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Hey Ben P., what are your thoughts on Scrapper?

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kinda does suck he is living but he isn't wrong.


Players bash him for the dumbest crap , and when he does do some good for the game they just give him shit for it lol.


The game mode not having any real support or love for team games is pretty dumb and why a lot of players are leaving / left.

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There are so many negative content creators/commentators in GW2. They all need to move on IMO. I've found a couple of positive ones in my search (Mukluk, Harlequinpet and there may be others.) Some of the ones with top view count are bitter, angry, hate-filled and elitist. I can't wait for the rest to move on. Make room for the smaller streamer who is positive and enjoys the game.

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(Name edit) Jawgeousis is right. Ive not watched his streams, but he's obviously put a lot into GW2 content creation, and I'm sure he's added a lot of players and hence money to ANet coffers. Like him or not, what he said is true. Just look at the PvP forum topics. Most of them are people frustrated with total lack of communication from ANet, severe class spec balance issues, and ever increasing toxicity in and out of the game.


The only addition I would make is the strong link between very bad balance and toxicity. The tortuous imbalance and non-commication are the main contributors to the toxicity. I'm surprised at the massive drop in standards over the years in Gw2, it's like no one is at the rudder and everyone is just watching a huge iceberg heading towards them in slow motion.

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Community wasn't at fault. Anet was. Not doing your job (balancing pvp) led to community becoming toxic. It's a biproduct of anet. So i wouldn't blame community. I remember in other MMO that i've played. It had a very similar story. Devs started to not care about PvP and balance was out of hand.. slowly and surely community became one of the most toxic communities ever. And 2 years after that.. game became a desolated desert. If Anet carries on like that.. PvP/WvW community will become even more toxic and not long after that we'll see a huge decline in numbers. Even now we can see a huge decline in player population. Maybe that's what they want tho. At this point i'm kinda thinking they are doing it on purpose. It can't be that hard to balance their shi..t out. They care bout PvE only anyways so by getting rid of pvp community they can focus on what they want.. So yea.. Jawgeous took the logical step. Quitting is the best idea at this point. For me personally i'm waiting for the last last last time for upcoming balance patch. If nothing major is done.. that's it. I've given too much hope and patience for these devs already.

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GW2 long ago decided to be a game for casuals and open world/LW episodes is the only thing that matters for ANet. It's a shame because GW2 has potential but ANet would have to change their vision of who they want to be and what they want their game to be. Everyone who seeks actual challenge and fair communication between community and devs has left or will leave in soon future. Best of luck to Jaw, he's a good guy who's been working his ass of trying to do something for PvP community to make it better but without Anet's cooperation he can't do much.


Let's see what the next week balance patch brings and then either decide to stay in this toxic relationship or eventually leave for something else.

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> @"Dave.6819" said:

> Community wasn't at fault. Anet was. Not doing your job (balancing pvp) led to community becoming toxic. It's a biproduct of anet. So i wouldn't blame community. I remember in other MMO that i've played. It had a very similar story. Devs started to not care about PvP and balance was out of hand.. slowly and surely community became one of the most toxic communities ever. And 2 years after that.. game became a desolated desert. If Anet carries on like that.. PvP/WvW community will become even more toxic and not long after that we'll see a huge decline in numbers. Even now we can see a huge decline in player population. Maybe that's what they want tho. At this point i'm kinda thinking they are doing it on purpose. It can't be that hard to balance their shi..t out. They care bout PvE only anyways so by getting rid of pvp community they can focus on what they want.. So yea.. Jawgeous took the logical step. Quitting is the best idea at this point. For me personally i'm waiting for the last last last time for upcoming balance patch. If nothing major is done.. that's it. I've given too much hope and patience for these devs already.


**Very well said**

(absolutely no comment)

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> @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> WoodenPotatoes is right, and I've only watched a few of his streaming. But he has been the greatest cheerleader ANet will ever have. It's obvious he has put his heart and soul into GW2 content creation, and I'm sure his enthusiasm alone has added a lot of players and hence money to ANet coffers. I'm glad he has decided to cut his losses. Like him or not, what he said is true. Just look at the PvP forum topics. Most of them are people frustrated with total lack of communication from ANet, severe class spec balance issues, and ever increasing toxicity in and out of the game.


> The only addition I would make is the strong link between very bad balance and toxicity. The tortuous imbalance and non-commication are the main contributors to the toxicity. I'm surprised at the massive drop in standards over the years in Gw2, it's like no one is at the rudder and everyone is just watching a huge iceberg heading towards them in slow motion.


