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Your suggestions for season 5 and after season 5. [SPOILER]

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![](https://www.zupimages.net/up/19/25/zpsb.jpg "")


**A little taste of what it could be:**

the red squares: it is the HV5 (The red under-Istan is at the Largos !: the rooms of Tetyos, and the Windy Empire could exceptionally have 2 maps, or an instanced STORY and the other no).

the squared green duck: it is the extension 3.

the purple square: it's the Guild Hall.

The points "white or orange (specific boat transport)" is the input / output of maps.

South of Cantha: the gray star is the imaginary location (that I imagined, yes) where could be (in the south of CANTHA): the portal of the mists where the Gods brought the Humans in Tyria!

(The South Cantha is not necessarily to take into account, it's only BONUS in case, and so the "5 maps" would be possible). For the size of the maps, can not just do otherwise than do them, otherwise it just would not go at all I think, given the geoformation of the map and what are currently in PLAY technically speaking.

(I checked, it's the same size as the Desolation maps in 10%:20% improved).


I made a small editing, with a Cantha card that had been created by someone, I added a maelstrom also to signify the hypothetical precondition of "S".

![](https://www.zupimages.net/up/19/25/e5xd.jpg "")


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> @"derd.6413" said:

> my advise to anet: don't listen to what ppl on the forum want the story wants to be, they're terrible writers.


Aww, meanie. ;) You should know that, in the end, the devs always do what they want. In any case, plans are already being executed, so posting a wishlist is a bit late at this point - one can only hope and dream. :3

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Enough about Cantha. Yesh.


I cannot fathom it being a good idea for ArenaNet to go to Cantha for a LW season. Why? The number of art assets needed. The **_huge_** amount of original art assets will demand a long development period, longer than what any one episode of LW releases get to make it look properly done. Cantha _will be an expansion_ - that is, **if** we ever go there.


My suggestion for Season 5? Tie up loose ends. Replacements for M and Z; Magdaer and the Foefire curse; Renegades and Bangar Ruinbringer; remnants of Scarlet's alliances such as Mai Trin and the never-seen leaders of the TA and MA; Malyck. They can all be tied together nicely in two overarching plots, too.


> @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

> My suggestion for LS 5 is make 5.2 "The expansion pack" then go back to LS 5.

> I won't wait until 2021 for an X-pack. That would bring too close to a 4 year wait. :s


Good news. Season 5 will end in 2020 and what comes next will also be in 2020.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Enough about Cantha. Yesh.


> I cannot fathom it being a good idea for ArenaNet to go to Cantha for a LW season. Why? The number of art assets needed. The **_huge_** amount of original art assets will demand a long development period, longer than what any one episode of LW releases get to make it look properly done. Cantha _will be an expansion_ - that is, **if** we ever go there.


> My suggestion for Season 5? Tie up loose ends. Replacements for M and Z; Magdaer and the Foefire curse; Renegades and Bangar Ruinbringer; remnants of Scarlet's alliances such as Mai Trin and the never-seen leaders of the TA and MA; Malyck. They can all be tied together nicely in two overarching plots, too.


> > @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

> > My suggestion for LS 5 is make 5.2 "The expansion pack" then go back to LS 5.

> > I won't wait until 2021 for an X-pack. That would bring too close to a 4 year wait. :s


> Good news. Season 5 will end in 2020 and what comes next will also be in 2020.


2020 based on what exactrly most episodes now end up passing the 3 months mark and 5.1 Sept at least, Jan 2020 5.2, April or May even 5.3, Sept 2020 5.4 Dec if we are lucky 5.5, March at the very, very earliest 2021 will get us to 5.6. So where's your 2020? :o

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> @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

> 2020 based on what exactrly most episodes now end up passing the 3 months mark and 5.1 Sept at least, Jan 2020 5.2, April or May even 5.3, Sept 2020 5.4 Dec if we are lucky 5.5, March at the very, very earliest 2021 will get us to 5.6. So where's your 2020? :o


We're already 1.5 months after S4. Unless they're gonna surprise us with a feature update before S5, then S5 will begin in August. 5-2 would be in November 2019. 5.3 would thus be Feb 2020. 5-4 in May; 5-5 in August; 5-6 in November. So _worst case scenario_, what comes after S5 will be Feb 2021.


