I'd much rather have a good balance, some more quality of life or content like new maps (well designed maps, not this tiny djinn junkyard where literally every class can rotate the entire map) or even a reworked version of Stronghold. 2v2 queues, on demand ATs and stuff like that. To actually enjoy the gameplay itself more (because there have been obvious problems for quite a while now, so it's not like PvP is in a very healthy state to begin with), not more shiny bling bling and stuff to flex with nobody cares about anyways.


> Because, well I obviously don't know the source code or how certain stuff in GW2 is implemented, but I'm 99% sure that stuff like pvp exclusive unique stat combinations is not something a couple devs can develop and push onto live servers within a few weeks tbh. So you could as well use the time and resources to actually do something to improve the gameplay experience - in my opinion.


> No hate against you or anyone else suggesting more rewards tho. Just my 2ct.


The point of the new title was to create a title only you have. It would be nice to have title who shows what you are as a player and of course a someone apart of Anet should verify it's not offensive to others and not misleading like "undefeated" but reasonable like "Daddy's Girl" "Couch Potato", Sword Prince" these are possibilities also maybe.


maybe a track reward could be win 100 rank games only to finally win a utility which gives a unique title

Maybe even have a poll which shows what kind of title one would want included in the box.


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I don't see why this should be pvp specific. It should rather be a gem store purchase for a customizable title. Of course, it wouldn't let you type in anything that was actually a pre-existing title. So it wouldn't accept say "Best Of The Best", but you certainly could title yourself things such as: "Basement Troll" "I Work At Walmart" "Cake Boy".

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