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What happened to Tarnished Coast?


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As with all threads that I make, I want everyone to keep it at a settled level and approach it with an open mind.


Tarnished Coast right now is not performing the best as it had been 7-9 months ago (and I believe all servers are not doing as great as they have been as before, of course). But back to the topic.


Whether you guys will disagree with me or not, Tarnished Coast used to be quite strong the aforementioned time ago. They had the backing of all these guilds:










And many much more guilds.


They even had regular pugmanders like:

- Morale Officer Misa

- Rallybot Serenity

- Yoda

- J A Y C E Hikari

- Caysadia

- Emperor Chopsticks


And an organized server discord.


I was on the server at the time, and I daresay they were strong.


Of course, there were groups better than us, and there is always someone better than you. BUT, we managed positive KDRs on resets. TORK wasn't even on the server at the time. And not just positive KDRs, but overwhelmingly positive KDRs because I remember [RA] running open, and other guilds would have map queues as well. People were nice and cooperative and all that.


What happened to these players? What happened to the strength of the server?



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A bunch of guilds upped and left is what happened. Don't know why but it's true. They changed to other servers, for reasons I never found out. It happens a lot. In fact, this is not the first time it's happened to TC. Back in the day, TC was a T1 server and a lot of guilds left and we ended up a T4 server, fought our way back up and it happened again. Welcome to the guild shell game.

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Those were never the guys I followed. I followed Chopsticks, and a few others. Not the guys you mentioned though. Honestly I'm lousy with names and only remember when I see them. The first commander I followed regularly, back in the day was Azelroth. That guy was awesome.

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AFAIK, he's still around. Part of the problem for me is that if there's stuff I want to do in PvE I don't get into WvW as much, but they've been keeping us really busy lately, starting with the new story, the skyscale collection, the new legendary trinket, a meta event event and a world boss event, followed now by Dragon Bash, so I've mostly been in just for dailies.

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Yeah, maybe part of the reason why these guilds left was just not enough attention from ANET into WvW and the constant power creep. Tarnished Coast was strong but the power creep was catching the tail, and EVERYONE's tail. When TC / JQ was around, we had many troubles fighting Blackgate--anyone would... but overwhelmingly. We just didn't have enough "meta classes" to face their blob.


But I think we were still strong, being able to beat FA and other groups. Probably being the second best at the time. (After Maguuma alliance dissolution, before FC alliance's creation)

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> @"MalinBlume.9314" said:

> @"Vayne.8563"


> Yeah, maybe part of the reason why these guilds left was just not enough attention from ANET into WvW and the constant power creep. Tarnished Coast was strong but the power creep was catching the tail, and EVERYONE's tail. When TC / JQ was around, we had many troubles fighting Blackgate--anyone would... but overwhelmingly. We just didn't have enough "meta classes" to face their blob.


> But I think we were still strong, being able to beat FA and other groups. Probably being the second best at the time. (After Maguuma alliance dissolution, before FC alliance's creation)


The ones I heard about didn't leave WvW. They left TC. Part of the problem might be that TC has been a closed server for a very very long time. It's not open so people can't transfer so it's harder to recruit new people. I don't know that that's the case. I know two people in my guild, which is not a WvW guild, both transferred off TC to play with friends on another server, because those friends couldn't transfer to them. They don't WVW less, they just don't WvW on TC.

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Way too may PVE players..thats all im gonna say. This has hit the population hard when you look at ppl away for making Skyscale, then node farm after world boss and now Dragon Bash.

We just playing mostly outnumbered in T2 this whole week.

I think Chopsticks didn't come this week.

[DAD] has moved to BP.

There was also talk that some guilds were moving to link server, DR.


**Edit: [bags] have been running this week, sometimes open other times closed.


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> @"Caysadia.7405" said:

> Dont let this thread distract you from the fact that its been nearly 200 days since shattered aegis has been GUTTED.


what is shattered aegis? i've stopped for a long time before recently since the forum mods banned me last last time. and when i became a dad.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"Caysadia.7405" said:

> > Dont let this thread distract you from the fact that its been nearly 200 days since shattered aegis has been GUTTED.


> what is shattered aegis? i've stopped for a long time before recently since the forum mods banned me last last time. and when i became a dad.




Essentially they’re saying it was “gutted” because it can no longer critically hit.

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