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Do You do Path of Fire meta events as a daily routine?

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I prefer the PoF maps to the HoT maps, but the aggro range ruins it for me. I do the Casino Blitz daily now, which I was doing only seldom before. Otherwise, I only venture into a PoF map when necessary (when daily is a bounty, doing HPs for alts, eg).

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The only content I do regularly is dailies and WvW. Meta events? I enjoy aspects of all of them. However, ANet's "golly gee whiz" approach to special effects in large groups gives me headache and/or vertigo if overindulged in. Most days, the occasional WvW zerg is the only light show I am willing to subject myself to.

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I don't do any meta daily. I do them when a friend wants to, or when an event is highlighting them, or when I happen to be in the map and they happen to start. I'm pretty amazed I only have 24 Tarir completions out of the 100 needed for the title, I could swear I'd done that one a ton more than that ... but unless I'm going for achievements or currency I don't go out of my way to find and do a meta. I enjoy them, I don't feel any need to grind them. So I do them when fun, not as a requirement.


The only thing I make a point of doing daily is the login dailies and any special event dailies. And if I have limited time to do the login dailies and they aren't a fast set, I just give up on the 2 gold.

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