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Warrior skills that need an update.


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* [brutal Shot](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Brutal_Shot) The theme of this skill is defensive, however its 1/2 sec casting time makes it a very clunky and slow defensive skill. Often, I use Brutal shot to evade an attack that I see coming, but because there are skills that are so fast, the attacks hits me first and then I evade. I believe a 1/4 sec casting time should solve this problem.

* [Rifle Butt](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rifle_Butt) This skill often misses if the enemy is standing right on top of your spot or if the enemy runs behind you. This skills is a melee skill on a range weapon, so to make this skill more reliable you need to increase the radius from 130 to 200 or make the skill have a bigger field of view attack.



* [bladetrail](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bladetrail) In the warrior forums we have asked for a speed buff on the projectile of this obsolete skill for many many years. That is all it needs, a speed increase on the projectile. However, there is an alternative solution, if you want to keep it a slow projectile animation, then you need to buff the damage done or give extra benefits if it hits; for example, if it hits, then pull your enemy towards you and gain quickness.



*[Arcing Arrow](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Arcing_Arrow) Why is this skill casting time 3/4 sec when the projectile speed is also slow? It does not make sense. You can literally reach the projectile as you run. Try this: fire the projectile at max range as you are running, by the time the projectile hits the ground you will have traveled 1200 units and reach the same location as the projectile. You need to reduce casting time to 1/4 sec OR increase the projectile speed. Also, this skill should be an AoE not a projectile so that in blob fights the longbow will not be completely shut down by all the bubbles or projectile reflecting skills.


*[Combustive Shot](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Combustive_Shot) Again, Why is this skill casting time 3/4 sec when the projectile speed is also slow? It does not make sense. You can literally reach the projectile as you run. Try this: fire the projectile at max range as you are running, by the time the projectile hits the ground you will have traveled 1200 units and reach the same location as the projectile. You need to reduce casting time to 1/4 sec OR increase the projectile speed. Also, this skill should be an AoE not a projectile so that in blob fights the longbow will not be completely shut down by all the bubbles or projectile reflecting skills.



* [Pulverize](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pulverize) The auto attack chain is very slow. Reducing this skill cast time from 3/4 sec to 1/2 sec should make the auto chain attack feel smooth and without lag.

* [Pommel Bash](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pommel_Bash) This skill has an internal cooldown of 12 sec and it only does 147 base damage with modifier of 0.4. It also daze and has a range of 130. This is one of those skills that really needs to be updated, as a minimum, it needs to be 10 sec cooldown, increase damage, apply weakness and stun for 1 sec.

* [Tremor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tremor) Why is this a projectile? it should be an AoE attack like revenant's Coalescence of Ruin skill.



*[Flurry](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Flurry) This skill is one of the worst skill the warrior has. It is a slow casting animation, it roots you in place, it has a bug that activates the skill 1/2 sec after you press the button. You need to update this skill and improve its mobility and casting time and fix the bug that makes this skill behave like the axe F1 casting time animation.


*[Final Thrust](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Final_Thrust) benefits only if the enemy is below 50%. if the enemy is above that health threshold, then you only deal low damage. You need to reduce casting time to 1/2 sec OR give furry if it hits your enemy while above the 50% health threshold.



* [Throw Bolas](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Throw_Bolas) Nobody ever uses this skill even after you buffed it, the reason why nobody uses these is because they have a very slow projectile animation and it misses most of the time. You can improve this skill by increasing the projectile speed as simple as that.

* [Fear Me](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Fear_Me!%22) You did update this skill on the latest patch, but you have to understand that this skill has a very long internal cooldown of 60 sec for what it does. You need to reduce the casting time to 25 seconds and revert the fear buff.


That is it, I have been playing GW2 warrior for about 6 years now, and i truly believe that if you were to make these simple changes or update these warrior skills, warriors will get a decent patch for outdated skills.


Now, this is only a post about skills, however, there are some traits that also need an update. I will post them on a separate post later.

