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Open World PVE Holosmith after recent patch


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I have been playing an Engineer since launch. I don't raid or do fractals. I play just to have a bit of stress free fun. I don't understand the recent changes disabling toolbelt skills for Holosmiths, at least for people who have Photonic Blasting Module active. The whole point, if I am not mistaken, of this build is to overheat. You are rewarded for overheating. I don't have any kits on my build. From a strictly fun point of view, this change has gutted the build. I am not talking about DPS, just about enjoying playing the game. I play with a sword and shield so now there is now a 15+ second set of down time where I can only auto-attack. Previously I would use both of my toolbelt skills every 7 seconds so there was a bit to do. Now, there is nothing to do but stand and wait. Is this change intentional for Photonic Blasting Module?

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Haha. Yeah, I feel you, man. I run with the Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit trait in open world. The new change definitely forces you to be more conscious about using the Tool Belt skills before overheating, especially if you run with PBM, since it doesn't decrease your heat meter when Photon Forge is inactive.


I used to have just that one build I'd run and be familiar with, especially in open world, and I know the "Oh, why'd they have to change that, my build's all broken now." attitude. Trust me, I know how you feel.


I'd recommend delving more into the mechanics of your main profession, though. I think you'll find it can be really fun. Finding good combinations and playstyles you enjoy is satisfying. In my own experience, GW2 is much more enjoyable, when I know what I'm doing and why, and when I learn new and better ways to play a profession. The more passive playstyle can certainly make some parts of the game feel like a slog.


If your build right now has that "Oh, now I just wait around for 15 seconds" I daresay it's on you to not just sit on your hands and complain about it on the forums. See it as an opportunity to engage with the game and getting to know your profession better.


It feels like progression. And who knows, you just find it to be an aspect of the game you'll really enjoy.

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> @"Sinifair.1026" said:

> Haha. Yeah, I feel you, man. I run with the Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit trait in open world. The new change definitely forces you to be more conscious about using the Tool Belt skills before overheating, especially if you run with PBM, since it doesn't decrease your heat meter when Photon Forge is inactive.


> I used to have just that one build I'd run and be familiar with, especially in open world, and I know the "Oh, why'd they have to change that, my build's all broken now." attitude. Trust me, I know how you feel.


> I'd recommend delving more into the mechanics of your main profession, though. I think you'll find it can be really fun. Finding good combinations and playstyles you enjoy is satisfying. In my own experience, GW2 is much more enjoyable, when I know what I'm doing and why, and when I learn new and better ways to play a profession. The more passive playstyle can certainly make some parts of the game feel like a slog.


> If your build right now has that "Oh, now I just wait around for 15 seconds" I daresay it's on you to not just sit on your hands and complain about it on the forums. See it as an opportunity to engage with the game and getting to know your profession better.


> It feels like progression. And who knows, you just find it to be an aspect of the game you'll really enjoy.


or switching to another profession and suddenly you will have more damage and no restrictions. The better way of playing engi is going to char select and taking dragon hunter or reaper. they do everything a holo does but better.

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> @"Jethro.9376" said:

> You could use a kit to reduce downtime


Here is the thing. I am tired of kits. I have played Engineer as my main since launch. I have tried numerous builds. Grenadier, turret, etc. When holosmith came a long it was like a breath of fresh air for the profession.

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I use a condi holo build, which means it's a bit less useful to Power Holos, but I essentially countered this by using 2 kits to bridge the cooldown period. I use flamethrower and Grenade kit specifically.


On a power build, that's a bit lessened unfortunately, but it basically means you have to rely solely on your utility once your weapons went into cooldown.

For a condi build, the rotation is more straight forward : Use Holo forge, get up to 50 heat, use All your offensive toolbelt, finish your heat meter by sticking close to the enemy and using holo skills, then blow up with Blasting photonic module for extra damage. During the cooldown period use a Laser disk, and prime light beam, use your weapon skills quickly, switch to flamethrower, use the flamewall skill, launch napalm on it to create a might area buff, finish with flaming vent, switch to grenade kit, launch all grenades, switch back to weapon, by then your heat is gone, and you can use holoforge again and toolbelt. It works like clockwork, but it requires you to Literally use all skills in succession Non-stop. I reach 9K DPS on my own without any exterior buff, and without a completely finished condi gear.


