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Level 80 and still don't have a clue what I'm doing

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> @"StormyFae.2761" said:

> > An alternative way to gear up: If you have a good bunch of Karma saved up while leveling, go visit the Orr maps, the Temple's have NPC's that sell gear for Karma, and you can pick up complete sets of Exo80 Armor for just karma. They have several of the base core stat sets like Berserker and Soldier etc.

> >

> I've got 74K karma. So does one simply walk into Orr and buy the armor? I haven't had much luck getting around there.


Yeah defintely save your karma, Armor is so cheap on the TP that its not worth wasting karma

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"StormyFae.2761" said:

> > > An alternative way to gear up: If you have a good bunch of Karma saved up while leveling, go visit the Orr maps, the Temple's have NPC's that sell gear for Karma, and you can pick up complete sets of Exo80 Armor for just karma. They have several of the base core stat sets like Berserker and Soldier etc.

> > >

> > I've got 74K karma. So does one simply walk into Orr and buy the armor? I haven't had much luck getting around there.


> With that little karma save it you need it for alot of other stuff mate


OK. What can you buy with Karma? And how do I get the good armor if I keep dying because I have crappy armor? LOL.

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> I'd recommend reading up on crafting too, and see if it's something you like. I love it. Leveling up and crafting ascended gear takes time but it's one of my favorite in-game activities. <

Can you point me to a concise guide on crafting good armor? I'm not good at reading walls of text and digesting or remembering it. My attention span as I get older has drastically shortened. Like is there somewhere that will tell me like 1. Go to xxxxxx. 2. See xxxxxx. 3. Buy xxxxxx.



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> Send me a message in game, it could be a case of crafting you either berserker exotics (what everyone will tell you to get) or marauder exotics (more health, less power - what I use, and I am not interested in end game pve team composition and for now at least - doesn't sound like you are either yet)


I would but I don't know how to message in game. When I figure it out you'll hear from me!



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> @"StormyFae.2761" said:


> > Send me a message in game, it could be a case of crafting you either berserker exotics (what everyone will tell you to get) or marauder exotics (more health, less power - what I use, and I am not interested in end game pve team composition and for now at least - doesn't sound like you are either yet)

> >

> I would but I don't know how to message in game. When I figure it out you'll hear from me!




There are a few ways to message someone in game. You can whisper them by right clicking their name in chat. Another way to whisper someone is to add them to your friends list and whisper them that way when they are online. To access your friends list:



To add someone to your friends list at the top where it says add/search use their display name as seen on the forum. Example: name.1234 and click the "+" icon or just hitting enter. If it is someone in chat or a player in your field of view you want to add to your friends list right click their name and choose the option to friend.


Another way is to send an in game mail. This will work even if the person is not online and they will get the mail when logged in. This is the wiki article about accessing mail:



To send a mail it is the same as adding someone to friends list. You can use their display name, example name.1234, when composing a mail in the "To:" field. Alternatively, if it is someone in chat you want to mail, or a character in your field of view, you can right click their name as above for whispering, and choose the send mail option.


A note about sending mail, if you are sending gold or items in the mail make certain you have the right name of the person you wish to send the mail to so you don't accidentally mail the wrong person.


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> @"StormyFae.2761" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > should do Meta train until you can buy exotic gear on trading post.


> Hmmm. I don't know what that means.


Maps have what are called Meta Events that are usually on a fixed timer. They are often large scale PvE events that require some degree of coordination by the players participating often leading to a final boss/bosses type encounter. Most meta events give fairly good rewards with chests to loot when completed. Some are rather quick to complete like Auric Basin and some take longer like Dragon's Stand. Here is the wiki article on that topic:



A popular way to do these events more efficiently is called a meta train. This is where players join coordinated squads and attempt the map metas in a certain order to do them rather quickly and while minimizing down time / waiting for events to start. Here is the wiki event timer that lists several meta events as well as world boss timers:



For example the guild I'm in does a HoT meta train every week day and a PoF one on Saturdays. For HoT we start with Tangled Depths meta, then move to Auric Basin, followed by Dragon's Stand, another Auric Basin, and then finally Verdant Brink Night meta. Of course not everyone stays with the train the entire time but it is a great way to maximize the chance of participating in a successful meta for the ones players are interested in doing.


