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Question: which is best for meta?

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> @"pinguadoido.6581" said:

> I am a T4 enthusiast and do them everyday. Been doing with Power Reaper since the major buff it received on last patch, and have always managed to keep the top DPS with pretty good sustain. I changed back to my weaver and my DPS meter is almost the same, unfortunately with MUCH more effort because of the rotation, and a LOT more squishy.

> Considering that currently both classes do not provide boons for the party and are merely DPS oriented, which one should I focus to play the meta? I am inclined to stay on power reaper due it's MUCH better sustainability.


> Appreciate any responses in advance!


Weaver only dunks hard on other power dps classes if you're in a group that's doing proper precast cheese with FGS, like on 100cm Skorvaald or Artsariiv... Then nothing will come close to weebo's in those fights. If not, there's not really a huge difference between the different power classes--DH is probably the top choice though due to their coordinated bursts being the highest and their assorted utility (esp f3).


If you like reaper tho, stick with that... Honestly, unless yer in a speed run static, nobody really gives a kitten as long as yer power and know what yer doing. If anything you should gear a pBS or QB or Ren to be more useful in LFG... :bleep_bloop:

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> > @"pinguadoido.6581" said:

> > I am a T4 enthusiast and do them everyday. Been doing with Power Reaper since the major buff it received on last patch, and have always managed to keep the top DPS with pretty good sustain. I changed back to my weaver and my DPS meter is almost the same, unfortunately with MUCH more effort because of the rotation, and a LOT more squishy.

> > Considering that currently both classes do not provide boons for the party and are merely DPS oriented, which one should I focus to play the meta? I am inclined to stay on power reaper due it's MUCH better sustainability.

> >

> > Appreciate any responses in advance!


> Weaver only dunks hard on other power dps classes if you're in a group that's doing proper precast cheese with FGS, like on 100cm Skorvaald or Artsariiv... Then nothing will come close to weebo's in those fights. If not, there's not really a huge difference between the different power classes--DH is probably the top choice though due to their coordinated bursts being the highest and their assorted utility (esp f3).


> If you like reaper tho, stick with that... Honestly, unless yer in a speed run static, nobody really gives a kitten as long as yer power and know what yer doing. If anything you should gear a pBS or QB or Ren to be more useful in LFG... :bleep_bloop:


Couldn't agree more. I do have Healbrand and Alacrigade geared for T4s as well. But I do like to see those big numbers lol

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> so we talk about bet power meta or best condi meta?

> if condi - 4-3 scourges, druid or etc

> if power - 3-4 reapers, druid or etc


> and keep attention that 4 scourges best than 4 reapers


Both would be quite garbage. Offers no utility or dps at all. Thats the stuff you run when you want to spend ~40-50min for normal t4s and don't do cms.

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> @"pinguadoido.6581" said:

> which one should I focus to play the meta?

This question is (f)actually really easy to answer: Weaver! Simply because Weaver = meta (as in most optimal as part of T4 team compositions) whereas Reaper is NOT meta. And the reason for that is quite simple as well: the _potential_ dps output of a Weaver is higher than that of a Reaper.

Now there's also a bit of a future aspect in your question, which is a bit more complex to answer: never any guarantees there. But knowing ArenaNet, the Ele has _always_ (since launch) been a major factor in optimal compositions towards the PvE endgame, whereas the Necro has mostly been the exact opposite in that matter when it comes to the _PvE endgame_. So keeping that in mind, it would be weird if ANet would all of the sudden flip that in their next balance update. Having that said, in their most recent updates they are closing the gap, and they might as well continue with this in upcoming updates ... but that would still be wild speculations!


BUT most importantly, are you asking yourself the right question here? Is it really meta you want to go after? Do you have a dedicated speedclear group (static), or one that's willing to sacrifice a lot to get there? What do you find fun to play? Do you pug a lot? Etc. These are probably questions that are far more worth asking than the one you're asking right now. And to help you with those kind of questions, I direct you to all the posts above :)

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> @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> There is no condi vs power meta in fractal, power is just better flat out due to the nature of fractals favoring burst.

You think someone interested in burst? No way. Burst is fail. Ofc if someone will be lucky and use bust setup he can finish fractal in 2 min faster that normal party, but this is fail way, especial whit less 15% hp and bleed fire instability.

For cms and t4 people need stability and health sand of life to get chill run.

Also sometime we use 2.5 support combo to be more chilled.


Speedrun and meta - this is very very different things

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> @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

> > @"pinguadoido.6581" said:

> > which one should I focus to play the meta?

> the _potential_ dps output of a Weaver is higher than that of a Reaper.


What I don't get it is that, after pugging for months now, I haven't seen any weaver DPS output higher than me playing reaper. But when I played weaver I out dps some reapers that weren't doing a good rotation (even tho I did less DPS on weaver than I would on my reaper).


Continuing talking about DPS builds only:



Anyway, I have been playing weaver instead of my necro for the past week or so. Love and hate at the same time for the weaver - lots of fun, but lots of headaches (being shot down in a couple hits).

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> @"pinguadoido.6581" said:

> What I don't get it is that, after pugging for months now, I haven't seen any weaver DPS output higher than me playing reaper. But when I played weaver I out dps some reapers that weren't doing a good rotation (even tho I did less DPS on weaver than I would on my reaper).