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Skills like Kick/Stomp/To The Limit need their aftercasts polished/reduced/removed as they are very clunky.

Stomp skill damage is laughable. In PvE, fully buffed, it deals low damage as if it was bugged.

I would like to see Stomp being more like Wordly Impact, having its ground targeting removed, damage increased significantly, making it good skill for bursty DPS builds.


Anyway, I am up for any reasonable outdated skill updates.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> **RIFLE**

> * [brutal Shot](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Brutal_Shot) The theme of this skill is defensive, however its 1/2 sec casting time makes it a very clunky and slow defensive skill. Often, I use Brutal shot to evade an attack that I see coming, but because there are skills that are so fast, the attacks hits me first and then I evade. I believe a 1/4 sec casting time should solve this problem.


The skill currently is a great setup for gunflame or volley. It is more than defense. It also widens the gap, applies vuln, and roots the target.


> * [Rifle Butt](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rifle_Butt) This skill often misses if the enemy is standing right on top of your spot or if the enemy runs behind you. This skills is a melee skill on a range weapon, so to make this skill more reliable you need to increase the radius from 130 to 200 or make the skill have a bigger field of view attack.


No disagreement here. It should be a PBAoE that knocks everything around you back.




> * [bladetrail](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bladetrail) In the warrior forums we have asked for a speed buff on the projectile of this obsolete skill for many many years. That is all it needs, a speed increase on the projectile. However, there is an alternative solution, if you want to keep it a slow projectile animation, then you need to buff the damage done or give extra benefits if it hits; for example, if it hits, then pull your enemy towards you and gain quickness.


How about Blade trail knocks back the target when it travels out, when it travels back it pulls the target. It would justify the slow speed. I am aware that this may cause the target to get stuck in a knockback/pull animation through the entire attack, but Surge of the Mists already does that so the cat is out of the bag and this would be a nice update.




> *[Arcing Arrow](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Arcing_Arrow) Why is this skill casting time 3/4 sec when the projectile speed is also slow? It does not make sense. You can literally reach the projectile as you run. Try this: fire the projectile at max range as you are running, by the time the projectile hits the ground you will have traveled 1200 units and reach the same location as the projectile. You need to reduce casting time to 1/4 sec OR increase the projectile speed. Also, this skill should be an AoE not a projectile so that in blob fights the longbow will not be completely shut down by all the bubbles or projectile reflecting skills.


> *[Combustive Shot](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Combustive_Shot) Again, Why is this skill casting time 3/4 sec when the projectile speed is also slow? It does not make sense. You can literally reach the projectile as you run. Try this: fire the projectile at max range as you are running, by the time the projectile hits the ground you will have traveled 1200 units and reach the same location as the projectile. You need to reduce casting time to 1/4 sec OR increase the projectile speed. Also, this skill should be an AoE not a projectile so that in blob fights the longbow will not be completely shut down by all the bubbles or projectile reflecting skills.


Just make them 1/2s cast and improve all projectile speeds on Longbow.



> **MACE**

> * [Pulverize](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pulverize) The auto attack chain is very slow. Reducing this skill cast time from 3/4 sec to 1/2 sec should make the auto chain attack feel smooth and without lag.




> * [Pommel Bash](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pommel_Bash) This skill has an internal cooldown of 12 sec and it only does 147 base damage with modifier of 0.4. It also daze and has a range of 130. This is one of those skills that really needs to be updated, as a minimum, it needs to be 10 sec cooldown, increase damage, apply weakness and stun for 1 sec.


Pommel Bash does its job as is. MH mace is a CC not a dps weapon.


> * [Tremor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tremor) Why is this a projectile? it should be an AoE attack like revenant's Coalescence of Ruin skill.


If they did that then I think they would take off the damage from the mace swing and we would be left with just the shockwave damage.

For others reading who did not know this, if you use Tremor at point blank range the swing and the wave both do the listed damage.