An added bonus of finding a meta train and participating is meeting a lot of other players who can share advice and often good conversation. :)



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Elementalist is a bit unforgiving. I'm a guy in my mid 40s and I die a lot to level 80 content in the game on my Elementalist.


Tried out a Necromancer on the same content and just summoned my minions and auto-attacked the same content and succeeded where my Elementalist died repeatedly.

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Depending on what the creator of the post do in the game alternative builds and armor stats could be an option. I have had a very chill time solo in HoT and PoF on my sword/dagger weaver using marshal stats (major power and healingpower, minor condidamage and precision) with water/arcane/weaver traitlines.


It is not meta at all however has great sustain and ok damage for open world.


Can buy marshal armor on the tradingpost by seatching for salomon.

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I played GW for a long time, and my elementalist was my main. When I got GW2 the elementalist was the first character I created. I finally got him up to 80 but never learned to keep him alive. I now just sign him on once a year for his birthday present. On the level 80 content my only character that is playable (for me) is my minion master necro. I just upgraded today to the mounts expansion (it probably has a name)... my minion master breezed through without taking a hit. I doubt I could get my elementalist through it.


I had to adjust my characters for the new game and my playstyle. No elementalist or guardian for me (I know they work for others).

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Actually, I think the best place to get help is to join a new player friendly guild. Not only will they help you with terminology, tips, and maybe give you stuff, they will be willing to play with you to help with mechanics and camaraderie. This game is designed for players to play with others, not solo.

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  • 3 months later...

So... I made a ranger and got her to level 80. I have found it a bit easier. Now I'm stuck on Estate of Decay and just can't kill that mouth. I've tried 4 times now and just can't do it. I wanted to try that MetaTrain thing but I just couldn't figure it out. Is there a guild or something I could join that would be patient with an old lady who has never played any other mmo than this one but still can't figure it out? I guess I could just keep creating new characters and have fun getting them to 80, but I want to advance my story.

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> @"StormyFae.2761" said:

> So... I made a ranger and got her to level 80. I have found it a bit easier. Now I'm stuck on Estate of Decay and just can't kill that mouth. I've tried 4 times now and just can't do it. I wanted to try that MetaTrain thing but I just couldn't figure it out. Is there a guild or something I could join that would be patient with an old lady who has never played any other mmo than this one but still can't figure it out? I guess I could just keep creating new characters and have fun getting them to 80, but I want to advance my story.


Are you eu or na?

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Hi, I just sent you a guild invite, but see you logged-off a few minutes ago. When you log back on, if you decide to join us, let it be know in /g chat that you are new and start asking about everything you want to know. Somebody will eventually answer. Keep in mind that there is a seasonal events going on and everybody may be busy. I'll check on you when I can.

Ragu of Noodleonia

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> @"StormyFae.2761" said:

> OK. What can you buy with Karma? And how do I get the good armor if I keep dying because I have crappy armor? LOL.


Unless your armor is low level, you don't keep dying because of "crappy armor" but because you might not have mastered the game's combat mechanics yet. Since there was no response to my previous post, here is a more graphical link to look at: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PGhAwilJwuYUMFGJOqO7vNA-zRhYBRBniVQgbRSIGUVp0UBEYCkYgURQY7FJM2MvlImBA-e (as mentioned before, it is a very tanky build with high damage output nonetheless, which is perfect for open world PvE and story missions, including both expansions)


Wiki has no page that lists _all_ the items you can acquire for Karma throughout the whole game, because it is just _too much_ by now. It's best to look it up per map or to simply explore and discover the vendors yourself on your journey throughout Tyria.


The Orr NPC everyone was referring to can be found at the uncontested Cathedral of Glorious Victory in the southwest of the Straits of Devestation, if I remember correctly. There are other cathedrals on the map that, when uncontested, also offer level 80 exotic armor, with different stats, but only the Berserker's is really worth getting your hands on. It costs 42k Karma per armor piece.


That said, I would suggest the Trading Post instead - it's less of a hassle and exotic armor is extremely cheap these days. You enter the three attributes (Power, Precision, Ferocity for Berserker's) in the TP window's filter to the upper left, the level (80-80) and rarity (exotic), and will see what's available in the loadout to the right.

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