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FORUM- GW2 Forums are Breaking Working Links

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So let me give an example


In the Ranger forums, I am looking at builds that people have posted.

Everyone uses http://en.gw2skills.net


Here is the link for a build http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBlYD7kRFolFsWQwnFgrFsMLYw/zC6D9JA01+WMTq81S7ExRdBA-jpADBAYZAY/BA

That link works. But only if I copy and paste it on my own.


Once that links is clicked on, it adds many useless kittens before and after the link


In which case you will end up on this page





See the parts that were added?


Can you fix it?



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Can confirm. Was trying to grab the easy installer and Intel/AMD package for Linux from the thread and I thought it was due to the default browser that comes with elementary OS, but no. Tried it in Firefox as well and here on my Windows PC on Chrome and it's the same deal. Links are getting the HTML syntax coding added to them, so we get an error. Hope the web dev team can get this fixed soon.

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GW2 Skills uses some characters that the forum software is parsing incorrectly. (It's a common issue for parsers that have only been tested on standard URLs.)

FYI for @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258": embedding the link doesn't work any better; the problem occurs when the destination URL is formed.


In the meantime, you can post the URL as "code" to make it easier for people to copy without accidentally clicking, for example:



You can use the formatting toolbar (above) or the keyboard shortcuts is: [ctrl o] (select the text, then use the shortcut)

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This is not the only problem in the code of the site and forum pages.

There are code inserts not escaped php in html tags or at least code that is never used in html codes but rather in php.

Finding codes to be server-side in the client-side code is a bad sign.

I can only assume the origin but I know that the markedown code is not managed as it would be if it respected &00% this format and some markdown code parse may interfere with the php parse.

Example found quickly: "\n" "/" with nothing to do where they are.


I pity who will have to review all the code, because it can come from a "used instead of a" or vice versa, or a parse like the markedown comes before the cde php or after that anyway... good luck.


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ANet is aware of the issue



Likely, it's a problem caused by _Vanilla_ (the software company powering the forums) and waiting to be solved by them.

Going by past experience, seemingly simple CSS/rendering issues (including those of their creation) take weeks to resolve.

(Unclear how many of their sites are affected, as each tends to have different customization.)

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In the meantime, I'm working around the issue (sometimes) by using "code" formatting to make the URL easier to copy (and paste).

e.g. instead of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bug, I use



(select text, then use the drop down from the 'paragraph' icon above _or_ press `ctrl-o` _or_ manually type the accents)


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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> Can probably lock this thread, seems to be working now.


I checked just now and external links are working, e.g. [this one](https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/cr2p5z/guild_bank_item_depositing_disabled_again/). They weren't earlier in the week. (I can't remember if I checked around when @"Infusion.7149" posted though; wiki links were already working.)

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