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Salvation and Healing Orbs


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Hey there,


I really like that Staff and Salvation got updated, but I can't help but feel that the whole Healing Orb mechanic is kinda clunky. It looks like soap bubbles and is very cluttery for no real reason. In thi thread I want to suggest my ideas as to how Healing Orbs could be turned into a more reliable mechanic.

There will be 2 version;

- first one is going to focus on blasting heals directly from your target (under the same circumstances on which the Healing Orbs were spawned)

- second is more _charge_ oriented. So, instead of spawning Healing Orbs, you gather charges that enhance your healing abilities or cause your abilities to heal.


# Version 1

## Salvation and Healing Orbs


>Mechanic (Staff, Salvation):

Healer's Gift (Trait): No longer creates Healing Orb at the end of your dodge roll. Instead, dodge rolls cause your next attack to blast mini-heal from your target

- Number of (ally) Targets: 5

- Heal: 215, just like Healing Orbs


Staff #3 AA; Rejuvenating Assault

- No longer creates Healing Orbs. Instead, causes **this** attack to heal allies around your target.


Generous Abundance (Trait):

- No longer causes your _Legend_ skills to spawn Healing Orbs. Instead,


Words of Censure (Trait):

- No longer creates Healing Orbs. Instead, blasts mini-heals from your target.


# Version 2

>New Mechanic: Stonewood's Strength (stacking charges), so you basically overcharge your healing abilities


Stonewood's Strength: Charges that enhance your next healing ability (Weapon skills, Utilities) by %. Once used, charges are _Consumed_.


Staff #3 AA; Rejuvenating Assault

- No longer creates Healing Orbs. Instead, gives you 1 charge of Stonewood's Strength.


Healer's Gift (Trait): No longer creates Healing Orb at the end of your dodge roll. Instead, dodge rolls give you 1 charge of _Stonewood's Strength_.


Generous Abundance (Trait):

- No longer causes your _Legend_ skills to spawn Healing Orbs.


Words of Censure (Trait):

- No longer creates Healing Orbs. Instead,, _Surge of the Mists_ leaves a healing area behind you (works with Stonewood's Strength).




So, here they are. Tell me what you think. I know these aren't ideal but they eem what I would personally enjoy and still find interesting. I know that the Healing orb mechanic became a somewhat important part of Ventari's Kit but I still believe it can be made in a way that doesn't leave the whole visual noise on the battlefield.



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I dont want healing boost from Melee weapon like that especially on Staff. Unless Staff became a serious healing melee weapon and the self sustain was good enough to justify the energy cost of Staff and Melee range danger.


I rather Healing Orbs drift towards allies but still pop AoE heals. Would be nice to be a bit more visual in how they look. But honestly I feel that Orb trait should be baseline. Staff and Ventari orbs should be a baseline thing and modified from there. I get great healing in zergs in WvW from it.

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