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Proof that ANET intend to support GW2 for 20+ years

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> ![](https://i.ibb.co/s6PbCb7/proof.jpg "")


> Each year this achievement can be completed only once and the limit is 1000.

> With this said and the fact that it grants 50 AP, means that we will need 20 years to max it.

No, it just means they are keeping their options open and don't want to redo those achieves every year. And that they don't expect the game to last longer than 20 years.


Notice, by the way, that this is not the first year they used that type of metaachi, and in 2018 the cap was also 20 years, not 21. So, did they plan for this game to last till 2039 or 2038? In any case one of the achieves is not accurate - and if one is not accurate, why do you think the other is?


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It's a proof of the opposite.

"Oh let's make achiev that's gonna be there for 20 years, so we don't have to bother with them in the future, they're all set for years and we don't need to add anything new to them anymore"

It's a cheap way of getting them out of the way forever and never needing to look at them again.

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > That's not proof that they intend to support the game for 20+ years only that they plan on having these festivals run for 20 years.

> > > > For example GW1 is still alive but it receives very little support (some qol patches) and no new content.

> > >

> > > So, you agree that they intend to support gw2 for 20+ years?

> >

> > It depends what we mean by "support", active/constant support like GW2 or rather "life support" like GW1.


> Sorry, my mistake - by support I mean keeping the game alive, but I can't be sure about the content.


Thing is though, GW1 could mostly be played by yourself with champions/henchmen. GW2 isn't the same, and while you can do a lot playing by yourself, many activities like dynamic events, metas, instanced content, etc, become impossible without other players around. So the question isn't how long GW2 will keep the servers on, but rather, how long will there be sufficient enough players populating the world to keep it running.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> Thing is though, GW1 could mostly be played by yourself with champions/henchmen. GW2 isn't the same,

GW1 didn't start out being playable solo; it was possible for some at launch, not most players. Over time, ANet added more heroes and more hero slots and the community developed hero teams that could roflstomp most content.


While it's true that GW2 doesn't have that now, one imagines that they could invest some energy into making it happen, perhaps simply by reducing the cooldowns on "summoning stones" like Fire Elemental Powder. I don't it's likely to happen anytime soon (if for no other reason than making it easier for people to solo means the game would become mostly solo, rather than the MMO that ANet seems to want it to be).


tl;dr GW2 definitely is not the same today as GW1 is; then again, GW1 isn't the same as GW1 used to be.


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