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Upcoming Balance Notes

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> @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> ..... so thanks for that Anet, if your goal was to push your player base to other games you've succeeded. I have to say this is the first time I've seen a company at the 7 year mark not try and hold onto it's player base when we are directly responsible for the revenue that gives them a position in the first place. You've won, I formally give up.


On its coming 7th year anniversary, and with more and more MMOs releasing every year, please appreciate your customers for supporting you all these years and try to make the game more enjoyable.


The least you could do is not cripple gameplay with harsh and senseless changes thus minimising options and brought the level of playability and fun down many notches :/


edit: This will be my last post while I take a few months break from this game and hopefully things will be better by then.

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Informal polling in game chat draws mostly vitriolic responses about this balance patch. The thread has had over 60,000 views (i.e. much more interest than usual for a balance patch). From a person that greatly enjoys this game, I hope that a developer responds to this soon with something that allows the community to swallow this (perhaps bitter) pill.

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COMPLETE AND UTTER GARBAGE. I've played since launch, but this patch is AWFUL in so many ways. Why can't you ADD skills instead of REPLACING the existing content and playstyles? Why not add a new specialization instead of cannibalizing existing ones? I may finally be done with this game. Two thumbs way down ANET.

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It's been said elsewhere but it needs to be said again, the only explanation that makes any sense at all is they wanted to kill off all of the HOT specs so people would be forced to buy POF. The more I read about the patch the more it seems like this is the case. I can't bring myself to even open the game anymore for daily's. They killed both my Reaper and my Chrono.

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> @"Richard Marcinko.5132" said:

> It's been said elsewhere but it needs to be said again, the only explanation that makes any sense at all is they wanted to kill off all of the HOT specs so people would be forced to buy POF. The more I read about the patch the more it seems like this is the case. I can't bring myself to even open the game anymore for daily's. They killed both my Reaper and my Chrono.


Not soo much their killing off hot specs their actually killing off the game.

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> @"mtnjkbm.7452" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Richard Marcinko.5132" said:

> > > It's been said elsewhere but it needs to be said again, the only explanation that makes any sense at all is they wanted to kill off all of the HOT specs so people would be forced to buy POF. The more I read about the patch the more it seems like this is the case. I can't bring myself to even open the game anymore for daily's. They killed both my Reaper and my Chrono.

> >

> > Not soo much their killing off hot specs their actually killing off the game.


> If they would only focus more on pvp and wvw content instead of pushing pve so much....


> Guild Wars 2 is still THE best mmoprg out there, so i hope they consider focusing more on said game content.


Definitely one of them. I'd give eso the nod over gw2 in quest/exploration but due to gw2 combat mechanics it has far more pvp potential than any other mmorpg but given anets decisions of late I'm not surprised they dont see that and do somthing about it lol

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How about actually buffing the Revenant a bit? And i meant everything about Revenant. At least in PvP... its getting ridicoulous. Havent seen a patch with something else than a nerf.


Esp the Impossible odds. Now... ITS CRAP WITH EXTREME HIGH ENERGY COST

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> @"Virdo.1540" said:

> How about actually buffing the Revenant a bit? And i meant everything about Revenant. At least in PvP... its getting ridicoulous. Havent seen a patch with something else than a nerf.


> Esp the Impossible odds. Now... ITS kitten WITH EXTREME HIGH ENERGY COST


can we buff Hammer #2 and #3 in all game modes too? they hit to low :(

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Arena Net, please look at the above comments and respond. I implore you! People are logging out for a final time. I don't want my favourite game to start the slow slide to failing. Yes, of course, all things come to an end but this seems a most unusual and unnatural way to accelerate towards that result. Here is a summary of what the community is saying, (1) this balance patch was bad (emotive word, yes, but no other way to say it accurately), and (2) have the courage to reverse it before it's to late. This can be framed as you 'actually do listen' to your community, and you are 'secure enough' within yourself enough to admit a mistake.

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So upcoming balance notes.

To start being a raid player PVE let's me introduce my opinion :


Chrono : You must change F1 & F4 like before because it's really not pratical in raid. Excepted this i can accepted my F4 fusion with F5.


Weaver : interesting rework who allow to have the same dps than dd ty for this but the condi is maybe a little strong. If you correct this becarefull to keep this dps with zerk.


Tempest : not enough to be attractive again :) (rotation SC was good but not possible in raid so try again^^)


DH : Good nothing to said it's correct.


Firebrand : He needed that to come back so ty for this.


Thief in general : Nothing to said not a important modification.


Holo : You have just destroyed this class in PVE complety usuless now so correct this and upgrade its damage in pve. Just you must separate your McM/Pvp with PVE to achieve this, because same before Holo hadn't enough domage compare to others classes (in PVE).


Druid / SB : Nothing to said


Renegade : it scared me a little but nothing to said it's correct again just don't try to nerf this class or he will become usuless (Excepted support with firebrand good association) . Maybe rework the herald power ? because actually it's usuless ^^.


War : It's ok for me nothing to said.


Scourge/ Reaper : He needs a little rework because actually he is correct just to heal excepted this : Condi do not have enough damage and dps same (it's hard for you because reaper and scourge are stronger in PVP/MCM but actually usuless in PVE so maybe he needs a big rework).