> Continuing talking about DPS builds only:



> Anyway, I have been playing weaver instead of my necro for the past week or so. Love and hate at the same time for the weaver - lots of fun, but lots of headaches (being shot down in a couple hits).


Yep, i'd say >90% of the people i played with in fractals/raids don't know their rotations or how to adjust to the situation and would get outdps'd even by something like power scourge/scrapper, if you pug then playing something more self-sufficient like pReaper/pChrono will yield better results in dps AND smoothness/utility most of the time.

When i pug on my chrono i'm usually 2nd in dps if not top (CM/T4), that's while playing as boon and using 4 different bundles to CC, average skill level in CMs/T4/Raids just isn't as high as some people expect it to be, MOST good players i've seen on GW2 play in static/semi-static only.

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > There is no condi vs power meta in fractal, power is just better flat out due to the nature of fractals favoring burst.

> You think someone interested in burst? No way. Burst is fail. Ofc if someone will be lucky and use bust setup he can finish fractal in 2 min faster that normal party, but this is fail way, especial whit less 15% hp and bleed fire instability.

> For cms and t4 people need stability and health sand of life to get chill run.

> Also sometime we use 2.5 support combo to be more chilled.


> Speedrun and meta - this is very very different things


We are comparing power vs condi damage here, there are safe power builds and safe condi builds. Even safe power builds is better than safe condi builds and that's all that is. You have reapers vs scourges and you bet reapers will outburst scourges while be equally as difficult to kill. So really there isn't much of a comparison and no the difference isn't really 2 minutes faster. The difference can be quite big even in a pug team if you run condi vs a power team.

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > There is no condi vs power meta in fractal, power is just better flat out due to the nature of fractals favoring burst.

> You think someone interested in burst? No way. Burst is fail. Ofc if someone will be lucky and use bust setup he can finish fractal in 2 min faster that normal party, but this is fail way, especial whit less 15% hp and bleed fire instability.

> For cms and t4 people need stability and health sand of life to get chill run.

> Also sometime we use 2.5 support combo to be more chilled.


> Speedrun and meta - this is very very different things


Stop talking nonsence, burst and CC is all that matters in t4s/Cms. While 3 reapers with healbrand and alacrity rene can do it juts fine. 4 scoure with druid will sack big duck.

The same time 3 good weaver with well played fb and rene will reap appart any t4/cm given there isn't nasty instabs like afflicted.

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> @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > @"lare.5129" said:

> > so we talk about bet power meta or best condi meta?

> > if condi - 4-3 scourges, druid or etc

> > if power - 3-4 reapers, druid or etc

> >

> > and keep attention that 4 scourges best than 4 reapers


> Both would be quite garbage. Offers no utility or dps at all. Thats the stuff you run when you want to spend ~40-50min for normal t4s and don't do cms.

Before I say anything, you and I both agree that scrouge in t4 is a stupid idea.


But, Its very inaccurate to say reaper has no utility. Trash talk its 20% lower dps all you want as that is factual, but anyone who says reaper has no utility is choosing to not discuss actual facts. axe 3 is a boon strip, and gs4 is gigantic aoe blind and boon strip, gs5 is a pull for ads, reaper has a good amount of cc too. Additionally, you can easily drop shadow fiend if you want projectile destruction, more blinds, group condi clense, group stability, more pulls, or even more boon strip.


Reaper may not be meta because it doesn't have the dps to compete. But as far as utility goes, it is quite good. A discussion like this requires attention to detail.


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> @"phs.6089" said:

> burst and CC is all that matters in t4s/Cms.

Stop talking nonsence, no one should use cc skils in cms/t4 - this is not raid. People don't need mostly cc skils for prof play. So and for meta, no matter condi, or power, no any choose can depend from cc.

Ofc is nice is rene have on swap staff and sometimes use it, but from other team put cc skill on bar is absolutely non competition level.

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> @"thrag.9740" said:

> Reaper may not be meta because it doesn't have the dps to compete.

low dps is OK. Why? Because the dps is comparable value that depend from many factors. No matter that value we have on golem.

for meta value is how possible keep proper rotation on boss, during jumping from strikes and etc. and how it simply to reach that value in real environment.

If no - why no one say about 3 deadeye meta? best dps on sigle golem target and no way for meta party.

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> @"BRNBRITO.9624" said:

> When i pug on my chrono i'm usually 2nd in dps if not top (CM/T4), that's while playing as boon and using 4 different bundles to CC, average skill level in CMs/T4/Raids just isn't as high as some people expect it to be, MOST good players i've seen on GW2 play in static/semi-static only.


Also, most good players end up having to play support when they're pugging, since they are the ones who have multiple roles geared and don't want to sit in LFG forever waiting for a fill.


And honestly, I don't even mind playing support anymore (I used to hate not dps'ing), cuz like when I *DO* get to dps, I rarely even have the proper boons to do my rotation correctly anyways, get no cc carry, have to stare at the boss having protection the entire fight, have to risk a pug BS failing anoms/balls, etc etc etc... At least if I'm playing Ren or BS I can make sure that stuff is covered for the lil' puggerino dps'ers.

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