The change actually did not diminish my damage, but forced me onto a specific rotation that guarantees I use all my skills. It doesn't decrease damage, but makes it into a full piano class, more than it already was.

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> @"Naxos.2503" said:

> I use a condi holo build, which means it's a bit less useful to Power Holos, but I essentially countered this by using 2 kits to bridge the cooldown period. I use flamethrower and Grenade kit specifically.


I have been playing solidly since release so I am going to take a break for a bit. I am not a fan of kits. Condi builds are also not great for me because we were pidgin holed into them for a long time. I will try out the grenade kit with holo when I get back. I played with grenades for a long time when I first started my engineer so I am comfortable with them and they are fun. This latest patch made me take a step back and think that it's probably a good time to catch up on some of my Steam backlog. When I get back I will be re-energized to get my Endless Upgrade Extractor.

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It is what it is, Mr. Graymatter. Every now and again, a patch rolls around and just "un-funitizes" what you love to play. Feels like it just so happens to occur in this game more often than others. Good luck in your break though. Was about to take one soon myself, but now knowing my favorite festival, Four Winds, is right around the corner, I'm actually somewhat revitalized!

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> @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:

> It is what it is, Mr. Graymatter. Every now and again, a patch rolls around and just "un-funitizes" what you love to play. Feels like it just so happens to occur in this game more often than others. Good luck in your break though. Was about to take one soon myself, but now knowing my favorite festival, Four Winds, is right around the corner, I'm actually somewhat revitalized!


I haven't had one before because I normally switch goals or game modes when things get a bit stale. Often I would play WvW for a couple of weeks or do something like complete all the jumping puzzles. More recently it was get map completion so I could finish my legendary (6 years without completing my personal story or a full map completion explains my haphazardness :) ). As they say absence makes the heart grow fonder so it's probably a good thing :)

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Nephalem.8921" said:


> or switching to another profession and suddenly you will have more damage and no restrictions. The better way of playing engi is going to char select and taking dragon hunter or reaper. they do everything a holo does but better.


I have one of each profession, and actually I have been planning to delve deeper into exactly Reaper and Dragonhunter, although I mained a Guardian for some time, so I might be doing Reaper first. :)

I enjoy Holo, though, and I'm having a lot of fun with it. Brings a lot of utility with it as well, and have had a lot of fun with PvP and two- and three-man'ing dungeons with some friends.


Incidentally, are there some builds you can point me to that you find interesting for Reaper and Dragonhunter?

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I play holo since this update (never played before) and I think the idea behind it is that we walk this thin red line between maximum heat without overheating. This is an additional layer of complexity which I like. You have to check constantly and turn off when it's too high. Then engage right when you hit 50. Also you still can use all your skills without toolkit when overheating? What's the big issue? You can do something... Even the exceed skills are the better versions since everything is over the threshold.

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Yeah this change was like the berserker mode gut on warrior where when it goes down on cooldown you kind of sit there twiddling your thumbs until you can "play" again. The change was meant to limit the time spent in forge, and also make it risky to use it in PvP, where if you get cc'ed at an inopportune moment you could over heat. The downside with this is that if you do overheat in PvP or WvW it's pretty much game over and you die.

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> @"Strider.7849" said:

> Yeah this change was like the berserker mode gut on warrior where when it goes down on cooldown you kind of sit there twiddling your thumbs until you can "play" again. The change was meant to limit the time spent in forge, and also make it risky to use it in PvP, where if you get cc'ed at an inopportune moment you could over heat. The downside with this is that if you do overheat in PvP or WvW it's pretty much game over and you die.


Is leaving photon forge even affected by stuns? It's instant.

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