That's not WoodenPotatoes. That's Jawgeous a different brittish GW2 content creator.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> > WoodenPotatoes is right, and I've only watched a few of his streaming. But he has been the greatest cheerleader ANet will ever have. It's obvious he has put his heart and soul into GW2 content creation, and I'm sure his enthusiasm alone has added a lot of players and hence money to ANet coffers. I'm glad he has decided to cut his losses. Like him or not, what he said is true. Just look at the PvP forum topics. Most of them are people frustrated with total lack of communication from ANet, severe class spec balance issues, and ever increasing toxicity in and out of the game.

> >

> > The only addition I would make is the strong link between very bad balance and toxicity. The tortuous imbalance and non-commication are the main contributors to the toxicity. I'm surprised at the massive drop in standards over the years in Gw2, it's like no one is at the rudder and everyone is just watching a huge iceberg heading towards them in slow motion.


> That's not WoodenPotatoes. That's Jawgeous a different brittish GW2 content creator.


Oops. Thanks for correction. His voice sounds a lot like WP.

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> There was no better commentator for pvp matches then jawgeous. His monthly tournaments and explanation of whats going on in a fight will be missed. I love everything hes ever did for gw2.


Fully agree. Several have tried, but Jaw really brought the commentary to a new level. His speed and access to meta-knowledge of the game was unmatched. Sure, many of us understand what is going on, but few can actually comment live like that.


Sad days. Even worse, I have played a lot of FF14 Online. He thinks he is leaving for greener grass, but that game is...just...awful.

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So we're not gonna talk about when he had an aneurysm about mirages and how y'all were mocking him for it.


Yea,alright, we're gonna believe people care on here for the sake of it. I surely don't, another creator thinking he's gonna get a better viewpoint going to FF. LOL.




He's going to a game where their PvP is non-existent.

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> @"bladezero.9470" said:

> > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > There was no better commentator for pvp matches then jawgeous. His monthly tournaments and explanation of whats going on in a fight will be missed. I love everything hes ever did for gw2.


> Fully agree. Several have tried, but Jaw really brought the commentary to a new level. His speed and access to meta-knowledge of the game was unmatched. Sure, many of us understand what is going on, but few can actually comment live like that.


> Sad days. Even worse, I have played a lot of FF14 Online. He thinks he is leaving for greener grass, **but that game is...just...awful.**


What do you call 'just awful'?


1. One who put hard work and effort and does its best to keep up with Toxicity by redesigning and reworking potential Toxic designs, mechanics and skills with next expansions and with each professional/job balance updates?


2. One who simply don't give a kitten and allow Toxicity to control its game?


(I know you are entitled to your opinion but i urge you to think carefully before you speak ill about Square Enix Final Fantasy 14)

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"bladezero.9470" said:

> > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > > There was no better commentator for pvp matches then jawgeous. His monthly tournaments and explanation of whats going on in a fight will be missed. I love everything hes ever did for gw2.

> >

> > Fully agree. Several have tried, but Jaw really brought the commentary to a new level. His speed and access to meta-knowledge of the game was unmatched. Sure, many of us understand what is going on, but few can actually comment live like that.

> >

> > Sad days. Even worse, I have played a lot of FF14 Online. He thinks he is leaving for greener grass, **but that game is...just...awful.**


> What do you call 'just awful'?


> 1. One who put hard work and effort and does its best to keep up with Toxicity by redesigning and reworking potential Toxic designs, mechanics and skills with next expansions and with each professional/job balance updates?


> 2. One who simply don't give a kitten and allow Toxicity to control its game?


> (I know you are entitled to your opinion but i urge you to think carefully before you speak ill about Square Enix Final Fantasy 14)


It comes down to 2 things that make it awful. 1) leveling 2) Global cooldowns


There is really no discussion for me beyond this. Story content is meaningless to me.

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> So we're not gonna talk about when he had an aneurysm about mirages and how y'all were mocking him for it.


> Yea,alright, we're gonna believe people care on here for the sake of it. I surely don't, another creator thinking he's gonna get a better viewpoint going to FF. LOL.




> He's going to a game where their PvP is non-existent.


**It is not about him going to a game where Pvp is non-existent, it is about him going to a game company whose trying by failing than trying again**


**One Who Refuses To Give UP No Matter What!!**

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> @"Ouk.5914" said:

> Players bash him for the dumbest kitten , and when he does do some good for the game they just give him kitten for it lol.


Like what? I've never seen him get harassed. He's just being a drama queen and wants to guilt trip the community into liking him.


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I donno it's kinda on him. If ur gonna try and do something like streaming u gotta do it for yourself and the enjoyment u get urself from helping others as people as a whole these days are garbage to each other for the most part, he shoulda expected people's behavior, like the many above for example lol he shoulda developed a tough skin and not gave two crapps about people's opinions :)

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