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How much do you tip Mesmers for JP ports?

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I read on the old forums that people tip 1 gold, but if you're only making 2 gold for doing the dailies, then you're giving half of it away.

Do you tip depending on the difficulty of the JP?

Do you tip depending on how much money you have at the time?

I've had some Mesmers give the tip back ... why? Are they really that nice?? =)

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I've given a mesmer that literally stuck with me for hours to help me get the diving goggles in not so secret (random passerby, don't even know the guy, norn and has problems a few times himself to get up there due to how huge he was) like 3 to 5 gold if I recall.

Others though... I don't. Not that I'm not grateful but I'm genuinely poor as hell in the game and see no ways of making gold easy.

Don't want to some off as a cheap moa and give almost nothing so... just tell them thanks. Think it would be more disrespectful to give copper/silver than nothing at all.

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When I tip it's usually 1g, but sometimes I'll send a rare if I get one from the JP chest.


Whether I tip or not greatly depends on the jumping puzzle in question and how nice the Mesmer is about it. I'm more inclined to tip if I've been in a map for a while and see the Mesmer helping people for an extended period of time, even if I don't need the JP myself. I'm also more inclined to tip if I find the JP difficult/tedious. And like was said above, if they specifically ask for a tip I'm most likely to just not use their portal at all.

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I've had people tip me, and it's usually been 1 gold.

I usually send it back.

I've had people offer to tip me, and I've refused.

I like helping people, and that's really all the "thanks" I need. I feel helpful, they feel helped. If I didn't want to help, I simply wouldn't.


If a mesmer ports me somewhere, I never tip, and I've never been asked/expected to tip.

I don't know. The people I come across in this game have always been really nice, and I like being nice too so it seems to work out.

If you're asking in map chat for a port somewhere, it might be polite to offer a tip, and give it to them unless they decline. Especially if they have to go out of the way or inconvenience themselves. But even when I've had to go out of my way and do an annoying puzzle, I've never asked to be tipped. If the puzzle was too hard/annoying for me, I just wouldn't offer to help.

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Depends on the port. If someone is sitting on a place that's clearly easy and it's a quick lazy fee then I'll tip just 1. Standard for me is 5g, to any place I'm trying to clear on an alt and someone is giving me a ride. If it's a JP I've tried a few times over the course of 2-3 hours and just give up, I might go upwards of 10g (one off achievement kinda things), but usually 5g.


The one exception was the "Not So Secret We Grandfathered Everyone Else But You Ha Ha Ha We Think That's Funny Dive...I SAID DIVE!!: Extreme Hyperbole Edition". I tipped that person 20g. It was a monkey on my back and was happy to be rid of it. Plus, the effort for them is quite a bit more, they have to use a few mesmers, and I died 3 times until I finally got the right angle. And they were super patient. :)


But I never pay to do a daily, and therefore don't take them, as that would be 'hugely' counter-productive to me getting 2g. Just take one-off achievement rides.

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Once i did that pirate ship JP daily and stayed there to portal people. I had no idea people actually tip mesmers for portals nor did i ask anyone to pay me, but i made about 3-4 gold staying there i think. Some people payed me 1 gold, some 30s, others 10-15, the tips i got were random.


So if tipping mesmers is a thing (and it probably should be considering some poelpe stay there for an hour or so just doing portal for others), just tip what you can afford if you want and move on.

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I don't think I've ever tipped anyone, but I always try and say a thank you to any mesmers around if I do use a portal. Normally if its a daily jumping puzzle there are several mesmers doing portals and I never know whose I've used so I just thank them all. At the same time if I'm on one of my mesmers I'll normally throw down a portal or two while I'm there and don't expect anything in return.


If some came specially to help me through something then that would be a different matter.

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I've only ever taken mesmer portals by accident. I don't tip and just hope I can use the portal again to get back where I was and carry on with what I was doing.


I've occasionally been told I should tip, and 1g is the amount people have recommended (or less if you can't afford it), but always by other people using the portal, not the mesmer themselves.

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Most mesmers that I know/have dealt with (myself included) do not expect a tip. I have, on numerous occasions, ported JP's for hours while watching movies just to be helpful. It is always appreciated, but not required. I have gotten tips ranging from 20s to 5g, depending on the puzzle/player.

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