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max heal reaper boredom

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So I went trough the trouble of finding out the maximum healing output of Reaper in full BIS heal gear


At maximum while out of combat you can have either 2200 healing power with 68% outgoing heals or 2400 healing power at 48% outgoing healing.


In combat and in best conditions (sitting at 25% or less health) you can have 2900 healing power...this almost never happens.


Anyway, using life from Death combined with sigil of renewal, you can heal for a maximum of 9000 every time you enter and exit shroud. Normally this number is 8000.


Using Reaper 4(transfusion traited) you can heal for 18,000 health under normal conditions and probably around 20000 in ideal conditions


Blood wells heal for 12,000 on the initial tick and an extra 2000 every subsequent tick, totaling 22,000 heals under normal circumstances. This number is drastically higher in ideal conditions.


Dagger 2 heals at maximum about 8,000. Haven’t really tested this too well.

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Here you can even reach 2960 healing power if you forsake all offense.


Without the 20% outgoing healing, Signet of vampirism even heal you passively when hit for 1176 health point whether you're in shroud or not. Signet of locust heal for 3276 per target hit, up to 16380.


With the 20% outgoing healing numbers should be around:

- signet of vampirism (passive): 1411 potential hps.

- signet of vampirism (active): 7716.

- signet of vampirism (vampiric stack): 1416.

- signet of locust: 3931 (1 foe), up to 19656.

- spiteful renewal: 1508.

- life from death: 6184.

- transfusion: 1416 per tic.

- life sihpon: 1044 per tic on bleeding foe up to almost 9500 health recovered.

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This is the build that i tested this on.



I want to be clear, that personally, i would not run this build in any serious gameplay. It was merely a test to see how much a reaper could heal in a WvW zerg scenario.

Here are the specifications of the build.

Healing Modifiers:

**Sigil of Transference** - 10%

**Sigil of Benevolence** - 12.5%

**Food: Delicious Rice Ball** - 10%

**Utility: Bountiful Maintenance Oil** - 13%

**Rune of the Monk** - 20%

**Total** - 65.5% with 2076 Healing Power.


With Rune of Altruism/Rebirth : 45.5% with 2201


Notes: To reach the real maximum of 2200 healing power (or 2,300 with Altruism/Rebirth), you would use Tapioca Pudding to get 200 healing power every time you use a Heal skill. For these tests i've ignored buffs from 3rd parties, which include:

Traited Signet of Mercy (+180 Healing Power)

Banner of Tactics (+100 Healing Power)

Wielding a Frost Bow (Additional +20% Healing Modifier and 180 Healing Power)


So ya, i would not run this build in any real scenario in wvw. Even though the heals are very powerful, there are better iterations of of max Heal Necro, that involve using Core or Scourge. Using Core gives you the benefit of using Life Transfer (Which has now been buffed to 25 Second cooldown instead of 40) which has a heal range of 600. Soul Spiral (Reaper 4) only has a heal range of 300. Scourge also has more support options, Barriers in particular and other synergies that make better use of the Healing Power.


To put it shortly, Heal Reaper suffers from lack of rotation. The only real healing abilities it has are the enter/exit from shroud, Soul Spiral, and using Blood Wells. This means that most of the time you are idling around not doing much other than using damage skills.


If there is one thing i would use in a real WvW scenario it would be a core necro rez bot healer. Like i mentioned above, Core necro has the Life transfer and the enter/exit shroud every 10 seconds. This is really nice for Healing in a larger AOE. When equipped with Mercy Runes, you become the best rez bot in the game, and can recover from a potential zerg wipe before it even happens. If you do decide to run with a core necro rez bot, you only need one per zerg.



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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQJBIhJUZjleBbaHs1CCQjpCQAI+JOFviA-jxRDQBsUJo8OBAA4BAgJ1f2jeghp8Dm7PEA4A49uHAv/+7v/+7t97v/+7v/+7v/+7lCwvdWA-e


> Here you can even reach 2960 healing power if you forsake all offense.


