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About the Dragon Fireworks Backpiece

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Everything about this rare backpiece is amazing except for one thing; the wings. The design team really missed the mark here, they're TOO SMALL. I've heard multiple streamers comment the same thing about it today, they're just too small and it kills the entirety of this BLC rare. I would love it if the team would take into consideration making a small adjustment before the weekend when the event will get the most exposure. I've left a poll for you to vote on, I'm only one person and my opinion doesn't mean much, so please vote. :+1:

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> It'd look fine, *if I could get them*. I even had spare gems left over, but nope. Just *had* to be an RNG clusterbomb, again.




Was added to the game January, 2019, and is now currently available for 60 statuettes. So in all likelihood, check back in December, and in the meantime, save up 60 BL lion coins :)

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I just like how it makes you look like you have a tail, kinda. Opens possibilities for more tails. :)

The only problem it has is the problem all back pieces have which is it's undyeable: Like I woulda bought the Wyvern Wings if I could dye them gray to match my Sylvari's skin color. I don't wanna spend tons of money on something that doesn't match.

but isn't it black lion chest only? that means I'll probably never have it.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > It'd look fine, *if I could get them*. I even had spare gems left over, but nope. Just *had* to be an RNG clusterbomb, again.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Roaring_Dragon_Glider


> Was added to the game January, 2019, and is now currently available for 60 statuettes. So in all likelihood, check back in December, and in the meantime, save up 60 BL lion coins :)


This is not what the OP is talking about, which is the new Dragon Fireworks Backpiece and Glider set, available from BLCs starting yesterday. Here's the glider: https://d3b4yo2b5lbfy.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/bac41MTX_DragonFireworksGlider-590x332.png which is very pretty and extremely sparkly, as you'd expect from a "Fireworks" item. The backpiece is IMO kinda ugly; it looks like a jointed dragon kite and the wings are indeed rather small.

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > > It'd look fine, *if I could get them*. I even had spare gems left over, but nope. Just *had* to be an RNG clusterbomb, again.

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Roaring_Dragon_Glider

> >

> > Was added to the game January, 2019, and is now currently available for 60 statuettes. So in all likelihood, check back in December, and in the meantime, save up 60 BL lion coins :)


> This is not what the OP is talking about, which is the new Dragon Fireworks Backpiece and Glider set, available from BLCs starting yesterday. Here's the glider: https://d3b4yo2b5lbfy.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/bac41MTX_DragonFireworksGlider-590x332.png which is very pretty and extremely sparkly, as you'd expect from a "Fireworks" item. The backpiece is IMO kinda ugly; it looks like a jointed dragon kite and the wings are indeed rather small.


No, I know exactly what the person I quoted was talking about :) When it was introduced the Roarding Dragon Glider was a BL Chest exclusive glider skin, and many people, myself included, were unable to RNG it out of the BL chest. Fast forward 6'ish months, and that glider is now purchasable for 60 BL Statuettes.


In other words, if RNG screws you over, just keep saving those statuettes and soon you can just buy it from a vendor :+1:

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OMG not everything has to be super super big and shiney. I get what they were going for with the fireworks, but when I saw it I cried a little at the addition of another visual noise vomit item. I want the whole thing to be smaller. I mean, I actually like the item, but as a general rule, I'd get rid of the visual vomit this game uses to fund itself.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > It'd look fine, *if I could get them*. I even had spare gems left over, but nope. Just *had* to be an RNG clusterbomb, again.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Roaring_Dragon_Glider


> Was added to the game January, 2019, and is now currently available for 60 statuettes. So in all likelihood, check back in December, and in the meantime, save up 60 BL lion coins :)


That's the plan!

The wait for the Zephyr wings was long, but I got it eventually. :3 Will be the same for the this one.

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I had enough statuettes saved to get it, and I think it's just fine the way it is. I primarily play on an asura, and I haven't checked it on my other characters yet, so maybe it looks different on bigger ones.


Update: Oh, I see that maybe we're voting on another dragon back item, not the one I was talking about. Sorry.

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