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PoF stuck because of mastery points

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So I im a returning player who bought PoF and im at the point where you need to purchase "canyon jumping" on raptor but I have literally no master points. The game literally has the entire map set up to only work with the jump mount or jackyl, so I cant even go and get more mastery points.....like what do I actually do???!!?!!?

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The key is that there are a lot more points available than the insights on the map. Check your achievement panel - the Story gives MPs, as does several fairly easy achievements in Crystal Oasis.


General advice when you progress further in mount masteries: Get rank 3 in all five "base" mounts before getting rank 4 in **any**! Rank 3 increases your movement range with each mount and thus your access to other Mastery Insights.

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I just ran into that. I had the XP but not the Mastery points for level 3 raptor. I did the story line quests, and got a few points. Also, the Reins of the Raptor. That is a super easy collection for 1 point. Once you get the raptor to level 3 and get your skimmer & springer there are a lot of points for a level 1 sringer in the Desert Highlands. Looks to me like getting the raptor to level 3 is about the toughest part. Very limited on what you can do. With my new skimmer (got it today) I already ran around and got a few more Mastery Points.


There are a couple games I did not do. The Pahans Memory Game (A Trip Down Memory Lane) and Pot of Soup (Just a Sip). I looked at them on YouTube and they do not look like anything I would do... I will save them for emergencies ha ha



I also switched between my minion master (story) and my warrior (explorer) depending on where the points are. They are account wide, not character specific. That helps a lot.

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> @"CornFlakes.4317" said:

> So I im a returning player who bought PoF and im at the point where you need to purchase "canyon jumping" on raptor but I have literally no master points. The game literally has the entire map set up to only work with the jump mount or jackyl, so I cant even go and get more mastery points.....like what do I actually do???!!?!!?


hey bro idk if u still need masteries but i also started playing again recently the first day i joined a hero point run in crystal oasis thru the LFG system.. within an hour or two i had so many hero points and masteries.. because usually when u join these if u dont have the mounts to get to certain masteries or HP a mesmer will give u a tele to use

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Also, don't feel you have to complete the masteries for every mount. I mean you eventually probably will, but there is kind of a skill for each mount that massively increases it's usefulness. Canyon jumping, high jump, Jackal portals, etc. Make sure you have the mastery points for those as you go for each new mount before using them on the filler skills that are nice, but not really required.

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