But "most episodes" that passed the 3 month mark were Episodes 3, 5, and 6. And just that. Long Live the Lich was delayed because restructuring for non-GW2 projects; All or Nothing delayed because of holidays (would have been a December release normally, instead of January); and War Eternal delayed because layoffs.


So those were actually outliers. If you look at all the rest of Seasons 3 and 4, the average is 2.5 months, not 3 months. So for the 6 episodes of S5, remove 3 months total. Thus, what will come after S5 will begin November 2020 in the most likely scenario.


And that's presuming an August launch (3 months after) instead of a July launch (2.5 months after).


Your estimations are putting at 4+ months separation, which is abnormal time period and only happened twice - All or Nothing and War Eternal.

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A Charr Norn expac would be my favorite, the Humans and sylvari already had more than enough story, the asura also decent. Does not have to be a Eotn 2.0. A mix of old lands and new territory never visited before would be my favorite. Theres so much land we never visited before, i want to be a pioneer explorer again, like in gw 1 B)

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Yup, here pure speculation but we got xiuqualt and now mist stranger outfit plus mist weapons skin. Maybe a hint.

Whereas it's stated it would have been mostly in mist, it has the aztec theme. Imagine exploring the forest of the woodlands with displaced pyramids and temples. Even the evoked hub of time: The gear city. (not lore breaking to say that a rift space-time bubble displaced things there.)


From wiki:

> The plot of Utopia seems to have focused on the ruins of some earlier civilization. The Asuran constructs known as golems seem to feature in artwork in multiple different forms. Many depict the golems as - contrary to the existing image of shiny, almost modern constructs - older looking, more statue-like beings. They are also depicted as being a fairly old technology, with one piece of art showing a deactivated golem overgrown with plants and weeds. In any case, it can be assumed that they played a fairly large part in Utopia. It is not known whether their creators, the Asura, were also featured in the game.


> Destroyers were also possibly featured in Utopia, albeit not as we know them. Early concept art for "Taneks", "Tanecks" or "Tanneks" (the actual spelling is unknown) feature fleshy, piglike creatures. Later concept art, also entitled tannek.jpg or something similar features the Destroyers as we know them. It's probable that the name was changed to "Destroyer" sometime after the game was adapted to become Eye of the North (if, indeed, the Destroyers were featured in Utopia) to promote the notion that they were literally mindless creatures. Interestingly, art exists of a sort of hybrid between the old, fleshy Tanneks and the new fiery Destroyers


If they want they could treat aztek/ asura origin and some mists in the same time. Many artworks are showing golems/ floating constructs in a forest.

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So this is something I've been thinking a lot about recently. With Taimi being set up to die, the inclusion of the mistwalker items on the gem store, having watched WP's recent recap of LWS1, and Dragon Bash starting today, it makes sense to me.


Dragon Bash starts off with a celebration that eventually culminates in Taimi dying. This allows Gorrik to take her place in Dragon's Watch. As Taimi is dying, Zoija reappears from death's door and being Zoija, she blames US for Taimi's death. After all, we ARE now aligned with an ascendent Elder Dragon, we're aligned with a former Inquest asura, her friend Eir is dead, Logan has moved on to the Pact, and Caithe is communing with the previously mentioned Elder Dragon. And it's all OUR fault.


So that's what ends Dragon's Bash.


LWS 5 is us basically pursuing Zoija (driven insane with grief and unable to deal with core philosophical changes to our mission) into the Mists as she wages war on Tyria (and the Mists) whom she blames for Taimi's death. After all, Taimi is the only one she has had any previous link to that hasn't moved on and without Taimi to educate her, it makes sense that Zoija would go off the deep end.


In addition, fighting in the Mists would allow for some very interesting interactions between Zoija, Snaff, and Eir.


But maybe I'm just spitting into the wind.

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