> Without the 20% outgoing healing, Signet of vampirism even heal you passively when hit for 1176 health point whether you're in shroud or not. Signet of locust heal for 3276 per target hit, up to 16380.


> With the 20% outgoing healing numbers should be around:

> - signet of vampirism (passive): 1411 potential hps.

> - signet of vampirism (active): 7716.

> - signet of vampirism (vampiric stack): 1416.

> - signet of locust: 3931 (1 foe), up to 19656.

> - spiteful renewal: 1508.

> - life from death: 6184.

> - transfusion: 1416 per tic.

> - life sihpon: 1044 per tic on bleeding foe up to almost 9500 health recovered.


Ya i guess i should also mention that in terms of **Healing Power** you could go much higher than 2200. 3500 probably being the maximum with the above constraints i mentioned in the post i made above. However i'd like to point out that **stacking Healing Power does not mean you will have more Healing Output**. Healing modifiers are an important part of the equation, and can boost your healing much higher. Ideally, one would want as much healing power and as many healing modifiers as they can possibly stack, but they both function symbiotically with one another. For example, at 2200 Healing power, Transfusion heals the same (around 1425 heals per tick) with 50% Healing modifiers, than Transfusion at 3000 healing power with 20% Healing modifiers (1416 like you pointed out). Hitting 3000 Healing Power is pretty impossible due to the nature of Last Rites, which gives 450 Healing Power while under 25% Health...You are almost never at <25% Health and if you are your healing is probably on cool down. So in a more realistic setting, 2500 Healing Power is the number you would use to calculate your Healing output, even as a maximum.


Anyway, i'm just giving my reasoning as to how i settled on the numbers i did in the Original Post. Healing Modifiers are for supporting other players as well, so if your more into a solo style of play, You may want to theory craft a build that stacks healing power instead of Healing modifiers (this should be obvious). Transfusion in such a case wouldn't be very useful in solo play


But ya Signet of Vampirism healing for 1500 everytime your hit sounds sexy asf lol.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> You know that bloodwell only heals yourself on first tick?


I actually didn't know much about blood wells like that. But ya did some research and read the skill more carefully. Thanks.


I'm just gonna copy paste the interesting parts from the wiki.

This is the Trait "Ritual of Life"

* Only the reviver gets the initial self heal.

* The well is created when starting the revival process.

* Also triggered when reviving with the Signet of Undeath, the well will be placed at the caster's position. (<---very interesting gonna have to test this)

* Revive amount is increased by outgoing healing modifiers.


> @"Majy.6792" said:

> Pretty new to game, my reaper is my favorite character so far. Are these builds viable as group healing builds? Or maybe better question - when might you want a build like this?


The short answer is no, they aren't viable builds. They are Toy/playtest builds to see how big we can get our green numbers on the screen. There aren't very many viable healing necro builds out there. There's only one that i do know exists and is considered "viable" among the meta community.

Personally I've never theory crafted for one outside of Core Heal Rez Bot Necro, which is essentially a Healing necro with the Rune's of Mercy to speed rez people in zerg settings. With the buffs to Life Transfer as of recently it might be a good time to theory craft for it once again.

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Minion Master healing variants can be used effecively. The minions tank and provide a good minimum dps. The Necro's job is to keep minions from dying and top them off as often as possible. The "rotation" is to time transfusion and shroud exits (Life from Death.)


It is slow and casual but it works.

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> @"Majy.6792" said:

> Pretty new to game, my reaper is my favorite character so far. Are these builds viable as group healing builds? Or maybe better question - when might you want a build like this?


Almost never. Maybe in premade group but generally many other classes do this job better.


I do not think necros are supposed to be healers but think of it more like supportive healing while removing conditions, thus focusing healing power is kinda meh it's probably meant to be some kind of gimmick.






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