> **SWORD**

> *[Flurry](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Flurry) This skill is one of the worst skill the warrior has. It is a slow casting animation, it roots you in place, it has a bug that activates the skill 1/2 sec after you press the button. You need to update this skill and improve its mobility and casting time and fix the bug that makes this skill behave like the axe F1 casting time animation.





> *[Final Thrust](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Final_Thrust) benefits only if the enemy is below 50%. if the enemy is above that health threshold, then you only deal low damage. You need to reduce casting time to 1/2 sec OR give furry if it hits your enemy while above the 50% health threshold.


This is not the only conditional skill of this nature. Arcing Slice is the same way. Final Thrust can hit hard with a power build when someone is below 50%. Cast time used to be longer too. Still, an either or condition when the foe is above 50% would be nice. Perhaps 3 stacks of bleed?




> * [Throw Bolas](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Throw_Bolas) Nobody ever uses this skill even after you buffed it, the reason why nobody uses these is because they have a very slow projectile animation and it misses most of the time. You can improve this skill by increasing the projectile speed as simple as that.


Its an ammo skill, if you miss throw another. GG they double dodge use your burst. But in all seriousness I wouldn't complain about an increase in speed.


> * [Fear Me](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Fear_Me!%22) You did update this skill on the latest patch, but you have to understand that this skill has a very long internal cooldown of 60 sec for what it does. You need to reduce the casting time to 25 seconds and revert the fear buff.


Honestly, I think Fear Me should just be utterly reworked. Make it give the Warrior a crap ton of boons for 10 seconds (10 stacks of might, fury, superspeed, quickness, protection, retaliation), weaken all nearby foes for 5 seconds on a 50s CD. That duration/CD would keep it from being OP.



> That is it, I have been playing GW2 warrior for about 6 years now, and i truly believe that if you were to make these simple changes or update these warrior skills, warriors will get a decent patch for outdated skills.


> Now, this is only a post about skills, however, there are some traits that also need an update. I will post them on a separate post later.


Things like Brave Stride for starters...



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Tremor on mace is such an unreliable skill. It fails so often, it's insane. If you don't have mob exactly in front of you, there is a good chance it will fail and proceed to go on CD. Ridiculous. You can't kite mobs and use this skill. Yesterday I was fighting a champ and I literally stopped pressing all buttons for a second and then pressed only #5 while not directly facing champ. I expect my char to turn and hit him, but instead, skill failed, no effect, but went on CD.

Another issue I have is with vengeful return trait. It fails often as well. Killed bunch of veteran mobs on many occasions and didn't work at all. Not even sure why this thing requires a trait. It should be baseline. What's the point of skill if it's not 100% chance to revive? Should go baseline and balance it appropriately if you feel it would be too powerful. But it shouldn't be too powerful, at least not in PvE.

Of course, priority seems to be to mess up with skills that don't need messing with like this last patch, while every class has bunch of skills that are buggy or underperforming for YEARS and no one cares to look at those.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"cryorion.9532" said:

> Skills like Kick/Stomp/To The Limit need their aftercasts polished/reduced/removed as they are very clunky.

> Stomp skill damage is laughable. In PvE, fully buffed, it deals low damage as if it was bugged.

> I would like to see Stomp being more like Wordly Impact, having its ground targeting removed, damage increased significantly, making it good skill for bursty DPS builds.


> Anyway, I am up for any reasonable outdated skill updates.


Yeah, the physical skills are very old school and clunky. Being clunky is the main reason I never choose them.

Anet did try to make them more reliable by introducing "count." However, the count mechanism does not fix them at all, it is now 2 skills with the same clunky animation.

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Physical skills or shouts aren't being used because a setup like shake it off,berserk or bulls + ep or balanced stance is just the better way to go and will always be that way, Who the f is gonna pick bolas or any of these shitty utils never being used ?


We could use reworks on certain weaps like sword,mace and rifle, things that have been suggested tons of times.I'ts not gonna happen,Anet knows best and the people that have been playing this game for thousands of hours know absolutely nothing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> Physical skills or shouts aren't being used because a setup like shake it off,berserk or bulls + ep or balanced stance is just the better way to go and will always be that way, Who the f is gonna pick bolas or any of these kitten utils never being used ?


