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Sic em soulbeast nerfed -- What's the next build to play?


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> @"Sandzibar.5134" said:

> They should change reflects/blocks/invulns to only deal with a limited number of attacks, rather than everything over a time duration too...


> Only seems fair ;)


> /s


Actually that is mechanically better than what we have right now . double Endure pain with shield/shield warriors are an actual pain to deal with because of the absurd immunity uptime.

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> @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> Personally, I prefer double axe boonbeast to Sic 'Em, but the unblockable trait was still nice for that build on some matchups and even that build will still take a hit from the Second Skin nerf and warhorn nerf.


> > @"Joshewwah.2956" said:

> > > @"Revolution.5409" said:

> > > The build will still be usable after nerfs, it will just be more difficult to manage.

> >

> > How can you deal damage with only 3 attacks being unblockable? (assuming the longbow 2)


> If you're running Clarion Bond or warhorn offhand, you can use Point Blank shot to knock back and interrupt the block before popping Rapid Fire. However, that assumes you're running marks for Clarion with your pet not merged and pet swap not on cooldown (or are on your warhorn set with weapon swap on cooldown).


> So realistically, pulling off an unblockable rapid fire is still possible, but highly unlikely.


> The Barrage change is meant to offset the unblockable nerfs, but I doubt it will be enough to save the build from irrelevancy.


> > @"mulzi.8273" said:

> > I do find it kinda ironic that any site, like metabattle that lists classes for each mode (wvw, pvp, pve) never, ever lists the ranger as 'meta'. Yet these classes seem to get nerf after nerf after nerf. Playing WvW 75% of folks are on FB or scourge. Thats the balance problem.


> They aren't "meta" because they aren't as effective in the top tier of PvP gameplay, but they're very effective in lower tiers of gameplay. It's the same reason that Deadeye has seen so many nerfs. It's the same reason why turret engineers were nerfed long before that.


Clarion bond doesn't work on the ranger.

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Ranger already a total pariah in WvW yet they strip away even the few decent skills we have. After all they don't want a class that by its very nature is designed to take down people at range, actually taking down people at range do they. Instead we have to be lambs to the slaughter and close on the heavy classes that are going to out tank us every time. Still I could switch to my staff and evade away as a druid. But nope that got nerfed too, perhaps I should just switch to celestial form but wait, the skills there take so long I'd be dead before I cast them. Perhaps I stay soulbeast and quickly switch between pets to make a decent build, but oh yeah, that has ridiculous cooldown too. Guess I'll just make a new build called the punchbag ranger and support the server by allowing people to punch me while the rest of the server does something useful.

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> @"MoonT.6845" said:

> Ranger already a total pariah in WvW yet they strip away even the few decent skills we have. After all they don't want a class that by its very nature is designed to take down people at range, actually taking down people at range do they. Instead we have to be lambs to the slaughter and close on the heavy classes that are going to out tank us every time. Still I could switch to my staff and evade away as a druid. But nope that got nerfed too, perhaps I should just switch to celestial form but wait, the skills there take so long I'd be dead before I cast them. Perhaps I stay soulbeast and quickly switch between pets to make a decent build, but oh yeah, that has ridiculous cooldown too. Guess I'll just make a new build called the punchbag ranger and support the server by allowing people to punch me while the rest of the server does something useful.


Dual Axe for small scale WvW is relatively unchanged. Technically, you have more damage from ranged in zerg fights with longbow due to the changes to barrage, but realistically it's a wash because no one wanted rangers in large fights in the first place.

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Barrage will always be utter garbage in zerg fights until you can move while channeling and no longer trigger 60 ticks of retal that nuke 2/3 of your hp.


Only other way to make it good is to condense it down into like 3-4 pulses with proportionate damage. Effectively a meteor shower clone. Even that will still be worse than spamming CoR into a crowd but it'd be something worth a damn.

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Rangers were pidgeonholed to play the easy mara sic em sbeast. Burst, run away like a chicken, reset, burst, run away again etc. Anet made Rangers play that way because it was the only way to win. Needn't any skill. At least make the nerfs on us gradually instead of a full stomp.

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