It's all for me tell me what you think of that i'm so curious. I just talked about raid & PVE generally.




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> @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > How about actually buffing the Revenant a bit? And i meant everything about Revenant. At least in PvP... its getting ridicoulous. Havent seen a patch with something else than a nerf.

> >

> > Esp the Impossible odds. Now... ITS kitten WITH EXTREME HIGH ENERGY COST


> can we buff Hammer #2 and #3 in all game modes too? they hit to low :(


Yes please.... its really crappy and soooo incredibly slow with the cast time etc compared to the damage of every other weapon

(not to mention all the bugs)

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Ever since the addition of additional specs to the professions, we have needed to rein in the powercreep. Most specs, HoT and PoF alike, are more powerful, with more options than core classes. In only a few cases were any kind of tradeoffs implemented. There seems to have been a schism at ArenaNet over how to handle this problem, and the game has received a number of changes in a somewhat disjointed way.

Now, after all this time, tradeoffs. Restrictions. Actual changes to professions mechanics and play between specs. This is required to fix the issues of the professions.

Is this late? oh yes. Finished? Nope. Perfect? Nope. But finally the thinking has rolled around to that direction. I for one want it to have ArenaNet just pile the changes on. Define themes, modify as required, without mercy or coddling. All professions, all specs treated the same way. Members of the balance/professions teams augmented with additional resources. Same rules for competitive modes.

Will this be uncomfortable, force people to change playstyles, to learn their professions better, make meaningful choices? You bet.

There is a lot of complaining in this thread, about how ArenaNet has "destroyed" a spec/playstyle/etc. This happens literally EVERY balance patch, big or small. Let's face the facts people- this patch reduced powercreep. Specs got weaker. Some broken interactions were finally nerfed. A number still remain. Some specs still have poorly realized themes. Some specs are too weak or too strong in some roles, crowding out others. The patch feels like part one of a bigger job.

To many in these forums I say: the hysterics, threats and chest beating accomplish absolutely nothing. Balance and profession design have been all over the map in Guild Wars 2, and I am sure no one knows that better than the people at ArenaNet. I hope they have finally solved the issue of clearly very different ideas competing in the work force.

While not everything here is perfect in my opinion, and as stated, feels like part one only, I believe this is a good direction to take. Finally :)



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> @"Naxos.2503" said:

> Hmm, after a lot of reflexion, the Holo Overheat change definitely sounds like a massive nerf, on a rather little played class to begin with. Toolbelt is a quintessential part of the class, how sensical is it for an elite specialization supposed to Benefit the class, actually impeding it so much ? Add a cooldown to Toolbelt when overheat is triggered if you want, but locking them down for the full Overheat ? That's too brutal. You're locking down a Massive amount of potential utility and DPS on a piano class. It's already hard to play, now that makes it Hard and Punishing. I implore you to look at your notes again. No class has been punished to a similar degree before. The toolbelt skills would be -locked- for 15 seconds after a Normal overheat. And around 20 second for a 150 heat gauge. That is Massive. Consider please, that during this time period, the Holo does no longer have access to his Holo forge either. He is stuck with a non switchable weapon set, and utility skills that are not as strong as other classes, because they have part of their damage/utility in Toolbelt skills. Consider please that we already have to trade off f5 for Photon Forge, we explode at Overheat, and take significant damage on a Medium class that is not build for taking a lot of hits on anything but Scrapper.


> You're going at it far too hard. Use cooldowns instead, dont lock it behind Overheat. You'll leave Holo more vulnerable after overheat than they already are. Abort please.


I feel this. Too much. I'm more of a passive gamer. I barely WvW and PVP and only this last year I started raiding. But I've played an engineer since launch, and there have been so many changes over the years that force a person playing engie to play one way only. We have very few weapons to begin with, being mainly a tool-based class, then you nerf the tools, the weapons, the stats, the damage, the tanky-ness, need I go on?


I gotta say, this devastated me. I always HATED rifle in Engie, and loved my sword/shield play. Now, I've passed all my DPS gear to an alt to use, while I learn how to play scrapper all over again, because its quite different from HoT launch. Guess I need all new gear. Is the hammer even worth having anymore?


I...I don't even know what to do with this character anymore. My main has become my trash toon. So sad. RIP my raid holo....you'll likely never be played again. 3

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Reigning in power creep is a decent theory. However, there is one big problem with that: Anet buffed several of the top DPS classes, or left them alone. Chronomancers still do 37k, the new condi renegade (while being terrible for general use) have a specific rotation that hits for 36k, Elementalists now have condi builds that hit for 38k, and the Deadeye's 37k benchmark hasn't been touched. The top 4 damage dealing professions are still the top 4 damage dealing professions.


Which makes me wonder why it is Anet sought to cut away the damage of holosmith. My best guess is that Anet balances for narrative reasons.

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Would it be possible for ANet to provide more detail as to what their vision is for each profession in each game mode? Many of the changes don't make sense to me from a PvE perspective, but I am not in a position to assess if they are achieving what ANet is intending. I can say that from my perspective, the PvE game isn't any more balanced that it was prior to the patch.

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