> We could use reworks on certain weaps like sword,mace and rifle, things that have been suggested tons of times.I'ts not gonna happen,Anet knows best and the people that have been playing this game for thousands of hours know absolutely nothing.


Yeah, I for once would love to play with a reliable different warrior build that does not involve berserk stance, bull's charge, endure pain or shake it off.

It has been 6 years now since GW2 launch and warrior is pretty much in the same state as it was when it launched. We have had a few improvements here and there, but nothing that would make you say "wow" they care about warrior. In fact, warrior is the least played class in competitive WvW and PvP for a reason.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > Physical skills or shouts aren't being used because a setup like shake it off,berserk or bulls + ep or balanced stance is just the better way to go and will always be that way, Who the f is gonna pick bolas or any of these kitten utils never being used ?

> >

> > We could use reworks on certain weaps like sword,mace and rifle, things that have been suggested tons of times.I'ts not gonna happen,Anet knows best and the people that have been playing this game for thousands of hours know absolutely nothing.


> Yeah, I for once would love to play with a reliable different warrior build that does not involve berserk stance, bull's charge, endure pain or shake it off.

> It has been 6 years now since GW2 launch and warrior is pretty much in the same state as it was when it launched. We have had a few improvements here and there, but nothing that would make you say "wow" they care about warrior. In fact, warrior is the least played class in competitive WvW and PvP for a reason.


Yup,my second played class is thief,and looking at their utils, they can practically make everything work depending your build,thats def not the case for warri where alot of utils just dont work or are much worse than the utils every warri with a brain uses.

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> @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > > @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > > Physical skills or shouts aren't being used because a setup like shake it off,berserk or bulls + ep or balanced stance is just the better way to go and will always be that way, Who the f is gonna pick bolas or any of these kitten utils never being used ?

> > >

> > > We could use reworks on certain weaps like sword,mace and rifle, things that have been suggested tons of times.I'ts not gonna happen,Anet knows best and the people that have been playing this game for thousands of hours know absolutely nothing.

> >

> > Yeah, I for once would love to play with a reliable different warrior build that does not involve berserk stance, bull's charge, endure pain or shake it off.

> > It has been 6 years now since GW2 launch and warrior is pretty much in the same state as it was when it launched. We have had a few improvements here and there, but nothing that would make you say "wow" they care about warrior. In fact, warrior is the least played class in competitive WvW and PvP for a reason.


> Yup,my second played class is thief,and looking at their utils, they can practically make everything work depending your build,thats def not the case for warri where alot of utils just dont work or are much worse than the utils every warri with a brain uses.


That's just false. It seems you take into consideration only some kind of meta/cookie-cutter warrior build but refuse to do the same when you talk about thief. Unless you only play thief in open world pve, but then warrior would have just as much freedom of builds/skills in that environment.

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warrior literally has the most boring utilities, because literally everything does the same.


like for holo, oh you want more damage? get nade, disc, oh u want most survive cuz you cant kill a champion? get arena and shield. you want map completion? get rocket boot

and for thieves, all utilities can be build defining like venom and preparation, and like if you want pure damage increase theres also signet, etc.


but warrior utility is so lack luster, 4/5 of the utilities are buffs, just in different forms. which are uninspired and doesnt change play style what so ever.

banners are aoe stat buff, signets are buffs, shouts buffs except fear me, stances are also buffs in form of being able to soak up more damage etc.

like if you want pure power damage, do i take FGJ, OMM or do i take signets of might and fury or do i take frenzy, like...they all do the same thing.

only physicals are some thing that actually does something yet half of them are useless for how uninspired they are like kick and throw bolas, are you for real?


@caedmon like no matter what utility you use 4/5 of them still make you play the same, there's no animation no actual utility, just u getting the buff when you press the button.

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